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RE: Wartime Diary, Kyiv, 10.07.22

in Team Ukraine3 years ago

Nobody buys your crap. Your "how many Ukrainians have to die" drivel, you are despicable. That's why there's zero sympathy for Ukraine. If you had not been complete sympathy leeches, if you wouldn't have lied like Amber Herd, hoax after hoax, and to this very day, you still claim that Donetsk was bombed by Russia, utterly despicable, Ukraine attacks and kills children and blames the rebel forces of basically bombing themselves, since they control the city, this has been documented for 8 years, and it continues. This latest bombing you report on the bombing is very strange. 10 rockets, one residential building hit, 2 casualties, zero others injured or wounded or at least affected, zero details, zero names, zero video, one picture, zero pictures of the other 9 rocket hits, zero pictures of the rocket fragments and remnants, no details about the damage other than that which leads me to think that it was a either successful hit on military targets, with collateral damage more than likely the reason for was the Ukrainian fighting doctrine, hiding behind civilians to avoid being blown up, and considering that its close to the front its almost guaranteed, though considering the Ukrainian penchant of lying, and hoaxing, it could have been another terrorist attack, especially since they don't show extensive documentation of the damage and direction, only one obscure picture. If the Allied Forces are really responsible for the attack and it was a military target its understandable, but why would they benefit from Ukrop Tactics of Terrorism, waste of ammo and giving Ukrop free publicity for their sympathy leeches to spread? Yeah, makes sense.. Meanwhile, Ukrop can't stop, won't stop pumping out Pro Russian propaganda such as claiming Donetsk was bombed by the Russians, that 10 year old girl killed by himars, that's exactly the propaganda that makes Ukrainians inform on your "defenders" movements and locations and plans, and that bombing of children is clearly documented and detailed and that is the best Russian Propaganda for all who join and volunteer to demilitarize and denazify Ukrop.