prudens cross-posted this post in EDM 2 years ago

European Dance Cup 🍀Rok Art 💃🏃‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♂️🤸‍♀️story,part#1

in BANAT2 years ago (edited)



Zdravo svim ljubiteljima plesa👋
Juče sam imala čast da prisustvujem jednom jako dobrom dogadjaju.Radi se o plesnom takmičenju European dance cup .Odigrava se 12.-13.novembra ovde u Rumuniji,u Temišvaru .

Hello to all dance lovers👋
Yesterday have the honor to attend a very good event. It is a dance competition European dance cup.It happens on November 12-13 ,here in Romania, in Timisoara.

ozbiljan žiri 🤫

serious jury 🤫

Jazz,modern ballet, classical ballet, artistic dance show,film musical....ovo su samo neke od kategorija....

Jazz, modern ballet, classical ballet, artistic dance show, film musical....these are just some of the categories....

Veliki je odziv,ima toliko talentovane dece.Moram sa ponosom da kažem da je i moja ćerka Sava medju njima.Za nas koji volimo ples,muziku i druženje ovo je pravi raj na zemlji😉

There is a great turnout, there are so many talented children. I must proudly say that my daughter Sava is among them. For those of us who love dancing, music and socializing, this is a true paradise on earth 😉

Probaću da vam dočaram atmosferu 🤸‍♀️💃🤸‍♀️💃

I'll try to give you the atmosphere 🤸‍♀️💃🤸‍♀️💃


Mnogo je tu truda uloženo,mnogo vremena i ljubavi

A lot of effort, a lot of time and love was invested here


Bravo devojke!!!!

well done girls!!!!


Sve su one pobednice,posle toliko vežbanja i zalaganja,svi zaslužuju medalje.

They are all winners, after so much practice and commitment, they all deserve medals.

Tako mladi a već veliki profesionalci😉
možda to iz mene govori samo ponos roditelja,možda sam pristrasna , vidite i sami😉

So young and already great professionals😉
maybe it's just my parent's pride speaking from me, maybe I'm biased, can see for yourself😉


Toliko je talentovane dece....

There are so many talented kids...


Pogledajte samo tu lepotu,sigurna sam da osetite njohovu energiju i odlučnost

Just look at that beauty, I'm sure you can feel their energy and determination


Žiriju je zaista teško u ovim situacijama😐

It's really hard for the jury in these situations😐

Kako odlučiti ko zaslužuje prvo mesto...

How to decide who deserves first place


Imam toliko fotografija.....ali na žalost neću vam sve pokazati,stvarno ih je previše 🙂

I have so many photos.....but unfortunately I won't show you all, there are really too many 🙂



Moram im odati priznanje,jer meni je naporno da ceo dan provedem u gužvi,na nogama,u nekom iščekivanju ...a kako je njima tek...

I have to give them credit, because it's hard for me to spend the whole day in a crowd, on my feet, in some kind of anticipation... and how are they doing...

Pogedajte ovo 👏👏👏👏👏

Look at this 👏👏👏👏👏

☆☆☆let's dance together☆☆☆
☆☆☆let's dance together☆☆☆

Verujte mi da je energija super ovde u hali,oseća se adrenalin,takmičarski duh ali pre svega prava zabava

Believe me, the energy is great here in the hall, you can feel the adrenaline, the competitive spirit, but above all, real fun


Let's dance together 💃💃💃💃

Veliki pozdrav svim Hiverima od Dragane.

Greetings to all Hivers from Dragana.