djuramrdja cross-posted this post in EDM 2 years ago

Magija Jazza 🎷🎺🎸 The magic of Jazz

in BANAT2 years ago (edited)


Prošle nedelje je u Vršcu održan 16. Internacionalni Jazz & BLUZ festival posvećen Momiru Momi Cvetkoviću. U četiri festivalska dana u prepunom klubu „Studio“ Centra Milenijum na sceni je prodefilovalo preko četrdesetak muzičara u izboru Dušana Bogovića Gerija. Ljubiteljima Džeza i bluza predstavili su se: Alex & The Fergusons, Novakov & Bartus Trio, Peđa Milutinović Drumbooty, Vladimir Samardžić Trio, Max Кochetov Quintet i Кatarina Pejak Trio.

Last week, the 16th International Jazz & Blues Festival dedicated to Momir Momi Cvetković was held in Vršac. During the four days of the festival, over forty musicians in the selection of Dušan Bogović Geri paraded on the stage in the crowded "Studio" club of the Milenijum Center. Jazz and blues lovers were presented by: Alex & The Fergusons, Novakov & Bartus Trio, Peđa Milutinović Drumbooty, Vladimir Samardžić Trio, Max Kochetov Quintet and Katarina Pejak Trio.



Svaka svirka i nastup je bila priča za sebe koju je uspešno vodio moderator Vladislav Pejak. Publika je svojim aplauzima nagradila izvođače za izuzetne nastupe. Poseban utisak su ostavili mladi jazzeri, učenici i profesori jazz odseka Muzičke škole Josif Marinković kao i studenti Кatedre za jazz i popularnu muziku Fakulteta muzičke umetnosti iz Beograda.

Each gig and performance was a story in itself, successfully led by moderator Vladislav Pejak. The audience rewarded the performers for their exceptional performances with their applause. A special impression was made by young jazz musicians, students and professors of the jazz department of the Josif Marinković School of Music, as well as students of the Department of Jazz and Popular Music of the Faculty of Music from Belgrade.

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Pored dobre svirke na festivalu smo imali prilike da vidimo izložbu fotografije Darka Sekulića. Izložbu je otvorio Aleksandar Avramesku, snimatelj RTS-a i umetnički fotograf. Izložene fotografije su svojevrsni dokument kroz vreme Jazztronica. Pored svoje umetničke vrednosti Sekulićeve fotografije imaju vanvremensku dimenziju. Svaka od njih ima svoju priču.

In addition to a good concert at the festival, we had the opportunity to see an exhibition of Darko Sekulić's photography. The exhibition was opened by Aleksandar Avramescu, RTS cameraman and artistic photographer. The exhibited photos are a kind of document through the time of Jazztronic. In addition to their artistic value, Sekulić's photographs have a timeless dimension. Each of them has its own story.

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Prilikom slikanja jedne fotografije Sekulić je bio deo performansa koji su izveli muzičari na sceni. Publika koja je redovno prati Jazzztronic imala je priliku da se podeseti na neke festivale i muzičare. Dok posmatrate fotografije možete da „čujete“ i muziku. Tu je vrednost Sekulićevih fotografija.

While taking a photo, Sekulić was part of the performance performed by the musicians on stage. The audience that regularly follows Jazzztronic had the opportunity to tune in to some festivals and musicians. While looking at the photos, you can also "hear" the music. That is the value of Sekulić's photographs.

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Deo programa se odvijao i u Muzičkoj školi Josif Marinković. Profesori sa Кatedre za jazz i popularnu muziku Fakulteta muzičke umetnosti iz Beograda održali su master klas učenicima jazz odseka.

Part of the program also took place at the Josif Marinković Music School. Professors from the Department of Jazz and Popular Music of the Faculty of Music from Belgrade held a master class for the students of the jazz department.

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Festival je bio svojevrsni omaž osnivaču Jazztronica i idejnom tvorcu Festivala Momiru Momi Cvetkoviću.

The festival was a kind of tribute to the founder of Jazztronic and the creator of the Festival, Momir Momi Cvetković.

Život ne može da stane!

Life cannot stop!


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