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RE: Curangel drops the sword

in Curangellast year

....I was just talking about this today with someone else, the hive community is all "laughter and happy family" until you point your finger at someone who is doing something wrong and that someone instead of correcting it what they do is attack you back .... that's hive, i don't agree that hive is decentralized. and that has to do with how votes work.

youtube removed downvotes because they "hurt the feelings of the creators" youtube removed downvotes when their crappy rewind videos were shit and people were showing it with downvotes.
downvotes always have to exist, there are always people who will agree or disagree with what you do.

then there are those who bully others with downvotes.... wich is NOT okay. should be a way to block abusers, like any other social, and or report someone. instead of paying crazy amounts of money to randoms to bring more ppl to hive it should be invested in making a better place to be/post/create.

i think hive needs a Rework on how it works, and with so much money circulating i don't know how they haven't hired anyone yet to make the improvements that are CLEARLY needed.
hive is not the same as it was years ago, now I only see how every day x person posts anything so that every day a specific curator votes his content... only and exclusively to that person, when in previous years I could see how this curator DIVERSIFIED his votes...

it seems as if the rest of the creators were painted on a wall and did not exist, nobody reads the posts? nobody really diversifies their votes nowadays? very few people do it.

even if you are a creator you have to make a 50,000 word post about why the heck you did x illustration, to be "valuable" even if you show a step by step/ video whatever.


not your fault curangel, is just downvotes dont work as it should, for certain things you guys want to fight, the votes and downvotes or dislikes whatever, need as i said a rework, and how hive works in general. curators are not curators if they only vote for one single, or just few ppl. thats not okay.

there are so many things that are not okay with hive, and all this is becoming an toxic positivism place.

You make great points! And I have to laugh at the recognition of YouTube's REAL motivations 😂