That description just before the first heading. I feel like it both summed everything up perfectly and was simultaneously complete gibberish to me. I loved it XD (the description that is, not the series, which I haven't seen because you know superheroes)
I love the headings by the way,
Sounds like you enjoyed this one a little bit more than the last one XD

Ahhhh! I knew you would be the first one to notice that detail. Had a really great time aligning the images for the headers. I can't help it, everything I do (especially on here) is just so intentional. I wonder if you noticed the differences in the images 🤔
Definitely! Night and day between this and the last one. I wouldn't recommend this series to people who haven't caught with the movies though. I feel you'd have more appreciation if you knew the full context.
I'm probably not the first to notice, just the first to say anything ;D
Yep I see that the images are either different images or different parts of images but could not really see what they were all the time (in fairness, I didn't stare that hard x_x).
I'd have more appreciation if I liked superheroes, there's already a very strong bias there XD
I don’t want to dive too deep because it feels like the explanation itself could go as long as a post hahaha! I just have to say “eyes and mouth”
Sounds like you have another post for your post ideas/queue ;D
Oh I have tons! It's just that time isn't a luxury I have, unfortunately 😓
I know them feels.
This is you with kids, JJ and other adult responsibilities. This is me with just work. I don't know how I'd be able to manage once things add up. Fingers crossed it'll just be like levelling up in games and I just instantly learn new skills hahaha!