Name: Doomsday
Origin: An artificial life-form created on prehistoric planet Krypton long before the human-like Kryptonians existed. In those days, Krypton was home to the most dangerous creatures in existence and was a hellish place. An alien scientist named Bertron attempted to create the ultimate being. Bertron and his team sent a baby to the planet where it would be killed by the dangerous environment or the monstrous predators there. Once the baby died, the scientists would collect the remains, clone the baby, and send the (upgraded) clone to again be killed, and repeat the process over and over and over. The memories of thousands of violent deaths was burned into the creature’s mind and genetics driving it to hate all living beings. The creature finally developed the ability to evolve and resurrect itself, growing strong enough to kill all of Krypton’s dangerous beasts and ultimately Bertron himself. The monster would then go on an intergalactic killing spree before finally making its way to Earth and its greatest battle against its greatest prey: the Man of Steel called Superman.
Powers/Abilities: As a side effect of the cloning process that created him, Doomsday has the power to resurrect himself from the dead and become immune to whatever killed him before. So even if he was defeated a certain way once, that same way would be ineffective the next time. Thus, Doomsday is immensely difficult to kill or even wound. He can heal at an accelerated rate, is invulnerable to all but the most powerful of attacks (such as the nearly all powerful Omega Beams) and has enough stamina to keep fighting for days and months without tiring. Doomsday does not need food, water, air or sleep. He does however need solar energy to maintain his power as most Kryptonians do. Doomsday can adapt to whatever enemy he is facing (such as developing flame breath to fight Martian Manhunter, closing his auditory canals to block out a sonic gun, generating dark energy to counteract the Radiant’s light energy, etc.). The beast is covered in extremely durable bony protrusions that give added protection to his internal organs and also double as weapons. His claws could cut through Superman’s skin and were poisonous. Doomsday’s most obvious power is his immense superhuman strength that has allowed him to beat Darkseid (a literal alien god) unconscious and to break the arm of the almost indestructible Superman with little effort. His strength allowed him to decimate the entire Justice League as well as murder thousands of Green Lanterns. Unable to fly, Doomsday could leap great distances and could move and react at great speeds (even managing to tag the Flash). Despite having no formal training, Doomsday is a fierce and savage hand to hand combatant. He also has the power to sense the presence of Kryptonians as well as an overpowering urge to kill any who cross his path due to his many violent deaths on Krypton. In spite of his overwhelming power, resistance to damage, healing factor, and ability to evolve, Doomsday has two main weaknesses: a lack of intelligence that would allow for outsmarting and trapping him as well as being sent into the future to the end of time (from which nothing can survive).
Random Trivia: Doomsday is infamous for killing Superman. He got his name when Booster Gold said that the monster’s coming resembled “the arrival of doomsday”. Doomsday was able to brutally beat several powerful Justice Leaguers (Guy Gardener, Fire, Bloodwynd, Maxima, and Booster Gold) with one hand literally tied behind his back. He is one of few beings besides Superman who can withstand Darkseid’s Omega Beams.