Reverdecer ... Esp-Eng

in Soloescribe2 months ago



Hay días que simplemente te llenas de pensamientos que no sabes cómo gestionar, quizás creer en un posible en un momento me llena de renacer, renovarme y llenarme de esperanza.

Pensar en ese reverdecer que vemos como algo muy común, me recuerda que en un momento todo cobra vida, ese momento en que la naturaleza trás una sequía o un periodo de desgaste, recupera su vitalidad y comienza a reverdecer de nuevo.

Recordar como la naturaleza toma fuerzas, esos campos floridos que se viste de verde después de varias tormentas, que se inunda de su propia belleza y disfruta de su propio color.

Es similar a las personas, esa forma que tenemos de superar adversidades, recuperar ánimos y renacer con más fortaleza y fé, esa que nos invitan a buscar sentido a las decisiones que marcan el rumbo de nuestra existencia.

Estoy en un momento de quitarme las ramas secas, cambiar la tierra seca, sin miedo a ver los nuevos brotes que estan por nacer, aunque la sequía continua y es difícil reverdecer.

No sé trata de dejar atrás o simplemente olvidar, se trata de tomar ese aprendizaje que cada situación te a dejado y continuar, sabiendo que no todo lo puedo controlar, tomando lo positivo y buscando un nuevo pensamiento que me permita reverdecer entre tanta sequía.

No es fácil dejar aún lado un pensamiento, una esperanza, un sentimiento, pero realmente no es olvidar, se trata de continuar buscando nuevos horizontes quizás con ese nuevo reverdecer.



There are days that simply fill you with thoughts that you do not know how to manage, perhaps believing in a possible moment fills me with rebirth, renew and fill me with hope.

Thinking about that resurgence that we see as something very common, reminds me that in a moment everything comes to life, that moment when nature after a drought or a period of wear and tear, recovers its vitality and begins to green up again.

Remembering how nature takes strength, those flowery fields that dresses in green after several storms, that is flooded with its own beauty and enjoys its own color.

It is similar to people, that way we have of overcoming adversities, recovering our spirits and being reborn with more strength and faith, that which invites us to look for meaning in the decisions that mark the course of our existence.

I am in a moment of removing the dry branches, changing the dry land, without fear of seeing the new shoots that are about to be born, although the drought continues and it is difficult to green up.

It is not about leaving behind or simply forgetting, it is about taking that learning that each situation has left you and continue, knowing that not everything I can control, taking the positive and looking for a new thought that allows me to green up in the midst of so much drought.

It is not easy to leave even aside a thought, a hope, a feeling, but it is not really about forgetting, it is about continuing looking for new horizons perhaps with that new greening.

Story of my authorship, I do not allow the reproduction or modification of the text.
