Knock Knock - Who's there?

"Knock, knock!"
"Who's there?"
"Wie who?"
"I'm glad you're so happy to see me
and I don't think that's a banana in your pocket..."
"You're wrong, it actually is..."
(Takes the banana out of his pants' pocket and starts eating it with gusto...)

I know, that is not how knock knock-jokes go, they are usually a bit shorter but hey, I like to make fun, even of jokes. And if you ask me, rules are there to be broken ( after having learnt them first ). That's what I call creativity ;<)

Knock, knock!
"who's there?"
"You who?"
"I am pleased to see you too!"
"Really? I don't give a rat's ass about that band and Bono is not invited!
[walks away from the door...]"

And that's how another, improvised knock, knock-joke would become less and less funny...)

Back to me...

Me who?

Me me

I can't hear what you're saying.
Please stop talking like a baby!

As you might know, I stopped posting with this account a while ago...

why? can be read hereFor those who were still unaware of that fact, I moved over to a new blog: @diaryofacreative More about the

because of the aforementioned, I decided to check back in and see which one of you are still around. I feel I might be able to lure a few of you over to the dark other side, my new account

Also, I came up with this not very original title due to being raised a joker/with humor and word jokes. In fact, I used to know hundreds of jokes, by head, decades ago. This compensated nicely for my serious side and balanced/balances out the 'negativity' in the world/my life on a daily basis.


Who doesn't know knock knock! who's there? jokes

If you don't, you have missed out.


typo/pun intended

I am aware of the fact that it's also Summer in a lot of places around the world ( and if it's not, it will be Winter ), which might make people be less active online/ on here.

Add to that, the current value of Hive and the lull/horizontal movement in the crypto market of the last handful of months and I totally understand why many of you ( including those who are not reading this or finding this late ) have started spending less of their precious time and energy on here.

So that's why I came knocking on your virtual door ;<)

Oh and one more reason why I plan to keep posting on here, every now and then, is caused by this thing called 'gamification'. I figured out that I have written 981 posts with this account - only a thousand more to go to hit my birth year ;<) - over the (7+) years on this platform/the blockchain and it would feel like a shame to stop, just before I hit the big 1000.


So I hope you don't mind me come aknockin', on this door, every now and then.

I am curious if you will still open up for me. And, if not, you might at least reply to my knock, knock-joke by informing who's there?

Knock, knock?

possibly about the length of my arms ( it might be an optical illusion ).

Also, as a bit of a(n insider) joke, I inserted 3 pictures of me knocking on the doors of my house, from the inside

Hope to see you around! Either here or on my new main account. In fact, I welcome you to come knocking on that door

( preferably with a cheesy Joke. I was born and raised in Gouda, after all... )


I am sure once the market settles down the folks will come running back with varied explanations on the theme of. I just missed this place so much or I had a lot going on but that's all fixed and I'm back to my beloved hive 🤣🤣

I am sure once the market settles down the folks will come running back with varied explanations on the theme of. I just missed this place so much or I had a lot going on but that's all fixed and I'm back to my beloved hive 🤣🤣

Hahaha! I have no doubt about that.

It takes a serious amount of courage to be honest ( about your motives ) ;<)

I would respect them far more for sure if they were!! 😀😀

Some people don't want respect, they're merely interested in restspek ( a Dutch word I just made up that translates to 'remaining bacon' )

Bacon is an insidiously popular thing!! 😀😀

especially when it is the only thing remaining ;<)

 8 months ago  

Don't even have to knock. My door's always open like a methadone clinic in the city.


You meant to say: like a pharmacy? ;^)

Glad I left city life over 6 years ago .

I think ChatGpt might like the knock knock game a lot, because it will never tell you who's on the other side

Have you tried asking them?

Said something about a large language model but I wasnt too convinced

You think it's a bunch of monkeys on typewriters?

French Francais GIF

😂 now that's a plausible theory

I hear you knockin', which is weird, because I think someone stole the door to the club. Walk right on in, make yourself comfortable!

This was good stuff. A touch of great, even. Nice take on an old gag.

Also, I immediately like anyone who breaks the rules!

Wishing you bon voyage on your journey to 1981 posts.

@dandays, stop by and see what this funny fella pulled #outofthinair!

You’ve really put in much effort on this platform for you to have made 981 posts on here
It’s amazing and I hope you keep it up
Well done🙌🏼🙌🏼

Thank you. I believe you will reach that point too, sooner rather than later. Just curious whether my jokes made you laugh at all? ;<)

Yes they do but sometimes, I may not be able to relate to all
You know we have different senses of humor

Haha! Feel free to be honest. If this doesn't make you laugh, that's fine too.
Humor is indeed a personal thing.

although I like to joke that some people just haven't reached the right level ( to understand my humor)
but that might be my inflated ego talking ;<)