I'm not sure if I have seen any of her movies. We did watch a lot of old black and white movies when I was a kid as there was not much choice of viewing back then. I know I saw a lot of Laurel and Hardy, who also came from vaudeville. You are right that people were creating a new medium through the earth 20th century. Those with stage experience had to adapt and some became massive stars.
Some old movies still come up on TV and they seem so different to what we mostly watch these days. The cameras did not move much and there were less edits. They could be more like a filmed stage play. There can still be some great performances though.
I found her in this standing up for herself.
There's better versions of that which are not edited so poorly. I'll find one. but this is a fun scene
Some fun stunts in that one. The costumes were pretty amazing too. Her dress in the Laurel and Hardy one doesn't cover much.
Shrug. It covers enough to get by the movie code XD here's a better version of that one with her and Laurel and Hardy