You all need help, I happen to run a moderation group for arguments like this. We provide the highest quality turpentine and paper bags. We also provide a few blunt objects and gasoline for more difficult situations.
If you're interested all you have to do is fill out the following form to waive all your rights and allow it to be filmed.
Please See form here
Sweet deal right?
(Picture stolen from google cause I'm lazy.)
Dont do it he steals ideas
Ignore this dude, he's just a cunt.
You stole my idea.
Fuck off and get back in the box.
Thats it I'm gonna downvote your punk ass, Thief
Seriously that's the best you got.
I know where you live...
Hello, friend!
did shomeone shay turpentine? here i am
Yup and all for something with no real value! What a deal right?
great ill buy a thoushand shares of whatever you are shelling