RE: "The Roast of All of Us" — Presenting Our Research and Findings from 37 Years of Studies in Slow-Onset Chronic Terminal Madness — Sponsored by the University of Hivelandia and the Comedy Open Mic Contest
Wow, that sounds like a fascinating story and I'd love to hear more about that over a drink.
k ready? This sanitizer cocktail is made from smoky scotch residue. I was thinking we could call it the Insanitizer. After you.
Oh. You're sober now.
Not for long.
Want me to shotgun you some Mouth Sanitizer?
You have really nice eyes.
And thanks, I gouged them out of Cthulhu's face myself.
Wow, that sounds like a fascinating story and I'd love to hear more about that over a drink.
k ready? This sanitizer cocktail is made from smoky scotch residue. I was thinking we could call it the Insanitizer. After you.
It's a great name, I'll drink to that! However I can't share details about the Cthulhu story because if I ever do then he gets his eyes back.
I think you'll be ok if you only tell me.

Anyway, cheers.
Whoa. Woops. Sorry. I got a little messy there.
You drunk yet?