
I'm not suggesting people should copy/paste but I also don't think SEO is a reason to do (or not to do) anything (except attempt to earn ad revenue). Google and most major search engines return more crap than quality results these days anyway. Maybe AI will eventually do away with the perceived need to do SEO.

That is interesting to learn. Kinda happy about that. There is a punishment for the copiers.

yeah because of SEO purposes, which articles should be crawled by the search engine? the old article or the new article with the same slugs on your website?

But, there is a but, which I saw before. I was searching for a specific topic which I first found it as a newspaper article. Then, I saw a steemit user copied-pasted the same news article to his steemit profile and found it in the same 1st page of Google as the newspaper article. So, the steemit user earned on the copied-pasted article.

Another thing, people can easily create websites, they can also copy-paste articles from other websites and make money on their website using Google ads.

It's not the copiers (writers/ghostwriters) who got penalized. Mostly it's the website owners who invested to create many websites but just hired ghostwriters. But the punishment is not immediate, will take time. Other people need to report it many times before Google takes action. So, the website owner needs to be careful about hiring ghostwriters creating copy-pasted articles.