Making Good Use Of An Opportunity

Today was a really funny fun day for me. I was so happy my siblings and I agreed to go for a supposed church program. I slept really late yesterday because of the battalion of mosquitoes in my house. Can you believe I had a terrible dream because of the mosquito bite? Lolz 😂😂. I had a dream that I was bitten by a snake and when I woke up, I still felt the pain really hard, I knew I was bitten by a really heartless mosquito 😂😂. I couldn't sleep for up to an hour, I was awake killing mosquitoes because the mosquito killer no longer has effect on them.

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After killing for an hour, I then went back to bed and I was then able to get some good sleep. I was still very sleepy when my brother woke me up so we could prepare for the program. I was really tired but I had to stand up so we won't go late for the program. We all too our bath, had breakfast and then we went for the supposed program, going to a place we've never been to before. We had to ask for directions from a friend that knows the place which he helped us with.

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On getting to the place, we found out that no program was going on even when we arrived late. What?!!! 😳😳. I was so speechless, at this point we knew we had the date of the program wrong and we've wasted our tee fare and the place was really far from home. The place we went for the program was very beautiful and quiet so we thought of going for a walk around the place. We saw some beautiful places, we saw a pigeon too and some really beautiful flowers.

After our walk, we decided to go back home because the weather was looking so cloudy. On our way we were hungry and we saw a woman selling roasted corn, so we went to get some (the corn🌽 was really soft and tasty 😋😋).


Image is mine

I hate eating along the road but I couldn't resist eating the corn while walking with my siblings, it was fun though 😜😉. We took so many pictures of different things and we even forgot that we wasted our money. This was the first time I'm not sad that I went to a program that is far from home on the wrong day 😅😅.

Going back home, we walked a very long distance just to explore and also to say transport cost of course😁😁. But unfortunately for us, the rain started falling but we managed to get on a tricycle (keke), so we were not really wet. Another unfortunate thing was that, the tricycle was not taking us directly home, we had to stop and look for another one going our way. When we stopped, the rain became worst so we had to take cover under someone's umbrella.

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We stood there for almost 45 minutes after that long walk, another standing 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ we were really exhausted. Luckily for us, there was one tricycle driver that was also taking shade there with us. He asked us where we were going to and he told us he was going that way too so he carried us and other passengers going in that same direction. He was a really fun driver. While we were on our way, he immediately stopped his vehicle and started calling someone. At first I thought he had an unfinished business with the person only to find out that he wanted to but snacks from her😂😂. I could bare control my laughter. How can you leave your passengers on the road to go get a snack? It was almost unimaginable but I witnessed it 🤣😅.

Everywhere and everything I did today made it worthwhile. For some weeks now, we hardly leave the house so today was a really great opportunity for us and we made good use of it.

Thank you for stopping by and reading up till this point, see you at my next blog ❣️❣️.


You really utilized the opportunity well. It's a day to remember 😊😊😊😊😊

Yes oo, very important day to remember 😅.

Thank you for stopping by and leaving your comment.

a very funny story, you dream of being bitten by a snake even though you are bitten by a heartless mosquito before you can go back to sleep, surely that day is the happiest day for you because you can go to a place you have never visited before and enjoy grilled corn

It was really funny. I was really happy my day ended well.

Thank you for your comment @vikar.

What an adventure I'm very short period. At least you had fun and food
I always do love it when it rain
Quite cozy, you should try check up date properly next time

Yeah, it was an adventure. I'll confirm dates next time. Thanks for your comment.

Hahahahaha.... This means we have to be sure before we embark on any party. You miscalculated

As in ehn, I misfire 😅😅.

Thank you for your comment @abigail04.


Eating along the road isn't good but they are some things you can't keep your mind off, the corn too look tempting 🥰

Hehe 😅😅, it was really out of my control 😁😁.

Thank you for stopping by and leaving your comment dear. Long time.

You are welcome 🥰

Yeah 🤗🤗.

How are you doing today

I'm doing well and you?

I am doing good too

Now that does sound like a great day, often the best times occur through an error!
You should a walk post for next week ;)

Yeah, that was exactly what I thought too. Yeah I will.

Thank you for leaving your amazing comment partner 😍😍.

You are so very welcome partner, I hope that you did not get too wet!

I did get wet and I was really cold but I'm better now.

Lol... The fact that you all had the date for that program mixed up was supposed to be a sad turn of event, but the subsequent occurrences helped to spice up the experience.

It's very understandable to have some delays before seeing a vehicle when it's raining. Haha. They also want to avoid the beating from rainfall.

Overall, it was a good experience. Thanks for sharing this on DreemPort.

Yeah it was a very great experience after all.

Thank you for stopping by and leaving your comment, it was good having you stop by.

Smiles, i enjoy eating roasted corn while walking home and its drizzling.

The feeling is out of the world for me.

That's nice. Thank you for stopping by and leaving your comment. I truly appreciate it @drlins.

Lol mosquito bites can be very painful sometimes.
And it's the season of corn when you see a fresh one sometimes you feel like having a taste I can

Yes oo, the bite made me had a bad dream so you can imagine how painful it was.

The corn this season is really tempting Sha but we move.

Thank you for stopping by and leaving your comment dear.

Yeah we

Hahaha 😂😂. Yeah.

I love the teletubbies you used as it was funny how you narrated going to a place you didn't know but kept asking for directions. The day was bad but you made it a good day for you guys. Thanks for sharing and I would have loved to snatch that sweet corn from you but your post is already five days old and you must have eaten all 🤣🤣🤣

I came through Dreemport

I would have loved to snatch that sweet corn from you but your post is already five days old and you must have eaten all 🤣🤣🤣


Thank God oo, thank you for your comment @princessbusayo. Don't worry, next time I will try to keep your corn😁😁.

Well you ended up having an amazing day regardless and that's what matters. As for the tricycle driver, it is their nature to do what they want when they want without caring about the urgency of their passengers.

Yeah, that is true. Thank you for stopping 🤗🤗.

You are welcome


I laugh myself tire too. Like seriously who does that? 😅

Thank you for your comment.