Tooth Fairy

in Comedy Open Mic3 years ago (edited)

Now let me tell you a story from my childhood. I don't know if you had that too, but in my case, whenever my tooth was falling out, or when I had to pull that tooth out because sometimes he didn't want to leave, my parents said to put the tooth under the pillow, then the tooth fairy would come and give me a coin in exchange for the tooth.

Screenshot 2022-09-01 19-24-16.jpg
Fairy Source Pixabay

I will also tell you about the methods of extracting teeth that would not come out. I always took the ball, tied the tooth to it with a string and someone just kicked the ball :D.
I recommend this method, it is painless, but only does when the tooth is already moving a lot.

Going back to the story, I always wanted to see this tooth fairy, but I fell asleep. In the morning, the promised money was under the pillow. There were always 5 PLNs there. Sometimes 10.


One day, when my tooth fell out, I decided to hide the real tooth in the cupboard and put something similar to a tooth under the pillow. I was looking in the yard. I was able to find a stone in the color and shape of a tooth.
Managed to.

I start a plan, a stone under the pillow, a tooth in a cupboard, and I go to sleep nicely.

I get up in the morning, I look, and it's 5 PLN. I took a real tooth quickly and ran to my parents. I said, "Mom, Dad, are you giving me money for these teeth or the fairy? I put a stone there now, not a tooth"


Parents smiled and said:
"The fairy must have made a mistake, don't do that anymore because she won't come any more"

As a child, I did not listen and every day I put small stones under my pillow. But after 3 days when there was no money there, I gave up.
Later as I was growing up, I discovered the truth. The fairy does not exist. Right?


 3 years ago (edited) 

Fairies don't exist... I think mum or dad gave you that money you first saw 😂😂

The one in our country about tooth is mostly "you throwing it to the rooftop and it will grow back in no time" so funny but I believed it.

I guess these things are just there for us to have fun with as kids. Too bad, most of them are lies 🥲


This doesn't count as sourcing... You have to give the links of each picture you took from pixabay

Ok, I will do it now ;)

Edit: Done

"The one in our country about teeth is mostly "you throwing it to the rooftop and it will grow back in no time" is so funny but I believed it." ?
First heard about it

Most of them are truly lies. It's just to carry children along

😂😂 childhood is always funny, when are parent will lie to us and we will think it will happen.

Yeah. Exactly :D

Fairies does not exist. You mum must have played some tricks with you...

I've been deceived all my life. :/

Lol. Seems like you were stubborn as a kid. Did exact opposite of what you were told 😂
And yeah you were played. We all were. Fairies do not exists😂

Now I know this. Only Santa Exist :D

Don't let anybody tell you different, fairies do exist, they're called "mom and dad putting money under your pillow"