l, taught by nuns with a ruler in one hand and a red crayon in the other. I preferred the smack with the rules
That sounds like a ball of fun!
We had a teacher who was similar in grade 3 or 4.
I remember once he was pulling the ear lob of a kid so hard I thought the ear would detach (it didn't), because of a spelling mistake, he was taking his job very seriously.Thankfully, today we have grammar and orthograph correctors, that will tell you when to add punctuation. No need to take the ruler out @farm-mom hahaha.
I wonder where this old tyrant is now haha. I have an idea though...
Thanks for the chat dear!
Haha yep, we all have our stories. My kids went to public schools, no ruler smacking there, I wanted to do the smacking myself 😆
Kidding, of course, I didn’t need to hit my kids, my facial expressions could stop ‘‘em cold.
Hey friend, hope all is well , hugs to all.