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RE: How to Fail at Online Dating No Matter Who You Are: A Comedy Open Mic Contest Entry

in Comedy Open Mic3 years ago

Thanks! I feel better already.

I showed this blog to an older (76) male writer friend of mine and he said he thought it was funny but I'm pretty sure he was horrified and is convinced that I am a man hater/eater now. Oops.


Yeah, I see where he is coming from. I thought the same for a bit. But I understand the frustration on this dating apps where men often just rude and sexist. I've heard that from many women. The only thing you should not do, is thinking that all men are like this. On the other side, I can tell that it's hard to date a woman there. Some of them are rude for no reason or also sexist. I uninstalled that app after a few days. Like I said before, it's hard nowadays to date other people. For me it is way easier in real life. I can directly see how she reacts, what her mood is and how she is. Online you often just read text without knowing the emotion behind the message.

Don't worry, I definitely don't think all men are sexist jerks. I do, however, think that there is a disproportionate amount of this type on dating apps. I'm with you on the whole meeting real people in real life. I've never liked dating apps. I never planned on using one again but then I had this idea for a comedy blog... POF worked out perfect for that.
IRL is way better, but the world is a giant murderous snot ball right now. Single is good, though, too. Don't have to share the ice cream and who needs a boyfriend to greet you at the door when you have the world's most amazing dog?

Agree, for comedy it's perfect. I bet you didn't have wait to long to get the right answers and candidates. I watch sometimes 'Dating App Fails' or something like that. It is really funny. It's similar to what you have done but the conversation is shown in a video. I'm looking forward for more comedy from you.

Thanks! I hope I can come up with more stuff without resorting to crapping my pants.

Well, I watched enough commercials that I've learned, that there are diapers for adults. 😏

Oh, I already knew that. I'm wearing one now. Hot, huh.

Uhm... 😂
You should write this little detail in your dating app profile. Maybe you'll find some kinky men for another comedy writing.