The Comedy Open Mic Weekly Showcase


This is our weekly showcase where we highlight posts in this community shared here in the last seven days. These are the posts that have impressed us at COM the most.

Now, let's get into this week's showcase.


@baby.magic - When You're A Kid & You Have Money

And I wanted to maintain my status as a kid boss. So I had to make money so I can keep giving them candies in exchange for their servitude. But everytime I'd ask my Mom for money she would always give me chores before she'd give me money. So, being the kid boss that I am, I would pass the chore to my crew and when it's done I'd take my reward. And then I'd take a small portion of my reward to buy candies and keep the rest. Now I didn't even break a sweat but I made more money than these bloodsuckers.


@gabrieladifazio - Stealing your sister's chicken isn't a superpower!

My aunt had told my grandfather not to leave the house while he was feeling sick and that they would bring him food so he could rest completely, something that just like my paternal grandmother, he completely ignored, because when he got hungry he set out to walk to my aunt's house... he didn't get very far. Minutes later they called my aunt on the phone informing her that my grandfather had fallen in the middle of the street

Older people, speaking from my personal experience, are very stubborn, they want to do everything their own way, that is why I have started to tell my parents that please do not behave like that when they reach that age, jokingly I tell them that if they do I will put them in a home for the elderly, although in reality it is not an idea that calls my attention too much considering that in these places there can be many situations of abuse.



Some other funny questions kids ask are ;
"Do people go back to the stomach when they're old since they came out from there when they were babies ?"
" If my stomach is paining me , does it mean that I am pregnant ?"
sometimes they may even see a man with bulgy stomach and ask if the man is pregnant. They can walk up to him and ask him what name he would call his child after he gives birth.

Once a kid saw me looking and smiling at a lady, she began to smile too, She then asked me if I loved the lady and if she was my girlfriend. I was really shocked. I couldn't just believe it. How did they know about love, relationships, girlfriends etc. I immediately changed the topic as I didn't want any more shocker.


@writermaximus - ACCENTS

You're on your bed watching Netflix (no one watches TV anymore), and you're watching a show, and in this episode a new character is introduced.
But wait, something's off.
He isn't talking like the other characters are talking. They all speak English but the way the new character says his words is different...

I love accents because they are a way for people – that are too to learn the actual language – to connect to various cultures.
And also because they just sound cool.
Well, at least some of them sound cool.
As with all things there are the good sides and bad sides. Same with accents.
There are some that sound beautiful and there are some that sound like incantations.


@numan01 - Boys and Girls Fail in Exams 😂 Meme

On the contrary, in our country, girls are not allowed to study. If left to raise them with great difficulty and much stubbornness , you can imagine the end if she does not pass. 😁
The girl cannot be beaten but she is married off quickly which is a very funny thing.


These are this week's showcase posts. They are funny, well-written, and outright amazing. Make sure to check them out.

Remember, @captaincryptic invites you all to use the [HIVE-155986] tag in your posts to earn yourself some @lolztoken.

Thank you for reading

Remember to comment the links to your posts in our COMmunity below.


Thanks a lot for mention and selecting my post in your pretty showcase. I am really interested in your community and make sure to post here regularly...
Thanks again....

Hahahaha.. I'm the only one on the list that did not get curated by @OCD ... un-freaking-believable! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

But, thanks still.🚬😎

Yours was a time error on my part.

Hey that's alright man! We all make mistakes. But there's still 22 hours left to rectify this. 😂😂😂

Curation and votes have to be done within the first 24 hours to be worth it.

It is only 2 people curating for the community at the moment so time is a bit tight.

Calidad . Felicitaciones a los mncionados en esta ocasión. He estado alejado por razones de internet, pero he vuelto. Dios les bendiga cada día.

Thanks for the mention 😤😤
The other posts here are also quite lovely

Looking forward to making more posts for this lovely community ✊🏾

Thank you for the mention! I'm having a great time sharing things here with the community, I want to keep doing it with quality posts.

Best wishes for everyone.