Before one can define the qualities of an ideal partner, it is therefore necessary for one to know who is ideal partner. I welcome you to another session of the blogging challenge question.

Antes de que uno pueda definir las cualidades de un socio ideal, por lo tanto es necesario que uno sepa quién es el socio ideal. Les doy la bienvenida a otra sesión de la pregunta del desafío de blogs.


From the definition taken from Google search Engine/De la definición tomada del motor de búsqueda de Google:

An ideal partner is respectful of and sensitive to the other, having uniquely individual goals and priorities. Ideal partners value the other's interests separate from their own. They feel congenial toward and supportive of one another's overall goals in life. Source

Una pareja ideal es respetuosa y sensible con el otro, teniendo metas y prioridades únicas individuales. Los socios ideales valoran los intereses del otro separados de los suyos. Se sienten agradables y solidarios de los objetivos generales de los demás en la vida. Fuente


From the definition above, one can highlight some qualities of an ideal partner but first, it is important for one to know deeply what he/she truly wants or how they view their ideal partners.

A partir de la definición anterior, uno puede resaltar algunas cualidades de un compañero ideal, pero primero, es importante que uno sepa profundamente lo que realmente quiere o cómo ven a sus parejas ideales.

Coming down personally to me, I would share my qualities of an ideal partner.

Viniendo personalmente a mí, compartiría mis cualidades de un compañero ideal.


1. Trust & Understanding: In every relationship, I believe trust is a key ingredient, so as understanding between two partners is. My ideal partner is someone who is able to understand my actions, being free to share her opinions, and trusting my decisions.

1. Confianza y comprensión: En cada relación, creo que la confianza es un ingrediente clave, por lo que el entendimiento entre dos socios es. Mi pareja ideal es alguien que es capaz de entender mis acciones, ser libre de compartir sus opiniones y confiar en mis decisiones.


2. Shared Vision and Teamwork: This comes right after understanding each other because there is no way a team can work without understanding.

2. Visión compartida y trabajo en equipo: Esto viene justo después de entenderse porque no hay manera de que un equipo pueda trabajar sin comprensión.


The quality of my Ideal partner is one which we work more as a team. We are being able to share vision and goals then plan how to achieve them. I see this quality as a very important one to having an ideal partner.

La calidad de mi socio Ideal es una que trabajamos más en equipo. Estamos siendo capaces de compartir la visión y las metas y luego planificar cómo lograrlas. Veo esta cualidad como una cualidad muy importante para tener un socio ideal.


3. Honesty and open minded: For a relationship to work, being honest and open minded plays a role. My ideal partner is one who doesn't lie about her motives, one who is free to share her true feelings.

3. Honestidad y mente abierta: Para que una relación funcione, ser honesto y de mente abierta juega un papel. Mi pareja ideal es aquella que no miente sobre sus motivos, una que es libre de compartir sus verdaderos sentimientos.


4. Individual Goals & Growth: In a relationship, as much as there is in building it, so as there is to building our individuality. I see an ideal partner in one who has a goal for building oneself as an individual.

4. Objetivos individuales y crecimiento: En una relación, tanto como lo hay en la construcción, para construir nuestra individualidad. Veo un compañero ideal en alguien que tiene un objetivo para construirse a sí mismo como individuo.


5. Showering Love: Being able to express her love for me, to show it without being shy about it, is a quality I see in an ideal partner for me.

5. Amor duchado: Ser capaz de expresar su amor por mí, mostrarlo sin ser tímido al respecto, es una cualidad que veo en una pareja ideal para mí.


It is very important for one to note that to find a ideal partner, he or she must also have those qualities too as there is a saying, you attract what you are 🤔

It is very important for one to note that to find a ideal partner, he or she must also have those qualities too as there is a saying, you attract what you are 🤔

Es muy importante que uno tenga en cuenta que para encontrar una pareja ideal, él o ella también debe tener esas cualidades, ya que hay un dicho, atraes lo que estás 🤔

This is the part 4 of the 30 days blogging challenge questions made by @tripode

Esta es la parte 4 de los 30 días de blogging preguntas de desafío hechas por @tripode

If you have some questions you want to make for the challenge, feel free to contact us on Discord

Si usted tiene algunas preguntas que desea hacer para el desafío, no dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros en Discord

If you also want to join and begin the challenge, we have different question sets below. you are free to take the questions from below and start making a blog on it.

Si también desea unirse y comenzar el desafío, tenemos diferentes conjuntos de preguntas a continuación. usted es libre de tomar las preguntas desde abajo y empezar a hacer un blog en él.

Part 1Part 2Part 3

We would appreciate you publishing your entries in the Blogging Challenge Community and also use the #bloggingchallenge tag.

Agradecemos que publique sus entradas en la Comunidad de Desafío de Blogging y también utilice la etiqueta #bloggingchallenge.


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Image made by @tripode using Adobe illustrator




Feel free to engage in the publications made by other authors in the community and also in the #bloggingchallenge tag, get to meet other Hivers as this is the main purpose of the Community.


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Click on the banner to get redirect to the server. Art made by @tripode

All images in this post are mine except otherwise stated







So in all these sayings and points highlighted here, you have an ideal partner? Don't come and be sarcastic here to tell me it's hive hahaha.
All the same, the points you have mentioned here are all good qualities of an ideal partner.
Any relationship without these basic things can not successfully work.

Smile, I don't have. Not been in a relationship in 3 years except with the one I am in with Hive and my guitar.

Yeah, those qualities are essential
Qualities and if I find a best match, I would try my best to keep the relationship.

All the best then!

Hi Interesting post sheared thanks, having a partner which those qualities can be quite rare sometimes but what matters most is having understanding with these all other things can follow wish you all the best in your love quest 😚.

Lol.. Thanks brother, I really do appreciate your comment.

I pray you get to find an ideal partner in due time and finally invite us for the wedding ceremony 😜😊

Lol. You go come lagos if I invite you come my wedding?

Moreover, I don't think I would be having one anytime soon bro. You may probably marry before me.

Of course I will 😊. Just hit me up with the date man😂👍

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Hahah... Nawa ooooo

let's forget the talk about this ideal partner because I'm sure that you probably cooked it up from somewhere while painting mental pictures of who that special one is.

My focus is on the pictures you dropped here
Heheh... Nawa oooo
You are forcing people that do not have an ideal partner to start thinking of what they want from them because anyone that sees this picture will surely know that being in love gives people a feeling of being in Paradise.

Personally, one of the prerequisites for me is to make sure that anyone I will be sharing my roof with is the type of person that have a positive mindset. It is very important for me because I don't like dealing with people that will look at a slight turn of event and loose hope immediately without any attempt to see the good in anything.

Well, you have said well but, the pictures were importanter 🤣

Smile. Seriously, I didn't cook anything up. I have had that in mind before now.

Smile, you should know the secret to publications you post here is the pictures you publish along with it. As much as it may have attracted you, so will it do to others.

Yeah, that's very important too. Someone who is more optimistic and with vision. Those such of people are the best.

Thanks for your comment brother.

hahahaha i see you choose like 10 qualities hahhahahaha and i only asked for 3. Cheaaaater!! hahah JK you can do what you want with it!! You´re looking for really good qualities! And i know you´ll find a good girl with all of them!

I totally hope so, though I have seen one with a quality I listed up there.


Who else?

If i´m asking it´s bc i don´t know

Lol.. You of course... You enter in my category of number 2.