In this life, everyone must always have what make them happy and what makes them sad. But it's very essential you stick to what makes you happy and not what makes you sad all the time because happiness means a lot to our health.If you are in the world doing your best to have a positive attitude to work and trying to be happy, but then you come back home at the end of the day and you surround yourself with all manner of things that make you so sad, I can assure you your happiness will be fleeting. You can get yourself busy or get something doing to distract yourself from the sadness, so that your mind won't be chattered.

Don’t worry, just try and be happy things are falling in better place. Try to Forgive others from their trespasses and learn to forget wrong done to you. Laugh more, Smile more, even if you don’t feel like it just try and do it. These are just a little pieces of advice on how to be happier and make yourself relief from stress. Tho,the advice might seem so cool but sometimes doesn't work in every aspect when you are sad..
Literally, if everyone is asked about what makes them sad, different people will come up with different things that weigh them down or makes them sad. I will just talk about a few I think makes me sad at times.
1. Money:
Been broke on its own is a big sickness to everyone on earth...most people generally feel weary when they do not have money at hand because, from study it's generally noted that you tend to get more things to do when you don't have money on you which might leave you worried when you don't have the money to spend..

2. People:
There are different people with series of characters..The kind of people you relate with will tell either if you will be happy or sad..If you relate with people who treat you badly and try to make you feel like you are less important, or that you need to prove your worth to in some way, distance yourself from them. Spend time with people who lift you up, and lift them right back and associate yourself with people who give you joy and happiness.

3. Helplessness:
When you are helpless you tend to feel worried especially when you needed it the most and there was no one standing out for you. You might not know how to make others free from been worried and tend to be disturbed with that. Just be at peace with yourself all will be fine..The remedy to helplessnss is taking action. Take action, and turn your helplessness into hope..

Sometimes, my past often make me sad but I just try to take the away because I know I would be fine and get over it within time...
Thanks, for going along with my post and showing so much interest in it.. I love you all..I still remain myself @sirekhay.
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