Hi hivers, good day to everyone here how has been things... I am back on the blogging edition For today. For today,
I shall be talking about my favourite movie and why I like them..
From research, movies are one of the most popular sources of entertainment for the mass population that people use to engage their self. I also love to watch movies of different genres in my leisure time. Among all the movies I had watched,the movie I love most and happens to be my favorite movie is THE AVENGERS

I would like to discuss a little about my favourite movie:
In the past few years, the avengers movie genre has became very popular amongst the populace of different ages. But, currently, the most successful superhero movie in the area has been MARVEL MOVIE 'Avengers' which is the finale of the concluded part of the storyline of the movie which was running through previous 20+ movies, since 2008.

My Reasons for liking the movie:
Firstly, the urge of knowing the concluding part of the long storyline has made me a fan of this movie so much. even before it was released. After it was released, it was massively on sale for people to watch. The spectacular storyline and inspirational, emotional movie feel has made the movie my favorite and has ranked 1st in the world time favourite movie.
Conclusion, the marvel movies has always been a very interesting movie to watch..You don't feel bored at all watching the movie. Many said super hero movies are imaginary and not seem to be true due to the way they act the movies or the making..But when you watch the movie well, we can match them with our own lives or our day to day route or activities.. we can also relate the movie with the good and the bad side of our life. The success and faliure of a hero's movie is very much relatable to how the movie is casted.
I love to watch movies because it makes you while away Time and keep you busy or free from stress and depression..