30-Day Blogging Challenge Day 12 - 3 Healthy habits

3 heathy habits.png

Everyone must have some healthy habits. Even me - the person who thought that doesn't have at all.

Becoming a Mom changed my life and turned it around 180 degrees. Now I try to provide the best for my toddler and to ensure him a better and happy life

Here are my 3 healthy habits that I've already accomplished last year

#1 Have a breakfast

Most of the time without a baby I haven't thought about having breakfast. I love to sleep and I spend most of the mornings in a hurry because I wake up late. Now even if I don't want to eat I must prepare something for the little man... Of course, he can't eat everything that I have prepared because the portion is too little and always there is like half a pot with breakfast so I eat it.

Some researches show people who have breakfast have in their bodies more vitamins and minerals and less fat and cholesterol. It was a surprise for me that with the breakfast (and ill I lost about 3 kilograms 🤷‍♀). when you eat in the morning things with more fibers and keeps you full with energy (and you have the superpowers to run after the toddler).


#2 Drink water

this is something that I've still didn't accomplish but I want to. Our bodies are full of around 70% water and when there are longer "dry" periods our body holds more water and store it. You can check this choose a part of your body like hip or biceps and punch it with one finger. Watch does the skin stays like a second down (it looks like a hole in the skin) and then rises or it stays the same (the muscles must be calm). If it does this means that your body has extra water in it that is stored.

How you can make it reduced to good levels? Guess? Again drink more water and in a couple of days check again. The first 2-3 days are hard because if you are like me you do not get used to drinking water (I can live with 500 ml a day 🤷‍♀). You can even try to make an alarm on your phone to reminds you to drink water every 2-3 hours.


#3 Challenge yourself

One of the things that keep us alive is the challenge. this can be something very easy like taking the challenge to get up 10 minutes earlier every week, or like I mentioned to drink 2-3 liters of water a day. The routine keeps you busy and helps you to be more organized because you know that YOU MUST DO THIS.

You even can go further by signing up for a course like learning a musical instrument or something to increase your memory or even to learn something new and to change your profession. Even learning a new language is a challenge that if you have a strong will, this will make you so proud of yourself!

My personal challenge is the participation in this network. It helps me to be more organized (finding time to write my thoughts and contents).

The image has been created via Canva


Thank you for reading and have a gorgeous day!