Three Healthy Habits/Blogging Challenge Part 1 #12

in Blogging Challenge3 months ago

Habits are actions we make regularly and sometimes without awareness. Healthy habits are habits that gives us well being and help us to stay healthy. There are so many healthy habits that we should have but I will be sharing three with us in two ways.

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For Our Mental Health

There are healthy habits to exhibit for us to stay mentally healthy. How we think and talk is affected by our habits. Three healthy habits for our mental health are:

  • Reading good books either online or hard copies. Good books have positive effect on our mental health. Form the habit of reading a book a day.

  • Play games that demands brain work like cheese, scrabble, ludo and many other brain tasking games.

  • Write or say your worries out, do not try to take everything in. Form the habit of keeping a diary or saying prayers especially when you feel you can't take it.

For Our Physical Health

Being healthy mentally and not physically is lacking, so we also should put effort in being healthy physically. Here are three healthy habits for our physical health:

  • Eat healthy foods to keep your immune system strong so as to fight off diseases. Cultivate the habit of eating when you get hungry and also to take fruits.

  • Drink water regularly. Water is an essential but inadequate intake of water is not a healthy habit. Form the habit of drinking at least 8 glasses of water everyday.

  • Exercise daily to stay physically fit and active. You don't have to do the morning runs and downs for exercises, you can chose to walk instead of taking a vehicle to some close distance places, that's a healthy habit.

Forming these habits might seem difficult but when you start building them, it becomes easy and you become more healthy and stronger.
You can add other healthy habits in the comment section, I will love to know more from you.

Thanks for reading, stay tuned for more of my blogs


This is my entry for Day 12 Part 1 of the Blogging Challenge, feel free to join the blogging challenge.