[ESP-ENG] Parte #1 Día 3 - Mi frase favorita// My favorite phrase

Holaa comunidad preciosa, espero se encuentren de maravilla, este es el día 3 que consiste en decir tu frase favorita, la verdad tengo varias frases ya que mi mama me implementa unas frases tan motivadoras que aplico a mi día a día.

Hello beautiful community, I hope you are doing great, this is day 3 which consists of saying your favorite phrase, the truth is that I have several phrases since my mom implements me such motivational phrases that I apply to my day to day.



"No te des por vencido, sigue luchando para que tus sueños se hagan realidad, tus deseos se cumplan y alcances tus metas."

Don't give up, keep fighting so that your dreams come true, your wishes are fulfilled and you reach your goals.

Me ha dicho constantemente esta frase, en mi primer post les había comentado que tuve desmayos y convulsiones, y a veces al recordar eso me pongo triste, y a lo que me ve ella me empieza hablar, y esa es una de tantas que me ha dicho es una frase muy motivadora, que a muchos en ocasiones ayuda.

She has constantly told me this phrase, in my first post, I had commented to them told you that I had fainting spells and convulsions, and sometimes when I remember that I get sad, and as soon as she sees me she starts talking to me, and that is one of many that she has told me is a very motivating phrase, which sometimes helps many people.

Otra de mis frases favorita es

"De los errores se aprende"

Esta es un poco común, ya que sin esos errores no aprendemos, gracias a ellos sabemos un poco más de la realidad. Sabemos lo que es bueno y malo, la mentalidad que tengo ahora es gracias a esos errores. Los errores son para aprender, si no se aprende de ellos simplemente uno no crece.

Another of my favorite phrases is

"From mistakes we learn"

This is a little common, because without those mistakes we do not learn, thanks to them we know a little more about reality. We know what is good and bad, the mentality I have now is thanks to those mistakes. Mistakes are for learning, if you don't learn from them you simply don´tgrow.

"Todo va a salir bien"

Esta es otra, esta siempre ha estado presente en nuestra vida, cuando estamos en una situación siempre llega esta frase a nuestra mente y ahí es cuando se calma todo porque aparte llega la esperanza de que va salir bien, siempre mantengo esta frase.

"Everything is going to be all right ".

This is another one, this has always been present in our life, when we are in a situation this phrase always comes to our mind and that is when everything calms down because there is hope that everything will be all right, I always keep this phrase.





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