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RE: My Application For The Newbies Initiative May Batch

in Blogging Challenge4 years ago

Thank you for making your application.

I see you made your post also in Spanish! That is awesome! Here is a quick tip of something you could do so your readers can identify the language of the text. There are many ways to do this; I'll share one of the easiest.

You can quote one of the languages. You do this by placing this symbol: > before the text. Example:



This way, a little line will appear at the left of the text in Spanish, and your readers will know that it's in a different language. Another way is to put the text in columns, but that is a little more advance, I will share some tutorials on the initiative.


Okay , thanks so much sir @aliento will try to keep that in mind ,for the next time.Yeah I have also tried to put my text in column like the way you did yours,but I didn't get how to do it.

I have also tried to put my text in column like the way you did yours,but I didn't get how to do it.

Yes, that is a little more complicated, but little by little you will learn all about Hive and making posts.

Hi @jay-one Tell me which frond end you are using @ecency or @Peakd and I can help you with the columns

I make use of

Copy paste this text below in a new post. Delete the smiley. I think you will see how it works then.

You can create tables by assembling a list of words and dividing them with hyphens - (for the first row), and then separating each column with a pipe |:

English | Spanish
😀------------ | -------------

column 1 | column 2
More 1 | More 2
More content | Even More content First of all,I will like to say a big thank you to the organizers of this Newbie iniative @starstrings01,@aliento,@eddespino ,@tripode and the entire smi-le community for giving me and other newbies the chance to participate in this great and amazing iniative. | En primer lugar, me gustaría dar las gracias a los organizadores de esta iniciativa para novatos @ starstrings01, @ aliento, @ eddespino, @ tripode y a toda la comunidad de servidores smi-le por darme a mí y a otros novatos la oportunidad de participar en esta gran y sorprendente iniciativa.