The pictures look absolutely amazing. The water is so blue over there.
I was instilled with a healthy awareness of the dangers of the sea. I still go in the sea like I did as a tiny child, I splash around a bit, cool down, don’t go out of my depth, then go back up onto the sand.
I learnt how to swim growing up but I am deathly scared of the sea, or any large unclear body of water. I refuse to swim in any water that I can't see into clearly. There are so many creatures lurking beneath, it's so scary.😥
Your article is great though, and that cat is so cute🤗
Thank you!
Honestly, I think the sea is terrifying as well! I'm sure there's some statistic that we know more about the solar system than the sea. I prefer to stay on land.
Same here ma'am, same here
Thanks for the follow!