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RE: Down Under

in Worldmappin2 months ago

17 hours straight flight sounds not so long as in my case especially considering that for it'll be needed to make couple changes to get to straight flight to Australia. For me I think it can take nearly 22 hours with waiting flight now...
Also 5 a.m. seems not so early when in my region daylight saving time changes were discard several years ago. 😡
But seems that weather and trip promises to you good experience!
So Merry Christmas and waiting next post from Australia!


I typically sleep well in a flight. But even after 10 hours of sleep you still have 6 hours or more to kill!

When I had long distance flights to Brazil, Argentina or Vladivostok I could sleep nearly 8 hours and it was ok. But for my wife or kids it can be problem.
Honestly I should say that sometimes when it is enough time I read books or talk with neighbors. Again if neighbors not against to talk and I'm not annoying them.
Anyway I hope once again I'll be able to visit again mentioned above South American countries, maybe Japan or like you travel to Australia with my family.