Merry Christmas everyone!
Today is indeed Christmas Day and I have just finished Christmas Dinner and here to document our pre Christmas dinner walk!
So although many posts for Winter is coming 🥶🥶🥶 - and with it the Worldmappin Winter Challenge 🥳🥳 are based around Christmas markets and cold weather, this entry will focus on today's unseasonably warm weather!
I had heard rumours a couple of days ago that we would be getting 15 degrees C weather on Christmas Day which is still cold to many of you, but here in the UK on Christmas Day that is not usual!
This morning was blue skies and extremely warm for this time of the year with no wind.
I picked up some swan and duck food, some oatmeal and some garden bird food and packed in my backpack and away we went.
It didn't rain, but the sun was playing hide and seek with us and the clouds all afternoon.
Not that this pup would have minded if it rained. We always get a heap of dogs and dogwalkers in the woods and the park.
Today being Christmas day was no different!
The NO Rose Garden
We took a left into the rose garden.
I do not know what Kirkcaldy council are doing but they are systematically destroying this park.
This was full of rose plants...
As you can see this was The Rose Garden.
They have fluffing removed everything. Even the roses that were on the trellises.
This is yet another blow for the park and the environment.
The pond was full of seagulls.
There are little shits, and unfortunately they are protected little shits. Mind you some of them are bloody big little shits.
So to the left was the sun but I wanted to walk around the pond to the memorial garden, and spied some ducks who were no were near seagulls.
You can see the Rose Garden pillars in the background and birds nests in the foreground, I think they are ravens although I am not sure, perhaps jackdaw nests.
Charge of the Tufted Ducks
This was when I took my opportunity to feed the smaller ducks and coots.
This was a trio of tufted ducks enroute to their food.
Can you guess the sexes?
There were no kids playing though, I guess busy unwrapping their presents. Although the park is fortunate in that it has some good playground activities for kids.
Here we go, the seagulls were in Birds mode. The resident pair of swans were at this end of the pond, and every time dogs would walk past, the seagulls would get scared and fly up and down again!
Pirates ahoy
A kids ship!
I feed the swans some of their food whilst Mrs T stood on seagull duty.
She can't stand them and shoos them away with vengeance!!!!
Next up was the Peace garden, and this is the start of my tirade against the council.
Last year they removed hedges and a tree from this wee garden that wasa memorial to some people. It was a haven for wildlife.
The fountain to Mrs Beveridge who got the park created by her husband Mayor Beveridge is still there.
I wonder when the council will pull that down and drain it.
This squirrel was watching Mrs T who was bust leaving oatmeal and food at the base of trees.
He went and got it once we moved out of the way.
The fountain is at the centre of the memorial garden, and it has four entrances, so we are going in close then back out the other side.
The bare naked trees do make for some cracking reflections in the water!
We are going back to the pond though to feed the mallard ducks who tend to live down this end of the pond and can hide under the bushes that overhang the water that the seagulls can't get into.
A trio of Mallard ducks
Here we go and this time there are two males and one female, with the tufted ducks it was the other way around!
Now the hunger was saying hello!
So we started to head towards the closest exit home.
The tuning fork tree
I always think the tree on the right reminds me of a tuning fork, what do you think?
Mrs T finds food!
You said you were hungry she says ...
Well look what I found!
Cute says I, no idea whether it is even edible or not!
What do you think?
Another rant against the council destroying the park and their vendetta against the bees!
If you look in the picture above you can see a stone column that was put there as a symbol of religious tolerance to all faiths.
There are inscriptions from all major religions and there were the most gorgeous buses that the bees absolutely loved.
The fluffing council have got rid of them too!!!
I remember seeing loads of council workers hanging around here a while ago and even took a picture of it. Was going to make a meme and I will do soon.
Can you see those birds? Oystercatchers!
They are getting worms, see the mild warm weather has these guys eating worms.
Often in winter the ground is frozen, well not now!
Right we will be walking parallel to the park soon, but did you see what is on that house?
Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas!
This was our roast turkey dinner with pigs in blankets and pork and apples stuffing balls.
An awesome day.
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas if you celebrate it!
I hope you managed to get out for a few walks this week!
This is also a post to participate in the #wednesdaywalk initiative from the wonderful @tattoodjay
Thanks for visiting and enjoy the rest of your day!
All images and ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo and pictures were taken with my Google Pixel 9 Pro XL smartphone and lead image designed on canva.
@tengolotodo December 25th 2024
It's so fun feeding those creatures😁. But what about the dog? It didn't get it's Christmas treats? Or it is the wood it's holding in it's mouth😬😁.
You've got a marvelous turkey dinner.😌.
Hehe trust me the dog had fun carrying his stick all over the park, that was his Christmas treat!
It looks beautiful! We stayed inside most of the day today, but we have several inches of snow on the ground!
Oh yes, you get snow, I can't remember the last Christmas we had with snow!
This is the first one we have had in awhile I think. It's been waiting until later or coming much earlier lately!
Ah okay, well as long as your grilling wasn't cancelled lol
Hola Super Ed!!!
Merry Christmas, querido!
I'm trying to catch up at least with your posts, hehe. The truth is that these days I'm dedicating all the time I can to enjoy having Rodrigo with us ;)
I hope you and Mrs. T had a Merry Christmas.
I read that you had an MRI at the hospital, is everything ok? I hope so.
But wait what happened in this post? A walk in the park with swans and squirrels and none of them have names? hehe Don't do that Super Ed please. I'll be watching you 👀😉
Big hugs 💙
Merry Christmas querida and I know it will have been a good one.
jeje yes i have missed seeing a 💙 and my querida commenting on my posts!
But yes the birds and animals I haven't named for a while hehe, maybe because I was annoyed with the swans chasing away one of the other ones.
MRI well finally we got new doctors and I insisted they do something as my meds were not doing anything, so they sent me for MRIs on my spine and I will go to a rheumatologist in the New Year and will push for them to arrange some physiotherapy and maybe heat treatment!
Happy New Year when it comes Super Eli 💙
I'm sorry to hear that the meds are not helping your pain but I'm glad you are seeing new doctors and hopefully they will put you on a treatment that will help.
I'm not saying it's your case, but sometimes adopting some eating and exercise habits can help, Super Ed.
I was having discomfort in my left shoulder a year ago when my high blood sugar problem was discovered, I couldn't raise my arm and it was limiting my movement. I was told it was rotator cuff problems. I was panicking about needing surgery but at that time I started eating much healthier, avoiding processed foods at home, cutting out sugar, vegetable oils and lowering my salt intake. And that along with exercising with light weights and bands made the problem disappear completely. So it's worth a try Super Ed. You won't be cured but maybe it will improve the condition.
Happy New Year, Super Ed! 💙 May 2025 be a good year for all us.
Great pictures you got there! I love all the birds, and that dog seemed pretty happy with the big stick! No roses this time of year, but still it looked like a nice non rainy day for a walk!
They dug all the rose plants up! Normally you prune them back, but this time they removed them all. Also removed flowering bushes that were a haven for bees and other pollinators.
But yeah the pup enjoying talking his stick for a walk lol!
That's weird, roses take a couple of years to really get growing if they're replacing them...
That is why I am pissed off, they are systematically removing anything that needs a little bit of maintenace. This is what we pay council tax for, so that councils maintain our parks etc not destroy them.
Hope you had a Merry Christmas!
The picture you shared looks very beautiful my brother.
Thank you, it is a beautiful park to walk in nature.
You're welcome, keep up the good work 💪
Thanks and you too!
Merry Christmas. It looks like you had a very great day walking and eating. :)
It was a great peaceful day. Merry Christmas and today was a relaxing day as the weather was not like yesterday at all!
How is the weather there is snowing or just cold?
Oh we don't get snow here, I think 2018 was the last time it really snowed. So just cold, about 10 degrees and grey!
why do i think that you have all the park for yourself today?? let me try guessing the sexes of the ducks, brownies are female and the black, white is a male (he has his spike)
Yes it was not as busy as usual, but still many people I just made sure not to capture them haha!
Yes the two brownies are all females in both the Tufted ducks and the Mallards!
🫣 goodness, what an effort 😆
Happy Christmas! Feeling like a walk to work off Christmas calories now in order!
Hehe yeah having stuffed myself all night I think I will be walking again tomorrow!
Merry Christmas!
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Fantastic and Merry Christmas everyone :)
It is unnaturally warm for this time of year! Although it would seem the weather gods are catching up with us, it's supposed to be a horrendous New Year! I'll need to visit the park soon. It's been too long since I've taken the dog for a stroll around there. The council seem to enjoy destroying nature, I'm sure they'll dig up some patches that are supposed to be for wild flowers or something in the near future, only to mow over it the following autum!
Great to see your content over on again! I'm looking forward to a buzzing 2025! !SLOTH
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