[ENG/ESP] Discoveries in Bellavista Bay.

in Worldmappin2 months ago


I will tell you that mine has been spectacular, thanks to a beautiful tour that my husband and I did around the Bellavista Bay where the Concorde Marina, the restaurant and the little beach we visited are located.
Our idea was to enjoy a lovely moment at the Marula Sunset Bar restaurant, it is a restaurant near the sea located at the end of the Concorde Marina, in the city of Porlamar, Nueva Esparta, Margarita Island.
This small restaurant is located a few meters from the entrance to the lagoon El Morro, and from where you can enjoy fabulous views of the marina and the city. However, to our surprise, when we arrived, the restaurant was closed.Hello dear friends of Hive and the #worldmappin community. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.

Les contaré que el mío ha sido espectacular, gracias a un hermoso recorrido que mi esposo y yo hicimos por la Bahía del Bellavista donde se encuentra la marina Concorde, el restaurante y la playita que visitamos.
Nuestra idea era disfrutar de un momento encantador en el restaurante Marula Sunset Bar, es un restaurante cerca del mar ubicado al final de la marina Concorde, en la ciudad de Porlamar, Nueva Esparta, Isla Margarita.
Este pequeño restaurante está situado a unos escasos metros de la entrada a la laguna El Morro, y desde donde se pueden apreciar unas vistas fabulosas de la Marina y la ciudad. Sin embargo, para nuestra sorpresa, cuando llegamos, el restaurante estaba cerrado.Hola queridos amigos de Hive y de la comunidad de #worldmappin. Espero que estén teniendo un fin de semana maravilloso.


It was the first time we had been there, on the recommendation of a friend of my husband's who had been there a few months ago and had been delighted with their delicious dishes.
We discovered that the restaurant had changed its opening hours and, in this time of tourism on the island, it was only open in the afternoons and evenings. We arrived around 2:00 pm, with the idea of having a late lunch by the sea, but unfortunately it was not possible.

Era la primera vez que íbamos, por recomendación de un amigo de mi esposo que había ido hace algunos meses y había quedado encantado con sus deliciosos platos.
Descubrimos que el restaurante había cambiado sus horarios y, en esta época de turismo en la isla, solo abría en las tardes y noches. Nosotros llegamos cerca de las 2:00 pm, con la idea de hacer un almuerzo tardío a orillas del mar, pero lamentablemente no fue posible.



Although we were not able to have lunch, we enjoyed the surroundings, appreciating the tranquility of the sea and the coziness of the place. We had the opportunity to see the Concorde marina from another point and, to tell the truth, from any angle it is really beautiful.
We saw fishermen looking for bait to go fishing. If the restaurant had been open, it would have been a rewarding and complete experience.
In spite of this, lunch turned out to be a relaxing walk full of new experiences. Now we are left with the desire to return another time and prepare to enjoy a beautiful sunset.

Aunque no pudimos almorzar, disfrutamos del entorno, apreciando la tranquilidad del mar y lo acogedor del lugar. Tuvimos la oportunidad de ver la marina Concorde desde otro punto y, la verdad, desde cualquier ángulo es realmente hermosa.
Vimos pescadores buscando carnada para luego salir a pescar. Si el restaurante hubiese estado abierto, habría sido una experiencia gratificante y completa.
A pesar de ello, el almuerzo se convirtió en un paseo relajante y lleno de nuevas experiencias. Ahora nos queda el deseo de volver en otra oportunidad y prepararnos para disfrutar de una hermosa puesta de sol.







These days it has rained in the afternoons and evenings, which has left the sea with a bit of sargassum. Despite this, the waters look clear and warm. I wasn't wearing a bathing suit, so I wasn't able to take a dip, as we were only thinking about lunch.

Estos días ha llovido en las tardes y noches, lo que ha dejado el mar con un poco de sargazo. A pesar de ello, las aguas se ven transparentes y cálidas. No llevaba traje de baño, así que no pude darme un chapuzón, ya que solo pensábamos en almorzar.





The small beach near the restaurant is called Playa La Boquita, according to a local told me that it has this name because there is the entrance to the lagoon that they call the mouth of the lagoon and hence the name of the little beach.

La pequeña playa que se encuentra cerca del restaurante tiene por nombre Playa La boquita, según me dijo un lugareño que tiene este nombre porque hay está la entrada de la laguna que ellos le llaman la boca de la laguna y de ahí se deriva el nombre de la playita.




I loved seeing the part of the pier where only the pilings remain, each inhabited by a seabird.

Me encantó ver la parte del muelle donde solo quedan los pilotes, cada uno de ellos habitado por una ave marina.





We walked along the shore of the beach until we reached the entrance to the lagoon. As it was a bit deeper, it was impossible to continue along the shore, so we took a small path that led us to a hidden part of the lagoon.

Caminamos por la orilla de la playa hasta llegar a la entrada de la laguna. Como era un poquito más profunda, fue imposible continuar por la orilla, así que tomamos un pequeño sendero que nos llevó a una parte recóndita de la laguna.





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In front of the lagoon, in the sea, there were fishermen with their nets, fishing. The views in this part are impressive; in the distance you can see the large buildings of a part of the city.

Frente a la laguna, en el mar, había pescadores con sus redes, pescando. Las vistas en esta parte son impresionantes; a lo lejos se pueden ver las grandes edificaciones de una parte de la ciudad.










Dear friends, although we were not able to have lunch, we received some natural nourishment for the eyes and soul by being able to enjoy this beautiful place.
Life gave us great discoveries in Bellavista Bay.
I hope you enjoyed this little adventure. I wish you a fabulous and productive start of the week and I'll see you again in another of my posts!
See you soon.

Queridos amigos, aunque no pudimos almorzar, recibimos un poco de alimento natural para la vista y el alma al poder disfrutar de este hermoso lugar.
La vida nos regaló grandes descubrimientos en la Bahía Bellavista.
Espero que les haya gustado esta pequeña aventura. Les deseo un comienzo de semana fabuloso y productivo. ¡Nos volveremos a ver en otra de mis publicaciones!
Hasta pronto.

The photos were taken with a Redmi Note 13
DeepeL was used
Photos was made with Inshot


It is truly a pleasure to travel to a wonderful place on the recommendation of a friend. Your physical peace along with your vision power is enjoyed with extraordinary feeling in this sub-ocean. Spending some friendly time and spending your time in endless fun is the unique part of your trip after all. All the best for your journey.

The truth is that lunch took a back seat to the beautiful landscapes and moments we experienced, with what nature was able to offer us. Happy week 🌹🌷🥀🌼🌻🏵️🌸💮🪻🌺🪷💐🍀Thank you for your words @mdakash62 , and for taking the time to look at the photos of the route we took.

It is a real pleasure to have lunch with this wonderful view of nature. As the world above all enhances our eye sight. You are always most welcome my pleasure

Thank you for your words 🌹🌷.

Wow, the beach view is really very beautiful, I love it ❤️

Thanks for taking your time, happy week 🌹🌷🥀🌼🌻🏵️🌸💮🪻🌺🪷💐🍀I'm glad it is so @suarlex , it's a beautiful relaxed and rewarding landscape.

Hermosas fotos de tan emblemática bahía , me asombra tu constancia , fuerte abrazo y bendecido domingo mi querida @taniagonzalez

Gracias querido amigo @albertocova , Margarita merece que sus bellezas sean mostradas, ten una linda semana 🌹🌷🥀🌼🌻🏵️🌸💮🪻🌺🪷💐🍀

Thank you dear friend @albertocova , Margarita deserves to have her beauties shown, have a nice week 🌹🌷🥀🌼🌻🏵️🌸💮🪻🌺🪷💐🍀

Very interesting picture my friend

Thanks @arieswilly , glad to hear you like the pictures. Have a nice start of the week 🌹🌷🥀🌼🌻🏵️🌸💮🪻🌺🪷💐🍀

Que hermoso lugar hermana @taniagonzalez , un lugar donde estaría horas contemplándolo , super relajante 😍❤️

Hermana @lileisabel , es lo que inspira ese lugar, mucha paz y tranquilidad, estando allí el tiempo era como si se hubiera detenido, es super gratificante, ya planeamos regresar. Ten un lindo día y semana 🌹🌷🥀🌼🌻🏵️🌸💮🪻🌺🪷💐🍀

Sister @lileisabel , that's what that place inspires, so much peace and tranquility, being there time was as if it had stopped, it's super rewarding, we already plan to go back. Have a nice day and week 🌹🌷🥀🌼🌻🏵️🌸💮🪻🌺🪷💐🍀

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My pleasure, thanks for the support, happy start of the week 🌹🌷🥀🌼🌻🏵️🌸💮🪻🌺🪷💐🍀

Hey @taniagonzalez you are welcome. We wish you a great sunday!🐝 Thanks for using @worldmappin 😘

Saludos amiga, que hermosa playa, la vista es espectacular.

Feliz lunes!

Gracias @belkyscabrera por tus palabras, la verdad es que es muy hermosa y tranquila. Ten un lindo día 🌹🌷🥀🌼🌻🏵️🌸💮🪻🌺🪷💐🍀

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