The Island That Almost Died

in Worldmappin3 years ago

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The resort island of Boracay in the Philippines

Voted as one of the world's best resort destinations, Boracay Island is a Philippine tourism hotspot for local and international visitors.

Approximately 300 kilometers (186 miles) south of the capital city of Manila is a tropical island with a dog bone-shaped profile, situated at the northwest corner of Panay Island, and belonging to the Visayas group of islands in the Philippine archipelago. With a vertical length of roughly 7 kilometers (4.35 miles) having the smallest horizontal width of 1 kilometer (0.62 miles), it has an overall land area of 1,032 hectares (2,550 acres).

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Map of the Philippines and Geographic Location of Boracay Island

The island of Boracay is popularly recognized for its incredible features of sugary white sand beaches. In its entirety, this specific landmass encompasses white sands with a total area of 10.3 square kilometers (6.40 square miles) including some forested areas, hilly terrains, and mountain vicinities.

Humble Beginnings

Boracaynons, as the locals are called, used to nickname their island the “Land of the Atis” since their original settlers were called Negritos or Atis. These primitive people or aborigines thrived through farming and fishing in the area for centuries. Copra (dried meat of the coconut) was a traded commodity for Aklan merchants in exchange for staple products like rice, livestock, root crops, and other commercial goods.

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The white sand beaches of Boracay Island

During the 1960s and 1970s, Boracay was the favorite hangout for local residents, especially for families from Panay and neighboring municipalities. In the 1980s, this island became a budget-friendly locality for backpackers and for other adventurers hunting for low-cost getaways.

But most importantly, it was in 1978 that Jens Peter, a German author introduced this exotic island to the world by publishing a travel book describing in detail its beautiful charm, people, culture, cuisine, and natural splendor.

This unexpected occurrence sparked a tourism boom that eventually transformed the island from a quiet, modest, and unknown place into a globally renowned destination. As a result, Boracay became the proud recipient of the " Best Island Beaches in the World" as officially proclaimed by Travel + Leisure and Condé Nast Traveler, two prestigious international travel magazines.

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Our airplane ride to Boracay Island

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Boracay Airport also known as Godofredo P. Ramos Airport or Caticlan Airport

Back in June of 2017, no one was as extremely ecstatic as my cousin, her family, and I while waiting at Cebu airport's boarding gates. Cebu is a separate island in the Visayas archipelagic region located around 208 kilometers (129.2 miles) to the east of Panay. Our direct flight was bound to Godofredo P. Ramos Airport (Caticlan) Airport and would take around 1 hour, our fastest gateway to Boracay. After many years of planning, we would finally grab the chance to personally experience for ourselves this "Paradise on Earth"!

Part of the Fun

"You're wearing the biggest smile I've ever seen!" my cousin said.

While staring at her, I simply couldn't hide the apparent joy on my face. There were several reasons why those moments were unforgettable for me. It has been more than 20 long years since my cousin and I haven't seen each other. During the decades of being apart, we were busy moving on with our lives. She migrated to Europe, married a foreigner, and started a family there. On the other hand, I was heavily occupied with my own professional stints in other international locations. We, however, continued our online communication despite the vast distances. Imagine the tremendous outbursts of emotions after being reunited with a loved one!

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Different modes of Marine Transportations at Boracay Jetty

We had a safe landing at Caticlan Airport. Because Boracay was not connected to the mainland of Panay Island, we had to commute on a separate boat from the Caticlan jetty (small pier) to our final stop. There were various types of marine vehicles at the seaport that served as the main entry/exit points to our destination.

The arrival at the domestic airport, and then transitioning to sea travel until reaching the island of Boracay, was a spectacular adventure in itself. It was definitely a mouthwatering appetizer before the main course up ahead.

While cruising rapidly on the boat, we were visually treated to tantalizing glimpses of lush landscapes, snowy white shorelines, plus the super clarity of aquamarine blue waters glittering against the rays of the morning sun. The pungent smell of saltwater fumes danced with the prevailing breeze, as the watercraft relentlessly battled the huge waves. Dolphins, flying fish, jellyfish, sea urchins, and aquatic birds were also present to entertain us with their fabulous antics. What a thrill!

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Arrival at Boracay Island

It was a quick boat trip, estimated to be 37 minutes, however the valuable experience, as mundane as it was, was truly worth every peso we invested. For the first time, we would soon be standing on this globally acclaimed resort island.

Impressions of the Island

"A mall on the island? Why are they building one here? Is this isolated place supposed to be a beach haven?!" I continuously scratched my head as I spoke to my companions upon our arrival on Boracay Island.

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One of the Commercial Signages on Boracay Island

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Entrance to Crown Regency Resort & Convention Center Boracay

Without wasting time on the arrival area, we proceeded straight to our hotel: Crown Regency Resort & Convention Center. Without a doubt, it was definitely a luxurious accommodation and had a 4-star rating.

Its stunning architecture and premier facilities were state-of-the-art, including a motorized water sports area (wave pool, snorkeling, diving, surfing, etc.), swimming pool, poolside bar, casino, event halls, casino, convenience store, public lounges, with impeccable hotel guestrooms.

This hospitality enterprise was one of the largest on the island and was often booked by local and international travelers. Unlike other establishments, this hotel was situated much further from the shoreline, taking roughly 15 minutes of walking distance.

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Architectural Exteriors of Crown Regency Resort & Convention Center Boracay

I was literally blown away by the overwhelming assortment of enjoyable activities the hotel offered to their guests, trying my best to fully experience each one of them aside from the main feature of the island: white sand beaches. But we did it! It was simply a matter of managing our priorities well.

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Water sports Facilities of Crown Regency Resort & Convention Center Boracay

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Hotel Check-in and Main Lobby of Crown Regency Resort & Convention Center Boracay

Wandering around Boracay Island was surely easy, convenient, and affordable. Aside from private vehicles, E-Trikes (electric tricycles) were the most practical plus economical means of public transportation for hire.

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E-Trikes on Boracay Island

During the day, we consumed most of the available hours by swimming at the beach. With suntan lotion protecting our sensitive bodies from the scorching rays of the daylight sun, we couldn't resist bathing in the transparent sea waters, riding the splashing waves in up and down motions, seldom floating on the surface, watching colorful boats sailing nearby - simply basking in the sensual splendors of the aquatic environment that surrounded us. I was jumping like a playful child again!

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White Sand Beaches of Boracay Island

When not in our swimming attires, we checked out the numerous varieties of hotels, restaurants, and shops that were closely scattered along the beachfront. Strolling barefooted on the fine grains of white sand, breathing the refreshing ambiance, and feeling the sweet caress brought by the gentle winds had therapeutic effects. One of the most memorable landmarks along the coast was the Grotto of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

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Small Jetty for arriving Sea Vessels

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Grotto of the Blessed Virgin Mary

After paying our respects on that holy site, we continued combing the vast expanse of white sandy beaches as far as the eyes could reach the horizon. They were obviously people everywhere, from foreigners, local tourists who filled the resort, similar to industrious ant colonies that wouldn't stop moving out and about.

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Night Activities at Boracay Island

However, it didn't end there. There was definitely more to experience! Like daytime events, night life on Boracay Island was absolutely thriving! - revealing its fair share of evening pleasures.

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Vibrant Life during Evenings at Boracay Island

To our astonishment, there were lots of entertaining activities everywhere: people dancing across live bands and hotel performances, customers dining in outdoor restaurants, children and adults alike watching fire dancers and cultural shows, tourists hanging out in clubs, bars, joints, a few individuals swimming at the beach, and others merely shopping at the commercial establishments that were surprisingly still open for business during the late hours.

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Thriving Night Experiences at Boracay Island

Time obviously didn't cease! We lingered at one of the popular outdoor cafes, ordered some beverages, listened to live music, and chilled out for the rest of the evening. The atmosphere was magical!

Other interesting experiences that had an enormous impact on our Boracay holiday were the extremely challenging sports of scuba diving and parasailing.

These adrenalin-inducing, teeth-crunching, and hair-raising adventures were certainly not meant for the faint of heart!

They tested my endurance, strength, and courage to step out of my comfort zone, ultimately conquering my fear of the unknown. In the end, I eventually dared the accompanying risks and lived to tell the tale. Whew, I made it!

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Scuba Diving Adventures

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Approaching Platform for Parasailing Sports

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Preparation of Equipment for Parasailing Sports

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View of Speedboat below from Parachute

So far, everything you've witnessed previously exhibited the more favorable side of Boracay Island. The colorful plethora of attractions, activities, and events is strong proof of this destination's magnetic characteristics for leisure, entertainment, and tourism. However, as they say, some of life's scenarios aren't always what they seem. And as much as I had lots of fun on the island during the past days, the instinctive feeling that something wasn't right was imminent. Something was off!

Dire Consequences of Overtourism

I might be mistaken, yet it was truly apparent! Based on my personal observations, Boracay Island was obviously jam-packed with sidewalk vendors, street hawkers, retail spaces, outdoor stalls, restaurants, convenience stores, express diners, cafes, dive shops, plus hotels, and other accommodations of all shapes and sizes. Not to mention the staggering influx of local residents plus visitors from all over the world that traverse through its tiny thoroughfares on a daily basis, the resulting consequence of which was absolutely suffocating!

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Massive Proliferation of Business Activities in Boracay Island during Daytime

Would Mother Nature still be able to breathe properly in spite of the overwhelming circumstances that tend to choke her to death? How much longer could she survive?

"How on Earth could a naturally gorgeous island like Boracay continue to sustain itself with overcrowding, overpopulation, including the unprecedented accumulation of commerce as a result of excessive tourism? Why did the governing authorities tolerate these harmful practices? Haven't they noticed the telltale revelations that the island has been suffering all these years?" These were the dominating dilemmas that kept bothering my thoughts during those crucial moments.

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Massive Proliferation of Business Activities in Boracay Island during Daytime

Sacrificing and ignoring a location's abundance of natural resources on purpose would backfire someday. Like a clogged toilet bowl that hasn't been repaired right away, the same holds true when our planet's geographical treasures are tortured, abused, causing catastrophic pressures to build up, transforming into a ticking time bomb, desperately waiting to explode!

Environmental degradation. Garbage proliferation. Toxic pollution. Mismanagement of waste. Overwhelming commercialization of business establishments. Abuse of natural resources. Lack of green initiatives and sustainability programs.

These are simply some of the major perils that damage and continue to wreak havoc on Boracay's global reputation as a leading tourist hub. Until we collectively do something drastic to solve these underlying issues, this poor island will further plunge to its ultimate demise!

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Tremendous Commercialization in Boracay Island during Nighttime

Fortunately, in April of 2018, Boracay Island was finally rescued from impending disaster. As reported by media sources on a nationwide coverage, this splendid paradise became off-limits to tourism, the destination's front doors were temporarily shut down by the national government for an entire duration of 6 months. A rehabilitation program was officially organized to fully resuscitate the island back to its former glory.

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Tremendous Commercialization in Boracay Island during Nighttime

Such welcoming news indeed! But, could they achieve this humongous feat? It's surely not as easy as it sounds because it takes not just government leaders and employees, national organizations, businessmen, and environmental professionals to fulfill this valuable objective, but encompasses the collective efforts of every single citizen concerned about the welfare of their habitable world. What if this endeavor would be the most effective solution to eliminating issues on the sustainability of Boracay Island? Fingers crossed.

The Future of Boracay Island

It has been more than 4 years already since the Philippine national government imposed its recovery campaign on the island. And then, all of a sudden, the devastating pandemic of 2020 arrived, basically halting human life to a complete standstill as we know it. Did this abrupt change assist in the healing process of Boracay? Who knows? Perhaps it did.

We can't predict what will happen tomorrow. But, one thing is certain, whether we're still alive on this planet or not, that moment will come. And by then, nothing else matters but the truth that will set us free. Only time will tell.

I'm fully indebted with immense gratitude, kindness, and appreciation for the tremendous generosity that my beloved cousin and her family endowed to my unforgettable getaway to Boracay Island. As priceless as the beautiful memories are, I'm planning to travel there again in the near future. I'm simply eager to discover for myself the positive changes that produced significant fruits as a result of careful environmental nurture coupled with an authentic love for nature.

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Iconic Sandcastles of Boracay Island

What are your thoughts about Boracay Island? Do you think the Philippine government made the right decision to close the island for 6 months? Other interesting ideas for the effective restoration of an island suffering from environmental problems? Let's talk in the comments.

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Architect | Environmentalist | Lifehacker | Adventurer
Creator of Architecture+Design Community on Hive

Self-Expression Empowers Human Evolution™
© 2020-2022 @storiesoferne All Rights Reserved


This post made me miss Boracay even more! When I visited Boracay last 2019... sure, there were a lot of people, but tourists seem to be taking extra care of the place. Not to mention, they have these guards who'd reprimand you if you're caught loitering or damaging any of the plants.

Not only did those guards keep the place clean but they definitely made your night walks along the shore extra safe! 👌

Hello @tangatraveller. Me too. While creating this post, I was immensely nostalgic about Boracay Island, and I couldn't help but shed some tears. Your visit to Boracay in 2019 is absolutely welcoming news as you have actually witnessed that the island's restoration strategy was effective. Tourists have finally learned their lesson. Now, we have a much safer, more enjoyable, and most importantly, sustainable piece of natural paradise for years to come. 😊

Coming back to hive after so long and first blog I saw was yours my dear Erne @storiesoferne. How refreshing it is to read the blog.
First of all I would like to applaud you on the images, they are superb and dreamy. Urged me to visit the beach soon. I am in awe of the water slide running through the buildings. How fantastic.
Congrats on wonderful publication,
I won't miss a chance to read your publication, have a beautiful and happy week:)

Oh wow! How sweet of you my dear Sahiba @sahiba-rana. Thank you so much for your kind words - they mean a lot to me. Yes, summer season is here, so why not fully bask in the invigorating atmosphere of a white sand beach right? Perhaps it's about time for you to visit one. I'm truly glad Boracay Island together with its exciting adventures has inspired you to have enjoyable moments. Have a fantastic week ahead and receive a warm hug! 😊

Glad to be back anyways, I hope to visit a beach soon. Wishing you all the love and respects, have a happy day :D

Great trip. Looks like so much fun.
The beach is just stunning and the soft white sand and turquoise waters.

Never been but would be great one day.
Think the closure was a right move. It will have helped in many ways.
Hope it heals… nature deserves it.

Thank you for sharing @storiesoferne

Thanks a lot @littlebee4. Indeed, white sand beaches in tourist havens like Boracay Island never cease to fascinate us. In fact, the tremendous healing benefits of nature are everlasting, as long as her abundant resources are not abused, exploited, and taken for granted. The government shutdown was certainly the best strategy. 😊

Since you've not been to Boracay yet, have you already traveled to other parts of the Philippines?

You are so welcome @storiesoferne 😊
Exactly that as long as her recourses are not abused…

No I haven’t been to other parts of the Philippines. It is on our travel list one day.
First our big move this year.

Okay, I understand. Certainly, our planet's natural resources must be nurtured well to be able to continue sustaining our present and future lifestyles. I'll be more than happy to be one of your personal tour guides when you visit the Philippines one day. All the best for your big move. Take care, Jackie! 😊

And we try to do our little bit to help where and when ever we can 🥰

That’s so nice of you @storiesoferne we would gladly take you up on that offer one day in the future. 😎
Thank you so much… we are planning it for months but it will take a bit longer as things are more complicated with the pandemic and paperwork.
Take care 🤗 Erne

I wish to visit this place someday.. One of my dream places in the Philippines 😁.. Nice collection of stories about Boracay.. Glad that the president redeveloped this island.. It's better to visit this nowadays I guess.. Cleaner compared before..

Hey @jane1289, nice to meet you. Oh yes, Boracay Island will forever remain one of the best natural environments in the Philippines. And the rehabilitation program that saved its life was certainly an excellent move. Do visit this white-sand paradise whenever you can. Hope you're doing fine there in Hong Kong. I terribly miss that place! 😊

You should wander here as well someday 😁..

Will do...time-permitting. Cheers! 😊

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Awesome! Many thanks, @hivebuzz for this update! 😊

You're welcome @storiesoferne. 😊👍

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greetings my dear friend @storiesoferne, your content is wonderful I lived it as if I were present in the place, the Philippines definitely has an exotic beach that captivates with its exuberant beauty, I love the color of its sand, I imagine that in the practice of diving you You had a lot of fun observing the marine biodiversity, that trip is like the dream vacation and the perfect reunion with that loved one, very beautiful and special, the truth is that I loved it fascinating.

Hello, friend @armasdiaze. Thank you for intimately immersing yourself in my travel adventures to Boracay Island. I'm certain that you must be a beach lover too, isn't it? If I'm not mistaken, Venezuela must also have its fabulous share of white sand beaches. And maybe you can show me some of them someday. Have a wonderful week! Blessings! 😊

that's right my friend Venezuela has multiple beaches and islands with these characteristics of white sand that make it especially beautiful I can name a few, the turtle, the roques, the blanquilla, the witnesses and this photo that I share with you the orchila is a paradise on earth one day I hope you visit us. @storiesofernefb_img_16497085594224239.jpg

Wow! Looks like you are ready to plunge anytime into the white sand beaches. 🤣 The resort names you've mentioned are quite interesting as they have unique titles to them. The beach behind you, the Orchila, is so beautifully tempting, and highly attractive due to the sugary white sand strip on its shoreline. Thank you for sharing a remarkable page in your life friend @armasdiaze. 😊

to order, dear friend greetings and blessings @storiesoferne🤗🤗

My family went to Boracay in 2018 when it was just reopened after the rehabilitation. It was more peaceful, no more vendors on the shore.

Wow! That's excellent news @sisterhood2! At least the rehabilitation program intended for Boracay Island has now produced great fruits. Thank you for this update! 😊

Hello @storiesoferne! I have always dreamed of visiting your magnificent island of Boracay. I always looked at the pictures and thought it was heaven on earth. Judging by your story and photos, you had a great time on the Borracay. The great demand for recreation has led to a lot of pollution. Unscrupulous tourists (people) polluted this beautiful place. But I admire the policy of your state to restore the environment on the island. This is an example for the whole world. Your government made the right decision to close the island and rebuild it. It was necessary. Imagine if they didn't shut down Boracay? It would be an ecological disaster.
I always dreamed of going to this heaven on earth ☺️

Oh yes, I really do hope that your dream of visiting the Philippines someday would be realized. It seems that you're also a huge fan of white sand beaches. Not only does Boracay Island have them, but there are also other equally fascinating and lesser-known beach resorts within the archipelago that provide fun, leisure, relaxation, and anything you'd wish to accomplish under the sun.

Sure, I agree, our government definitely pursued the wise choice of reviving the natural splendor of Boracay. More people would be able to fully enjoy its marvelous benefits, as a result. Cheers! 😊

Hi storiesoferne,

This post has been upvoted by the Curie community curation project and associated vote trail as exceptional content (human curated and reviewed). Have a great day :)

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Many thanks, @curie for your valuable support. Cheers! 😊

a very pleasant trip and the excitement looks so real and the beach atmosphere looks so peaceful with such an amazing expanse of nature,,

the architectural design hotel of the building looks very luxurious my friend, my greetings to you and your family may you always be healthy there, friends.!

Hello @deltasteem. My adventures in Boracay Island were definitely priceless! Nature is one of the best sources of peace of mind, relaxation, and real healing. Thank you for your appreciation of the featured hotel, it was truly worth the trip. Best wishes and kind regards to your family! 😊

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This is definitely encouraging @ecency. Thank you for your valuable support! 😊

the structures look very nice, the beach not to mention, it looks super attractive, nice place to spend a few days and relax, good post!

Certainly @nicolasbernada. I gladly invite you to visit Boracay Island if you happen to travel to the Philippines in the future. It would surely be a fun, relaxing, and entertaining experience for you. Warm greetings! 😊

Hiya, @choogirl here, just swinging by to let you know that this post made it into our Honorable Mentions in Daily Travel Digest #1525.

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Hello @choogirl. Many thanks for the great support! 😊

Your photos make me want to go there tomorrow! I have heard about Boracay a lot over the years and is on my list of must see places. In many ways it looks a bit like my home Phuket.

Hey @seancallow. By all means, please visit Boracay Island! You won't regret it. On the other hand, your beautiful country of Thailand specifically your homeland of Phuket also has its glorious blessings of pristine white sand beaches. 😊

Hello dear friend @storiesoferne good afternoon
What a beautiful place, if paradise exists, without a doubt, it is here; You can not believe so beautiful; I was surprised by how much activity at night
I appreciate that you let us know about this earthly paradise, but I appreciate even more your final words that invite us to reflect.

have a beautiful weekend

Greetings dear friend @jlufer. Exactly, with a beautiful island paradise like Boracay, it's actually not surprising to witness it being filled to the brim with tourists and its related activities. They say that too much of anything is detrimental to one's well-being. True. And so it applies as well to our beloved environment. Thank you for your words of wisdom! Have an enjoyable one! 😊

Nice to see those beautiful and amazing pictures overthere, how I wish I have the opportunity to visit those places one day, may be by chance. Regards to your cousin

Hi @noble-noah. Grateful for your wonderful comment about Boracay Island. If you happen to be in the Philippines, schedule some time to explore this incredible piece of paradise. Of course, my cousin sends her greetings to you too. Cheers! 😊

Hello dear friend Erne. Magnificent delivery you have given us today. I would like to express my appreciation for this paradisiacal place in the Philippines. First of all, I was attracted by the hotel where the convention was held; The beaches of the Island of Boracay have a family resemblance to the Venezuelan islands, including the small popular places where, I imagine, typical local food is sold, on the shore of the beach. Finally, I think that the measure of the temporary closure of the island for tourism avoided, as you rightly point out, a disaster. Hopefully, the restrictive policy will be maintained for as long as necessary for the good of the Island's future. To finish, I want to inform you that today I have fulfilled my commitment to publish a post on modern Panama, which I did while waiting for your critical gaze. Receive a hug and my best wishes for a good weekend and your spiritual peace during the Holy Week.

Greetings dear friend Benjamin. As always, your beautiful remarks complete my day and continuously inspire me to publish more interesting content. Thank you for your sincere appreciation of Boracay Island, evoking the exciting nostalgia it brought you to remember your own spectacular Venezuelan resort islands. Time-permitting, I'd love to explore those exotic places too someday. 😊

Right, I have already seen your latest post about Panama's modern side and will comment on it soon. Virtual hugs, and have a lovely day! 🙏

If paradise exist I feel that it looks just like this island! So beautiful.

Definitely @sergiomendes, heaven does exist on Earth. And Boracay Island is clear proof. Best regards. 😊

The island is amazing, here you can have a real adventure, I certainly wish I could spend a holiday on a white sandy beach.

Indeed it is! White sand beaches can be found in other countries too, not just in the Philippines. Perhaps you have one close to where you live, where you can fully bask in its natural splendor. Cheers @triplug! 😊

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Hello, @storiesoferne)
I apologize for interfering with your article, but I could not answer to you under my article cause this feature is blocked)
Can you explain the reason for hiding my article for low ratings?

Dear @darine.darine. One of the most important rules in the Architecture+Design Community is for Hive authors to actively reply to all comments in their posts, most especially if they come from the admin team. Ignoring and failing to respond to these comments are signs of a disrespectful attitude, unethical conduct, and unprofessional behavior.

I understand)
I want to say, that in any case I didn't want to show disrespect to the administrators of your community, or to any commentator. It's just that there were circumstances in my life at that time that caused me to miss some comments, I'm really sorry @aplusd!

Okay, that is understandable. Please reply now to all the comments in your said article. Thank you for your compliance.

Thank you for understanding🙏