Paths to an abandoned mental hospital. Scary and curious.

in Worldmappin7 months ago

A year or two ago (I don't remember) I saw this abandoned mental hospital for the first time. I managed to take a few photos then. Then we heard terrible sounds in the abandoned building and quickly ran away. It was very scary. I don't know what made me visit this scary place again yesterday, but I persuaded my husband and we went there again.



This place will be interesting for stalkers and all thrill-seekers. On the territory of the abandoned mental hospital there are basements, cellars, and abandoned buildings. This mental hospital is famous among the people for its evil rumors. Some people claim that there are ghosts here. But is it true? In order to find out, you need to visit this abandoned place yourself and see everything with your own eyes.



The hospital is located on the territory of the Malye Karpaty mountain range. Ore was previously mined in the vicinity of the abandoned hospital. And to this day, there are also some active mines. According to some sources, they initially planned to make a spa here, but this idea turned out to be unpopular. Then the building was sold and it became a psychiatric hospital.



Initially, only men were treated here. Then they made a women's building. After some time, a new pavilion was built and the psychiatric departments were transferred there. Nobody knows what really happened here. But the place is very motorized.



This time, at the entrance to the abandoned territory, we saw huge piles of garbage. This upsets me. A little more and this place will turn into just a dump. It is better not to enter the buildings at all. The roof collapses all the time and you can get seriously injured.



This time we left the area as quickly as last time. At that moment, when I reached the edge of the hospital, three young deer jumped out from behind the trees. I was so scared that I felt my brain pulsating in my head.




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Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Really, that place is very scary. there are a lot of vloggers who might be there to reveal the devil, but I believe it doesn't exist.

I only saw deer there. It's a bit scary to be there when you're alone.

Іруся привіт) справді, якесь жахливе місце. Мене завжди засмучує те, що люди дуже легко залишають вже готові, добротні будівлі. Думаю, тут можна було щось організувати, але не влаштовувати звалище. Якщо уявити, що люди пересуваються, залишатимуть за собою руїни та купу сміття, то що буде в майбутньому. У нас тут є джерело мінеральної води, ми постійно її беремо. Якийсь ідіот пригнав сюди корів, розрив усе, типу водопій зробив. Ну і відповідно влаштували там смітник. Ми постійно там прибирали, а тепер Юрко каже, що там треба машиною вивозити сміття ((((Як же я ненавиджу таких людей.

I'm also sad that people don't take their trash with them. It's not hard. Unfortunately