It's been a long time since I've posted, forgive me for my inconsistency but I never forgot about you guys <3 Regardless of lockdowns and quarantine, it actually is surprising how busy life still can be. Either way, let me take you on my journey to India last year (I noticed I didn't share that with you guys!)
Natural Ice Cream
Loved the ice cream here! The flavors are very taste and flavorful whilst remaining creamy - exactly what you want in an ice cream. This ended up being one of my favorite ice cream places all time.
My rating: 10/10

Join me on Haveyoubeenhere! 😄
[//]:# (!pinmapple 15.49719 lat 73.8226104 long d3scr)
10 out of 10 ice cream? Damn, shut up and take my money I want 10 out of 10 ice cream too
To be entirely honest, I am not an all-knowing big ice cream guru, but it was definitely tasty! :D
Don't you backtrack on me now, stand by your ice cream!!!!!
LOL that's more like it, now again but with a half german, half Indian accent!aaaaaaand go!
That sounds quite complicated!
tokens.The magic of India....never easy to let go....good to see u back....old fellas always make the place better👍
Yes, it's been a loooong time. I keep trying to pop in every few months apparently. Consistency is key which I yet have to find. How have you been?
Still going tough out there even if you are regular...same old story out here...shit posts get valued and hard work undervalued...hope to see you regular out here....feels like home when known faces are around 👍
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Yes, Natural ice cream be the best. Waiting for them to re-open.
Can't wait to try it when I visit India again!
Come to Mangalore. Will take you.
In my next trip to India will most likely be to New Delhi/Gurgaon due to work, but maybe I can paste some holiday afterwards!
Nice. This time should meet for a longer talk. Last time was just few seconds.
For sure!