And also, I now know why I can't find you some times. Unless you re-blog your own pits, your post is not shared outside of the community and tags you had for your post. And we seldom use the same tags. Look:This photo article is absolutely interesting, amazing, and some funny, @bgosambucca! You have been all over, and isn't it a blessing to be able to travel the world and experience different cultures? BTW, you need to share with me how and where you store your photos files, and how do you organize them for easy retrieval. Many of my photos are gone because I had to delete them cuz my phone can't keep them all, and I do not store in the cloud.

If you go to your own blog feed you will see that it does not have all your post. I dunno if I am explaining this correctly. After every time you post, you have to re-blog your own post by hitting this arrow at the bottom right next to "reply" at the bottom of your article for the article to be shared with others who are not in the same tags that you use. You have to click the arrow on the right, see it?
Sorry for the late reply @silversaver888 i had a lazy enjoyable weekend with friends before i start explaining how i store my photos do you work of a computer or smartphone ?
MY photos are on both devices. Hive is just a read-only on my iPhone.
Thanks, @bigsambucca!
Every time i go out on a photo session i download them from my SD card from my camera or from my smartphone onto my computer and label that album for that day whether it be the park i visited or whatever you may want to call that album i have many categorized albums from A to Z and if you don't want to store them on computer you can store them on a 1000 GB Tribit like i do as backup. I hope that helps you @silversaver888 😉
I hope your day is going well! Take care 🥰🌺🤙It does help, my friend. I ordered one from Amazon. Thanks again. Sometimes, I forget the simplest things. When they first came out, I had tons of thumb drives which I use for almost everything. Thanks again @bigsambucca.
Glad i was a help to you them terabyte are better then a hundred of them thumb drives laying around that's for sure 😂
Have a great week ahead 😎 👍 🌞