Zdravím všechny
dnes se vrátíme v čase k létu a podíváme se znovu do Třebíče. Tentokrát do židovského města.
První písemná zmínka je ze čtrnáctého století, ale předpoklad je, že se zde první židovští obchodníci usadili hned po vzniku benediktinského kláštěra někdy ve století dvanáctém.
Jedná se unikátní, málokde zachovalý, komplex celkově zachovalé židovské zástavby, kromě Izraele
Hello, everybody.
Today we will go back in time to summer and look again at Trebic. The first written mention is from the fourteenth century, but the assumption is that the first Jewish merchants settled here right after the establishment of the Benedictine monastery sometime in the twelfth century.
This is a unique, rarely preserved, complex of generally well-preserved Jewish buildings, except in Israel
From the little square you see in the previous photo we enter the Jewish town at house no. 10, which is called the house at the Jewish Gate. It was built in the middle of the eighteenth century by a prominent Moravian Jewish merchant Isak Polnauer, who had a shop selling coffee, dyes and spices
A view of the Jihlava River opens up on the left side
Vyfotil jsem pro Vás i tyto tabulky, takže máte vlastně kompletní iformaci
We were surprised, and very pleasantly so, that the important houses were provided with plaques with descriptions. This was in Czech, English and German. So even foreign visitors have the opportunity to learn about their history and original meaning and purpose. I would say that this is very useful.
I have also taken pictures of these tables for you, so you actually have complete information
Proplétáme se spletíuzkých uliček.
Pokud byste se sem vydali, tak se připravte na spousty schodů. Pro mne to bylo docela náročné, ale stálo to za to
We are weaving through a tangle of narrow streets.
If you venture here, be prepared for a lot of stairs. It was quite a challenge for me, but it was worth it.
Interesting is also the aisle with spanning arches
A znovu se dostáváme do části s historicky zajímavými budovami, opatřenými informačními cedulkami
Tento ubytovací komplex byl původně židovský chudobinec
And again we come to the part with historically interesting buildings with information signs
This accommodation complex was originally a Jewish poorhouse
Židovská obec se také dobře starala o své nemocné. Budova nemocnice je velmi hezká, i když ne původní. Obnovený vzhled současnou rekonstrukcí je ale i tak velmi pěkný
The Jewish community also took good care of its sick. The hospital building is very nice, although not original. The restored appearance of the current renovation is still very nice
Zajímavý dům s pohnutou historií. Od palírny alkoholu, stájí a výčepu kořalky až po školu.
An interesting house with a turbulent history. From the distillery, stables and liquor tap to the school.
No a velmi zajímavý průchod mezi a vlastně i pod domy. Tyto průchody asi vznikaly z důvodu ušetření místa. Židovské čtvrti se nesměly rozšiřovat mimo vyznačenné hranice a tak každý kousek prostoru byl dobrý
And a very interesting passage between and actually under the houses. These passages were probably created to save space. The Jewish quarters were not allowed to expand outside the marked boundaries, so every bit of space was good
No a budova nové synagogy. Dovnitř jsme se bohužel nedostali. Byl už večer a bylo zavřeno
And the new synagogue building. Unfortunately, we didn't get inside. It was already evening and it was closed
Na závěr ještě informační deska o zařazení židovské čtvrti mezi památky kulturního dědictví UNESCO a vracíme se zpět do centra.
Loučí se s náma večerní západ slunce nad řekou Jihlavou
At the end of the tour, we see an information board about the inclusion of the Jewish Quarter among the UNESCO heritage sites and we return to the centre.
We say goodbye to the evening sunset over the Jihlava River
tak doufám že se Vám dnešní procházka po historickém Třebíči líbila a těším se na vaše připomínky, nebo komentáře
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so I hope you enjoyed today's walk around the historic Trebic and I look forward to your comments
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All those streets look like a gigantic and very colorful maze, it was an interesting walk through your photos. I really liked the detail of the plaques, I think preserving the history of a town, is important for the town and for future generations.
I like that even foreign tourists can read it, unfortunately not everywhere in our country it is done that way. Tourists often have to buy a guidebook, search in it, or pay extra for a guidebook in another language. I really liked this. I have come across QR codes, but they are often damaged by vandals