Walk at Great Elm: Flooded River, Tremella, Graffiti, and a Freight Train - plus a LOT of moss.

in Worldmappinlast year

It's been so lovely walking around Somerset again. Though last time we were here everything was tainted by the threat of the virus and the lockdown, and indeed whether we'd ever get back to Australia, we did have some beautiful walks.

One walk was near Frome at Great Elm. We'd had a lovely long walk there with my sister in laws dog, had ginger nuts and camembert and crackers and nuts by the mill, and felt good in the sunshine for a while.

Today was an equally lovely walk, but much, much muddier. IN fact, the river had broken it's banks in the last week and flooded, sending logs and branches and mud all along the lovely gravel path. Thus, the first part of the walk was a lot trickier than I expected, but on the bright side, I did get my brand new Aussie Redback boots muddy!


I love the stonework in England. From bridges to follys to kilns to houses, it's just gorgeous, holding its place in the landscape and blending in. Moss and lichen wear away the centuries on its facade. I personally call these 'stegosaurus bridges' - can you see why?


I love some of the houses along here. This one used to have a porch right out onto the river.


Further along the way is something decidedly more posh - perhaps Edwardian?


From the posh to the urban, there was also graffiti on the rail bridge. We stopped here for a while as Jamie and his Mum had to count every freight carriage like the train geeks they are. To be honest, I did really like the graffiti on the train.

I honestly need to get out here with my good camera and specifically take photos of moss. There's a lot of it. I love how it covers the branches like artwork.

On the way back to the car I found some witches butter, a kind of tremella, in the hedgerow. Isn't it lovely? Apparently you can have them raw, and there's lots of medicinal benefits, but we left it there. We also saw some other jelly fungus. These are also edible. I'm feeling a miso mushroom noodle tofu soup coming on!

Tomorrow I doubt we'll be walking - it's meant to be raining all day!

With Love,


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Hello @riverflows... You took very beautiful and detailed photos. How nice it is to have so many miracle trees in nature. Creator; He has also given things that will arouse admiration... 🐝🐝

I'm not sure about a creator gifting it, but nature sure is spectacular and there is an element of the divine in it for sure.

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A fun adventure in the wild with a variety of natural beauty

It would definitely be very comfortable if you lived in a house on the edge of a very natural river, and the mushrooms that grow there are also very beautiful

Wouldn't it be lovely? Not much sun in this valley though.

You're right the moss looks like art, I really like the texture, it's green and so awesome. Oh how peaceful it is to be there, far from pollution!

It does seem so clean in the countryside!

Sure, it's a big change from Australia, but I find it has a certain charm.

Did you have a good trip? It's not too much of a shock between the good weather and the cooler, wetter weather? That's a big step you've taken there. For as long as I've known you (2 months, that's all haha), you've been talking about it. But I imagine it must also be a kind of relief to have arrived and moved on.

The flight is pretty arduous, but as good as can be expected, except for my board being smashed - more on that later! Yes, there's a HUGE relief!

Glad to hear it! So I wish you and your husband many happy new adventures!

Nice job 👏 and your photography is awesome...

The best thing about these walks with you is the pictures captured by you make these virtual walks real for every reader.