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RE: Staying At The Bethlen-Haller Castle

in Worldmappin2 years ago

I´m really impressed by the regularity and quality of these top notch pieces from various interesting places that you post on your blog every day Erika. And it´s even more impressive given the fact that you don´t do Hive full time. Or do you? :)


Oh, what a nice comment my friend! I'm in crypto full time, so Hive is part of that and part of my life. I'm trying to share what I see and enjoy, as we all do 😀 Quality and beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, so top notch? It depends who you are asking, but I really appreciate the precious compliment, I feel honored! ❤️

I see. Makes sense now :) I was wondering how it could be possible to churn out these high quality posts every day while still going to work somewhere. But yeah, now I remember how you were writing about trying the (digitally) nomadic lifestyle and that´s something you can only do when you can work 100% online. So you do crypto stuff for living and Hive is a (big, I guess) part of that. Cool :)

You know what they say

Built your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs.

Crypto gives me the freedom I need and if I'm smart and play my cards right, I'm going to have my future assured. But nothing is for free.

Well said :) Good luck reaching your goals and staying free! :)

Thank you, I wish you the same 🙂

Thank you :)