Visiting the small village in the hills, Baggio. ( ENG/ESP)

Good morning hivers how are you? Today I'm taking you on a little trip that we've taken in recent days, although my health isn't the best yet, I still try not to stay locked in the house because my mood is negatively affected, so yesterday I was intrigued by some announcements of splendid villas for sale my husband and I decided to visit a small village about an hour away from our home, we liked the village but it is so inconvenient and far away that we won't buy a house there! Baggio is a small village of very few inhabitants located on the Pistoia hills, it is about half an hour from the city and has a cooler climate, to get there you travel along narrow, curvy roads, not suitable for those who suffer from car sickness but it has a beautiful panoramic view, in fact the road winds through the green hills of Pistoia, among olive groves and agricultural fields. To get to the village you pass by some small clusters of houses, besides the fields in these places there is nothing else, not even a business or a bar or a pharmacy, just fields and houses, very quiet but also very isolated places.

Buenos días hivers ¿cómo estás? Hoy los llevo a un pequeño viaje que hemos hecho en los últimos días, aunque mi salud aún no es la mejor, todavía trato de no quedarme encerrada en casa porque mi estado de ánimo se ve afectado negativamente, por eso ayer estuve Intrigados por algunos anuncios de espléndidas villas en venta, mi marido y yo decidimos visitar un pequeño pueblo a una hora de nuestra casa. Nos gustó el pueblo, pero es tan incómodo y está tan lejos que no compraremos una casa allí. Baggio es un pequeño pueblo de muy pocos habitantes ubicado en las colinas de Pistoia, está a aproximadamente media hora de la ciudad y tiene un clima más fresco, para llegar se transita por caminos estrechos y con curvas, no aptos para quienes sufren mareos. pero tiene una hermosa vista panorámica, de hecho el camino serpentea por las verdes colinas de Pistoia, entre olivares y campos agrícolas. Para llegar al pueblo se pasa por unos pequeños grupos de casas, además de los campos en estos lugares no hay nada más, ni siquiera un negocio ni un bar o una farmacia, sólo campos y casas, lugares muy tranquilos pero también muy aislados.

Once we arrived at the town we were greeted by a lot of silence, we parked in front of a fresco or mural which represents the ancient pastoral origins of the town, a place known for agriculture and sheep farming, it was a town of farmers, simple people who worked in the fields until the evening, over the centuries the fields were abandoned and the farmers began to work in the ironworks which grew enormously in the area, today there are various paths called ironworks, this area is an excellent place for those who love trekking and the woods, there are many easy and accessible paths that lead to small disused sanctuaries and religious niches, then there is a small church in the main square which is very pretty with a large bell where I couldn't resist taking photos! The church is dedicated to San Michele Arcangelo. Baggio is a really small and quiet village, a perfect place for those looking for a little relaxation or paths to walk!

Una vez que llegamos al pueblo fuimos recibidos por mucho silencio, nos estacionamos frente a un fresco o mural que representa los antiguos orígenes pastoriles del pueblo, un lugar conocido por la agricultura y la cría de ovejas, era un pueblo de agricultores, gente sencilla que trabajaba en el campo hasta la tarde, con el paso de los siglos los campos fueron abandonados y los agricultores comenzaron a trabajar en las ferrerías las cuales crecieron enormemente en la zona, hoy en día existen diversos senderos llamados ferrerías, esta zona es un excelente lugar para aquellos A los que les encanta el trekking y el bosque, hay muchos senderos fáciles y accesibles que llevan a pequeños santuarios en desuso y nichos religiosos, luego hay una pequeña iglesia en la plaza principal que es muy bonita con una gran campana donde no pude resistirme a tomar fotos. ! La iglesia está dedicada a San Michele Arcangelo. Baggio es un pueblo realmente pequeño y tranquilo, ¡un lugar perfecto para aquellos que buscan un poco de relajación o senderos para caminar!

First picture edited by canva and delimeters too, translation with deepl.


Beautiful views

Thanks ❤️❤️

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Wow, it looks beautiful. I love hidden quaint little towns like this ♡

It's a beautiful village, but if the population is small, it's a bit worrying too. But you're right, it's a good place for trekking. I would like to love visiting that village for once or several times for vacation, but for living, I will considering hard. Thanks for sharing, the photos are totally best!

We liked it but not for living ❤️ maybe a plane for live the retirement

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a perfect place for those looking for a little relaxation or paths to walk!

I often find these small villages nice and relaxing. I visited a few Ukrainian villages a long time ago and ended up liking them very much. People live a quiet peaceful and minimalistic life there. I hope your health is a little bit better now. Beautiful discovery and thanks for sharing...

Thank you for reading 💕💕

Small towns to escape and find peace, but difficult to connect with the real world. I don't think I could go to live in a totally isolated place either, even less if to move around I have to go through curves in the road all the time, I hate it.

The good thing, you are still walking around nearby villages, expanding the map of known areas and enjoying the change of scenery. I hope you are feeling better and better, best regards from the bottom of my heart.

Thanks yes I liked these place too for relax but surely not for living 🤣 I can't stand so much isolation especially from principal services.