There is a way to get into a pirate adventure by taking the Korsaro boat tour in Split, Croatia. It sounds a bit like a fantasy, but despite not being a theatrical activity, nor having a staff that characterizes or tells pirate stories, yet the experience of getting on a boat in this aesthetic with the promise of seeing a museum of underwater sculptures, stands out in a port, where when you look at the horizon, you find a lot of yachts, sailboats and huge cruise ships quite modern.
The full tour, which can be checked out on their website, seems just exquisite, however, and despite the lively start with which I decided to begin this post, I will show here a bit about the experience of going on this tour with many disadvantages on our side, but with the luck of doing it together with some of the wonderful people who attended #HiveFest this year.
Our tour had been postponed for a couple of days due to stormy weather, so the sea was not being 100% reliable those days, plus many of the potential attendees had to return to the port in the early afternoon to connect with their flight at the airport. We had little time and bad weather, so in order not to miss the reserved opportunity, we had to enjoy a shortened version of the tour, without the amazing visit to the museum under the sea and with the cold that would accompany us to the beach, nearly private that we could enjoy that day.
My point here, is that it doesn't matter so much the conditions or if any plan goes wrong, no matter how sad that disappointment may turn us, as long as we have the will to take advantage of the opportunities given and make the most of them, a lovely day can be spent in the company of a cloudy sky. Although I have to admit that the people on board helped us not to think too much about the particularities of the tour and that we were delighted with the memories of having shared different conversations on a pirate ship, of which we were all left with beautiful postcards.
Existe una forma de adentrarse en una aventura pirata haciendo el tour del bote Korsaro en Split, Croacia. Suena un poco a fantasía, pero a pesar de no ser una actividad teatral, ni de contar con un staff que caracterice o cuenta historias de piratas, pero la experiencia de subir a un barco con esta estética con la promesa de ver un museo de esculturas submarinas, destaca en un puerto, en donde al ver el horizonte, te encuentras con gran cantidad de yates, veleros y enormes cruceros bastante modernos.
El tour al completo, que se puede revisar en su pagina web
Nuestro tour había sido aplazado un par de días debido al clima que se presentaba tormentoso, por lo que el mar no estaba siendo 100% de fiar esos días, además muchos de los posibles asistentes tenían que regresar al puerto a tempranas horas de la tarde para enlazar con su vuelo en el aeropuerto. Teníamos poco tiempo y mal clima, así que para no perder la oportunidad reservada, tuvimos que disfrutar de una versión recortada del tour, sin la asombrosa visita al museo bajo el mar y con el frío que nos acompañaría hasta la playa, casi privada que pudimos disfrutar ese día.
Mi punto aquí, es que no importan tanto las condiciones o si algún plan se tuerce, por más triste que pueda ponernos esa desilusión, siempre que tengamos las ganas de aprovechar las oportunidades dadás y sacarles todo el provecho posible, se puede pasar un día encantador en compañía de un cielo nublado. Aunque tengo que admitir que las personas a bordo, ayudaron mucho a que no pensáramos demasiado en las particularidades del tour y a que nos quedáramos encantados con los recuerdos de haber compartido charlas variadas sobre un barco pirata, del que nos quedaron a todos, hermosas postales., parece simplemente exquisito, sin embargo, y pesar del animado comienzo con el que decidí comenzar este post, voy a mostrar aquí un poco sobre la experiencia de ir en este tour con muchas desventajas de nuestro lado, pero con la suerte de hacerlo junto algunas de las maravillosas personas que asistieron al #HiveFest este año.

The first thing to note is that the decoration of the ship is quite creative and adapted to its pirate theme, from the pirate dolls or skeletons stationed around the ship, even at the top of it, to the mermaid on its bow, which I think is a very nice detail. The cannons and the thick ropes helped a lot to get into the atmosphere and we all wanted to take a picture with the various elements of the ship, I think it's a great experience for groups of friends and families.
Although for me the best part of the trip was being, quietly, on the top floor of the ship enjoying the scenery and the wind, colder than I would have liked, but as pleasant as could be expected. I am not a person to be on boats much, I am always a little afraid of getting seasick and having a bad time, although I took my precautions and on this trip I did not have any discomfort.
Seeing how the view changed on the horizon was almost therapeutic, the Croatian coasts seemed very different to things I had seen before and I had a lot of fun taking pictures of different forms of landscape to immortalize those memories here. Not the best photos, but very faithful to what I was seeing at the time and they make me relive it happily.
Lo primero a destacar es que la decoración de la embarcación es bastante creativa y adaptada a su temática pirata, desde los muñecos de piratas o esqueletos apostados al rededor del barco, incluso en lo más alto de este, hasta la sirena en su proa, que me precio un detalle muy bonito. Los cañones y las gruesas cuerdas ayudaban mucho a entrar en ambiente y que todos quisiéramos hacernos alguna foto con los diversos elementos del barco, creo que es una experiencia genial para grupos de amigos y familias.
Aunque para mí lo mejor del viaje fue estar, tranquilamente, en la planta alta del barco disfrutando del paisaje y el viento, más frío de lo que me hubiera gustado, pero tan agradable como podría esperarse. Yo no soy una persona de estar mucho en embarcaciones, siempre me da un poco de miedo marearme y pasar un mal rato, aunque tome mis previsiones y en este viaje no tuve ninguna molestia.
Ir viendo como cambiaba la vista en el horizonte era casi terapéutico, las costas croatas me parecieron muy distintas a cosas que hubiese visto antes y me divertí mucho rato sacando fotos a distintas formas de paisaje para poder inmortalizar aquí esos recuerdos. No son las mejores fotos, pero son muy fieles a lo que yo estaba viendo en ese momento y me hacen revivirlo felizmente.
This photo above is of an area affected by the recent fires, apparently a common occurrence in the region during the heavy summer season, although it is still quite sad to witness. It is heartbreaking to be confronted with what is left after a natural disaster.
hereFujifilm, a daring change but according to her very successful, I hope to see soon her photos from the boat. :)During the 2 hours we were on the move until we made landfall, we were able to take lots and lots of pictures, there are incredible, beautiful and funny images shared by @louis88 , from whom I share the following image, with my unruly hair doing its thing, which I found very funny. However I'm going to call on @m31 to share his vision of the trip. We were chatting for a while and I loved the way she told me about her excitement for rediscovering photography, with her new mirrorles acquisition from
When we were approaching the place where we disembarked, the water began to look much more crystalline and tempting, I did not expect such beautiful waters but now I have no doubt why this area is so full of tourists in summer, it is beautiful.
We docked the boat at the beach Uvala Jelinak veli, where the underwater museum tour could have been done if the conditions had been suitable, and went to the beach. The braver ones went into the cold water, I didn't dare, and a few of us hung out on the loungers at the front to chat, I explored the area a bit while chatting, but then we were all brought together by the call of the meal, of which I made a summary which you can access from the image of fried fish.
In addition to the food and drink included in the tour, there is a wide range of drinks on offer for those who wanted something different, so I'm including the price list, in case anyone could use a reference.
Esta foto de arriba es de una zona afectada por los recientes incendios, al parecer es algo usual en la zona durante la época del fuerte verano, aunque no deja de ser bastante triste de presenciar. Es desolador enfrentarse a lo que queda después de un desastre natural.
aquíFujifilm, un cambio atrevido pero según ella muy acertado, espero ver pronto sus fotos desde el barco. :)
Cuando nos acercábamos al lugar en donde desembarcamos, el agua comenzaba a lucir mucho más cristalina y tentadora, no me esperaba aguas tan preciosas pero ya no me cabe duda porque está zona se llena tanto de turistas en verano, es precioso.
Atracamos el barco en la playa Uvala Jelinak veli, en donde podría haberse hecho el recorrido del museo submarino si las condiciones hubiesen sido adecuadas, y fuimos hacia la playa. Los más valientes entraron a la fría agua, yo no me atreví, y algunos se apostaron en las tumbonas del frente a charlar, yo exploré un poco la zona mientras charlaba, pero luego nos reunió a todos el llamado de la comida, de la cual hice un resumen al que se puede acceder desde la imagen del pescado frito.
Además de la comida y bebida incluida en el tour, hay una amplia oferta de bebidas para los que quisieran algo diferente, así que incluyo el listado de precios, por si a alguien le sirve de referencia. Durante las 2 horas que estuvimos en movimiento hasta tocar tierra, pudimos hacer muchísimas fotos, hay imágenes increíbles, preciosas y graciosas que no ha compartido @louis88 , de quien comparto la siguiente imagen,con mi cabello rebelde haciendo de las suyas, que me pareció muy divertida. Sin embargo voy a hacer un llamado a @m31 para que se anime a compartir su visión del viaje. Estuvimos charlando un rato y me encanto la forma en que me habló de su emoción por redescubrir la fotografía, con su nueva adquisición mirrorles de
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After lunch, we still had half an hour before making the return trip to Split, we had a tight itinerary and we all had to collaborate so that the companions did not miss their flight, so some of us decided to make a small tour around the coast, a short route that gave us images of a curious vegetation and a good reason to keep talking to each other.
I did this hike with two amazing women. I really enjoyed hearing a bit more about Ola, member of @thebeedevs, who I don't know if she has a personal user, so I apologize in advance. But you strike me as a great and inspiring person and I didn't want to overlook the fact that I really enjoyed your company that afternoon, despite being a bit distracted looking for rocks along the way.
The other was @lizanomadsoul, who was an accomplice in my search for rocks to send as gifts and helped me get a really different one, the one that looks like a flag. That day Liz was traveling back and dared to go on the boat ride despite the risk of something happening and missing the flight, so I have to thank her once again for that possible false step she took to be able to join us. It wouldn't have been the same if she wasn't there that day.
Doing that little walk was one of the things I enjoyed most about the trip, I love walking and even though it was very short, doing it on new trails is always exciting. I think it would be a great plan to spend a whole day there exploring.
Después de comer, teníamos aún una media hora antes de hacer el recorrido de vuelta hasta Split, teníamos un itinerario apretado y teníamos todos que colaborar para que los compañeros no perdieran su vuelo, así que algunos de nosotros decidimos hacer un pequeño recorrido por los alrededores de la costa, una pequeña ruta que nos regaló imágenes de una curiosa vegetación y un buen motivo para seguir hablando entre nosotros.
Hice este recorrido con dos mujeres increíbles. Me gusto mucho escuchar un poco más sobre Ola
Hacer ese pequeño recorrido fue una de las cosas que más me gustó del paseo, me encanta caminar y, aunque fue muy cortito, hacerlo por nuevos senderos siempre es emocionante. Creo que sería un plan genial pasarse todo un día allí explorando., integrante de @thebeedevs, de quien desconozco si tiene un usuario personal, así que te pido disculpas de antemano. Pero me pareces una persona genial e inspiradora y no quería dejar pasar por alto que disfrute mucho de tu compañía esa tarde, a pesar de estar un poco distraída buscando rocas por el camino. La otra era @lizanomadsoul, quien fue cómplice en mi búsqueda de rocas para enviar de regalo y me ayudó a conseguir una realmente diferente, la que parece una bandera. Ese día Liz viajaba de regreso y se atrevió a ir al paseo en bote a pesar del riego de que algo ocurriera y perdiera el vuelo, así que tengo que agradecerle una vez más ese posible paso en falso que tomo para poder acompañarnos. No hubiese sido lo mismo si no estuviese allí ese día.
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Well sure, we didn't snorkel or discover the mysterious via crucis underwater, which must be spectacular, but we spent a different day, breathing the sea air and surrounded by wonderful people. I think it was absolutely worth rescheduling the trip, at the end there were even dolphins swimming next to the boat, something beautiful according to those who saw them, but I took refuge this time in the bottom of the boat where it was much warmer, hoping to glimpse some of the statues from the underwater windows of the boat, but I only saw water, no fishing or museum, however being there watching was hypnotic and pleasant.
I don't know if we all would have thought the same if we had paid individually for it, this tour was fully sponsored by the event, so in either case, we were lucky. Thanks to the organizers, especially @lordbutterfly who had a lot of patience organizing so many people and also took into account the needs of those of us who stayed a few days longer and were able to go on this tour.
I am very happy with the pictures I could keep as a souvenir, I think the adverse weather has a lot to do with what was the pirate life at sea, and although we did not go with a water map to discover the treasure of the museum, it was great to know that we were close to that place that is so attractive to tourists, perhaps this is a sign that I have to return more quietly to these lands and dedicate myself to enjoy it more calmly. I am not complaining at all about this visit, our priority was to get to know each other, take advantage of seeing us in person and connect, this scenario was the perfect accompaniment for that and I would not change it for anything.
Pues si, no hicimos snorkel ni descubrimos el misterioso vía crucisdebajo del agua, que debe ser espectacular, pero pasamos un día diferente, respirando el aire del mar y rodeados de gente maravillosa. Creo que valió absolutamente la pena reprogramar el viaje, al final incluso hubo delfines nadando al lado del barco, algo hermoso según los que los vieron, pero yo me refugié esta vez en el fondo de la embarcación en donde estaba mucho más calentito, con la esperanza de vislumbrar alguna de las estatuas desde las ventanas subacuáticas del bote, pero solo vi agua, ni pescas ni museo, sin embargo estar ahí mirando resultaba hipnótico y agradable.
Yo estoy muy contenta con las fotografías que pude quedarme de recuerdo, creo que el clima adverso tiene mucho que ver con lo que era la vida pirata en el mar, y aunque no fuimos con un mapa acuático a descubrir el tesoro del museo, fue genial saber que estuvimos cerca de ese lugar que resulta tan atractivo a los turistas, quizá esto sea una señal de que tengo que volver con más calma a estas tierras y dedicarme a disfrutarla con más calma. No me quejo para nada de esta visita, nuestra prioridad era conocernos, aprovechar de vernos en persona y conectar, este escenario era el acompañamiento perfecto para ello y yo no lo cambiaría por nada. No sé si todos hubiésemos pensado lo mismo al final, de haber pagado individualmente por ello, este tour fue patrocinado en su totalidad por el evento, así que en cualquiera de los casos, fuimos afortunados. Gracias a los organizadores, sobre todo a @lordbutterfly quien tuvo muchísima paciencia tentando organizar a tanta gente y además tomó en cuenta las necesidades de quienes nos quedamos unos días más y pudimos ir a este paseo.
GIFs: Bloggif
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Photo credits: The *authorized photo
All other photographs in this post, were taken by me with my Iphone 11, and belong to me.
, was taken by @louis88
Entirely too much fun was had in Split! Haha
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Oh, what a horizon! Nice photos, and nice stones. Thanks for sharing so much information (except for the treasure site ).
Best regards @ninaeatshere.
Un abrazo muy grande @ninaeatshere.
Sí, yo quería tener imágenes de un tesoro para sorprenderte, pero te lo debo, espero que no haya sido tan decepcionante esta parte de la aventura.
Nunca defarudan tus publicaciones, eres una gran bloguera (se dice así?) de viajes y disfruto bastante con lo que comartes y como la forma en como lo entregas. También entiendo que te no quieras compartir el tesoro, tod@s somos humanos.
Un abrazo muy fuerte @ninaeatshere.
Shocked with the beauty of these beaches, coasts and places.
Thank you very much for sharing @ninaeatshere
Y gracias a ti por dedicarle un rato a esta entrada. Sin duda, un lugar hermoso, más de lo que yo esperaba, ha sido entretenido ir haciendo fotos del recorrido. Me alegra que lo disfrutaras. :)
Despite the cold wind, this sea trip left fascinating impressions!
Exactly! how else would we enjoy the scenery in this way hahaha we must stay positive!
Demasiado lindo, pronto estaré por allí
Too cute, I'll be there soon
¡Buenooooo! quién dijo miedo jajaja es precioso, seguro te encantaría.
It looks so beautiful in there, might as well add this for my bucket list🥰
You definitely have to add it to your bucket list, it is well worth it. With time and considering the weather, you can be assured of a wonderful experience!
as i said for hive fest Amsterdam (as it rained most of the time). If i went there to see Amsterdam i would be pretty pissed, but Amsterdam was just a background in the hive fest people movie.
Yeih, that's exactly the idea! I think it's hard to understand until you're there in the middle of it all and time flies by. It's been great!
I'm sad to hear about the bad weather conditions but I am happy to see that everything was fine overall. Hive fest is such a crazy and cool experience at the same time!
Well I am sad that you weren't there. I'm sure you would have had a great time, I hope we can meet at some point.
Would love to!
Thanks for taking us back on the boat with you through that post @ninaeatshere! You are so active these days! I love it <3 What great pictures you have from that day ☀️😎 I am happy I went on the boat with you in the end. A shame that we didn´t manage to follow the original plan to go there already the week before with awesome weather, that would have been even more amazing.
But still it was pretty special and it wouldn´t have been the same without you neighter 😘
We must be active! if not, who is going to set an ideal model? x'D
Thanks for stopping by, I know these blogs are a bit long, but I can't help it!
We made the most of the day as best we could and have been left with a very nice memory of it all, despite not agreeing to let you lend me the freaking sweater! xD
So you think an ideal model must be active? hmm I see..
Yeah the sweater chance is gone forever 🤷♀
Argh I'm so so I went on a tour in Croatia the week after the hive Fest and I missed split, by the way from you picture I can confirm that the sea areas of this country are really all beautiful 🥰🥰
Oh no just after haha it would have been great if you could have gone, I think you might actually enjoyed it a lot. Have you considered the next BuzzParty in May?
Travel Digest #2332.
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Hiya, @ybanezkim26 here, just swinging by to let you know that this post made it into our Top 3 in Your post has been manually curated by the @worldmappin team. If you like what we're doing, please drop by to check out all the rest of today's great posts and consider supporting other authors like yourself and us so we can keep the project going!Wow @ninaeatshere tremendas vistas (aunque tambien creo que las habilidades con la camara le resaltan aún más la belleza)... Me encantó esta experiencia que nos traes, porque pienso igual que tu, queda perfecto para pasar un tiempo diferente con familiares o amigos (si sin que falte la gente buena vibra por supuesto jaja) y me encanta lo cuidado que tienen tanto el barco como los alrededores y la naturaleza 💗
Se ve que la pasaron muy muy TOP... Saludos!
Jaja pues gracias por lo que me toca, ojalá esas habilidades puedan ir mejorando, disfruto mucho sacando fotos. Tienes razón, los espacios están muy bien mantenido, hubo lugares por allá en que no era así, pero porque las zonas no eran tan frecuentadas, a veces el turismo sirve para lo contrario a lo que uno esperaría, pero si quieres atraer a la gente hay que brindar comodidad, luego que nosotros nos comportemos es algo que debería ser lo correcto.
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Wow, eso se ve fantástico, a mí también me hubiera gustado venir.
¡Hey, qué alegría leerte por aquí! Gracias por visitar el blog ❤️
Yo seguiré avisándote de cosas.
Nächster Stopp: Graz 01.05.2025
Wow, this was a really fun trip and it was really amazing that you also captured so many beautiful pictures. Of course, I was really entertained seeing all the pictures that you shared.
I'm finding out that you are a great macro and wildlife photographer, something I love, so I'm going to take your comment about the photos as a compliment. Thank you very much, it makes me happy to know that transmit what I feel, these are images that I liked very much.
I will find you. You have my word.
Credit: lofone
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Bello lugar 😍
Looks fun to be in there. I am sure you enjoyed the tour.
Thats so exciting journey like playing as a pirate. I want to find one piece!