
Discord is det.lev

There are supposed to be some numbers after the username. Mine is nevies0698#0. "det.lev" alone does not produce results on Discord.

@detlev, have you seen my reply? Hit me up on Discord, this is my username there: nevies0698#0. Copy it and paste it in the search box.

Or simply go to your profile to find out your true username, "det.lev" does not exist 🥲

Try pls. detlev#4277 or det.lev

That's still not your correct username.

You should make sure by clicking on your profile:

Your profile is the icon below, where this. Arrow is pointing.

Click on the icon and you can find your true username.

Or maybe just give me an email address that you don't use or something. Or maybe create a new one and discard it after 😅.


I will send you my email.....

@detlev, none of those usernames are working. I think that's because there's no number next to it like mine. You should click further to reveal the numbers next to the username.

Or why not just search for me on Discord using the option "find friends". This is my Discord username: nevies0698#0

Tap the icon this arrow is point at, click on find friends, paste my username.

I drop you an encrypted transfer with my email in it. You need to use your memo key to read it

Might be more easy.