Welcome to this house from the 18th century

in Worldmappin2 years ago (edited)


Would you ever consider going back in time and living without all the features that keep your home comfortable? Without all the kitchen appliances and a modern bathroom? Without all those gadgets that we use in our leisure time in our homes? Not to mention even the most basic things like electricity or tap water? Would you like to live that experience?

Before making a positive or negative statement about that, the best thing is to check out one of those houses that preserved the original look from more than two centuries ago. Well, at least that is what the house I visited last week stated. A typical house from the 18th century, which is converted into a museum. It is located in the village of Guadalest, in Spain. I played there at one event a few days ago, and as I had a bit of time, I visited this museum.


The bedroom looked pretty nice. Simple, but with a cool bed, and a piece of furniture with a sewing machine on it and an accessory for weaving. On the wall, we can see a candleholder and a long stick with a rounded part at the end of it. It is a bed warmer. I do remember my grandma had some bed warmers, but they were electric blankets. She used to count me the adventures from her childhood and youth and was mentioning brick bed heaters. They used to warm them up on a stove before putting them into bed.

One of the walls in this bedroom was a rock actually. Well, this house is situated in that village that is on the top of the rock, probably many houses have at least one wall that is part of nature, the rocky formation. It is almost like living in a cave.


Although it may seem like a primitive way of maintaining hygiene, this basin and jug probably served the purpose nicely. I don't think this "mobile bathroom" is more than a hundred years old as something similar I saw in the same grandma's house, though just as a decoration. The objects shown in this traditional house date from the period between the 18th and 20th centuries.




Work was an essential part of the lives of people in the past too. Though work in the past and in this region involved more physical activity. They lived from agriculture, and there were no machines as we have nowadays. These people worked the land with the tools they had and with the help of domestic animals. It was supposed to prepare the land, sow the crop, nurture it, and harvest it. But it was a way to bring bread to the table.




Many tillage tools were on display, like a shovel for winnowing wheat, a pitchfork, a sickle, a plough used with a horse or a donkey etc. In the next room I saw a sheaf of wheat, a sieve, and a tool that was used for threshing.


Once the family had the wheat harvested, they had to take the load to the mill, to obtain flour. It was important to take the wheat to the mill before the reserves of the flour at home finished, as for making good bread it was essential that the flour rest for a time. In the area there were several hydraulic mills, but also one small mill stone was showcased in the museum. Seems that they were used as well.




Along with bread, wine was one of the essential necessities. Grapes were grown and picked, and espadrilles for crushing grapes were used in the process of grape-stomping. Those shoes are what we see in the photo.



The prepared wine was stored in barrels and large glass bottles. Good wine in the family was highly valued, and celebrations and family gatherings would not be the same without it.




Olives play a very important role in the Valencian community, and in the whole Mediterranean area. The most valuable product was the oil obtained from the olives, as it is still highly valued today. The tools like the roller and the press are shown in next the images.




Seems almost impossible to have more things in that house converted into a museum, but still there were other tools and objects that were used in the everyday life in the past centuries. Baskets and barrels, soap containers and jars, weights they used in trades etc.



The walk through this house finished, mainly because I had to go and play at my gig. But it was interesting to have this short glimpse into the past, how the people lived in this Spanish village and what were the objects they had in and around the house. How their work looked like and everything that was needed to do to have food on the table. It was not easy, for sure, but wouldn't you like to try this way of living? At least for a few days and then come back to the present?

Well, maybe you would like it that much that coming back to the present time would not be tempting anymore. It is a personal preference, however, we are surrounded by so many mod cons that make us want to stick to this comfortable way of life.



At first I thought there was a place where you could actually experience living in a house as if it were the 18th century! 😆

I love the rock wall. I've always liked the idea of something like that as part of your home, although it's probably not the easiest to clean, especially without a vacuum cleaner.

Hahaha, could be - experiencing it, as if I would stay longer and they close the doors of the museum, I would have to sleep there in that bed 😂
I would even have to mill the wheat to have flour and prepare my own bread. 😆

The rock wall is cool. Not sure about the cleaning though.
There are houses in the mountains with rock walls and one of my friends has a "half cave" house. The inner rooms are basically in the mountain and the other part of the house looks like a normal building. Perfect insulation! 👌

It finally worked, haha :)

Wow ! what place !! I love visiting that kind of museum, but this one seems especially cute and the furniture so well in situation !

My preference goes to those amazing and beautiful old tools, the one onto you can feel the time of the work, so solid that even if they broke, you can just change a part and pass it to the next generation... or put it in a museum ^^

Bricks bed heaters ! We used to do that in our old country house :) It works super well, but generally, I did a line with three bricks 🙃

Would you ever consider going back in time and living without all the features that keep your home comfortable?

To answer to your first question : yes ! but if Hive as a village haha ! more seriously, I think that after knowing what is technically possible nowadays, it’s good to come back to more sobriety... but there’s still a lot of people who are living not to far of that..

Not to mention even the most basic things like electricity or tap water?

Let’s be honest, this would be complicated ^^ !

Thanks you really much for sharing your visit, very inspiring... we want to move to the countryside asap, so it’s super related for me in the current moment :)

Have a good evening 💫

Oh, you used the warmed-up bricks as bed heaters? Must be a great feeling, so rustic. And romantic :))

Well, the tools. Always a source of admiration. There are some that are used for centuries, well maybe even more, or at least the idea in an upgraded version. But still, once the people had to think and invent them.

Hahaha, Hive village!? Would be cool, I would not mind :D

Moving to the countryside has its pros and cons, definitely an experience one should try and then decide what is the best match. I hope you can make your dreams come true :)

Have a good evening 💫

Merci and the same to you 👋

Oh, you used the warmed-up bricks as bed heaters? Must be a great feeling, so rustic. And romantic :))
Indeed, and rather efficient too !

Moving to the countryside has its pros and cons, definitely an experience one should try and then decide what is the best match. I hope you can make your dreams come true :)
Definitely ! We're trying to find the relevant situation, but I hope it will be not so distant in time !

I wish you a nice end of day, hopping that your representation went well 🤞

No thank you! I enjoy seeing these tools and room setups in museums, I can imagine what life must have been like and that's all. Life is difficult enough, with all the new things we have, no need to torture myself going back in time and live like in the middle ages 😳

No thank you!


Hahaha, the most honest answer! 🙌

Well, you are right. It would be very difficult as we already felt life as it is nowadays. How we can imagine living without the features we consider now basic rights, such as having tap water or electricity? Though, if I would try this lifestyle, it would be for some days, maybe weeks and then buying the ticket for the ride that would bring me back to 2022 :D

living like this in the 18th century sounds kind of interesting, in a romantic sense at least.... if given the choice I'd like to try even further back, millennia instead of centuries maybe...

but to be honest... I'd probably miss all our modern comforts rather quickly

If a time machine would exist... I would also go back more than just a few centuries. I am really curious to see history from another angle, not just what we know today. But for sure, I would also like to come back, to the present time :)

Wow it must be a great experience to live in that house and learn about the life in the past. Those decorations, furnitures and tools look great, they must be maintained in a good condition. Thank you for sharing.

Yes, it was an interesting visit to that museum. It made me think indeed, what life would look like but living it on our own, not just seeing it through the objects shown there.

I remember some of (or very similar) the torture tools from my grandparents house.

Would you like to live that experience?

For a few days... sure :D

Make sure then to buy a return ticket at the time-travelling station :)

We can go (and come back) together 😀

Deal! :D

(time-traveling station please don't break...)

That's super cool. So many historic artifacts. The mill (or roller) is especially neat!

I am glad you like it too :)

The mills are very well preserved. I imagine the excitement when one obtained the flour and made homemade bread. Well, it was a routine in those times, bit for me it is extraordinary!!

Such a wonderful museum to see life back in the days.
I remember my mom had one of those mobile washing stations. With ,argue ceramic jug. Pink lines and flowers on the side.
Thanks for sharing @mipiano 👋🏻😊😎 great photographs.

I agree Jackie, it is a wonderful museum. It is not so big, but it is distributed on three floors. Like many old houses in the old parts of the towns here in Spain.

Oh, your mom had one of those mobile washing stations? (didn't know it was called that way). How nice you remember even the flowers on it 🌸

Thank you for dropping by little girl, hope you are great :)
Have a nice evening further 😇

Yes, I have been in many small houses like that. Very cute, but wouldn’t work for the nowadays working people.

I have no idea how it is called in English, so I tried to describe it hahaha 🤣 so you knew what I was babbling about. 😉
I do remember it well, funnily. Don’t know why.

You are welcome @mipiano 😊
Almost fully recovered. So all good 😎
Hope you are recovering well too 🤞🏻
Thank you kindly, have a great night too…
For tomorrow; have a wonderful Wednesday 👋🏻☀️

People from rural areas around here still use the plough, but with cattle for farming. It’s old fashioned, but that’s the best most of them can afford. Maybe I’ll show you a picture if I visit a village in the future.

Grapes were grown and picked, and espadrilles for crushing grapes were used in the process of grape-stomping. Those shoes are what we see in the photo.

What!! I’d throw up drinking wine made from stomping grapes for wine making with their feet(wearing shoes technically, but still). I can’t help but think about their toes and everything getting soaked in the grape in the process and probably just washed back into the wine pot or something.

Then again, there was no room for luxury or convenience, and since they probably didn’t know there would be better ways to make the grape drinks in the future, it was seen as okay. I’m sure people from that who are still alive (very very unlikely) are fascinated by how easier and more hygienic it is to make the same grape drinks in this era.

Maybe I’ll show you a picture if I visit a village in the future.

Hey, that would be great. We like to learn about cultures and habits from around the world!

Hahaha, you are funny!! 😁 That has been a traditional method of preparing wine, for centuries! Well, now there are other methods but still, it stays as a recreational activity at some events, in some of the parts of the world (Spain included ;) )

Sure thing. I hope to see more of your culture too if you’ll share with us:)

I will, of course 😊

Ni siquiera imagino poder vivir, sin teléfono fijo, local... Ahora imagínate vivir sin electricidad, internet, gas, agua corriente, etc... Es decir, todos los servicios con lo que normalmente estamos acostumbrados a vivir desde siempre. Excelente hotel, excelente post, y por si fuera poca; la fotografía ¡Qué buen trabajo, al detalle! Felicidades, @mipiano

Hahaha, sin teléfono yo podría sobrevivir... quizás :D Pero no garantizo 😁
Gracias por tu respuesta, veo que la mayoría no dejaríamos la vida la que tenemos hoy. Por algunos días sí, pero no para siempre.

Tienes total razón en eso. Ese tipo de establecimientos, como el hotel que reseñas; que corresponden con el concepto de épocas lejanas, en lo personal me provoca cierto rechazo... No sé, supongo que es la costumbre, pero honestamente no podría vivir sin los servicios con lo que nacimos, crecimos y nos hemos habituado. Amo tus posts, eso ya lo sabes, sobre todo la manera que tienes para elegir qué escribir ¡excelente criterio! Lo mejor para ti, @mipiano

Wonderful! I couldn't help but notice every little thing in each picture.

Most of the stuffs are in our present world but of course, technology improved.

I'm not sure there are people living life like that anymore but it's good that it was used as a museum (to help our modern days go back in time).

This is really cool, glad you shared them with us.

Yay, I am glad you liked the details in the photos, all those tools and furniture from the past are cool. I think there are still places where people use tools like those shown here, or maybe in some modernized version.
Thanks for stopping by @merit.ahama :)

Yeah, I think so too 🙂

Trilled by the brick bed heaters, haha! I don't think I have seen something like that before! What a brilliant idea, a touch of luxury in hard times :)
I would definitely love to spend some time in a house like that, as long as it is in a remote place away from "civilization", meaning not to have neighbors with modern amenities around and cars passing by :))

Then I wish you some cold winter in Greece and being in some rural place where heating the bed with bricks could be offered so you can try it :))

I am glad you would like to spend some time at a place like this. Maybe not forever, right? But for some time it would be great for all of us 😇

Oh yes, especially without mobile phones and wi-fi for a while, that would be so refreshing :)

Looks like such a neat town with a lot of history! That rock wall is awesome.

Yes, the rock wall is an interesting touch. Other rooms also had a rock as a part of the wall. Cool, indeed. :)

Es asombrosa la pared de la habitación y son muy hermosas las fotografías, realmente un lugar especial para visitar y hacer un viaje al pasado. Un gusto leerte 😊 Saludos 💖

Sí!! Has visto la pared en la habitación? Chulo, verdad?
Yo he visto en otras también, roca como parte de la pared. Es más fresquito dentro durante los veranos. Gracias por tu visita en mi publicación @marcelys1 😇

Oh! There are a lots of unique things to see and explore. It all shows the things people use for living in that period. So much interesting and good experience!

The museum was pretty informative, many of the shown tools and objects were labelled with names, and in the rooms, there were informative boards. A great way to learn something new. :)

Wow ! 😯
I'm a big fan of classics.
I love everything about classics.
Because I don't think the past can be turned back.
As with music, I still collect music cassettes until now.

Cassettes :)), yeah, I have them too, stored somewhere. They are now a strange thing to the newest generations.
I am glad you liked this visit to the typical house from the past 😇

And do you know who my influence guitarist is?
Why do I idolize him?
Of course it's because he's a neo classic metal guitarist!

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😊🌹 Have a nice day!

Such a beautiful house, everything you've shown us has its own beauty.

Thank you @afterglow, it was a nice visit to that museum. I am glad you liked it :)

You're welcome (^_^)

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thank you 😇

I would have thought you wanted to go back to simpler times. My worry about that kind of life would be medicine and hygiene. But I'd love to have a farm with a forge and a workshop. That would be life. And of course, electricy and running water. I went to a similar museum in Sāo Paulo like 10 years ago. Around here we have preserved two houses form poets of the 20th century but the houses are colonial. So maybe they were build around the 1600s or so.

All that work for the needs of the family and keeping themselves alive is a way different model of life than our usual thing. Taxes and greed bleed people out from what they have. It is incredible. But that's the way it is nowadays. However, I bet taxes were still an issue over there during the 18tj century.

What would be your ideal setup for a house during that era? Would you have a stonewall in your bedroom?

What would be your ideal setup for a house during that era? Would you have a stonewall in your bedroom?

Hmm, maybe a stone wall in some of the rooms, but most importantly, a fireplace with wood and a piano in one of the rooms. :)

Sound lovely. Also quite expensive. Piano on a room? Maybe more like a harpsichord.