
Yeah. And it seemed like there was no reason for it really. I can only speculate that it was either they didn't want people gathering in groups because of covid which seemed unlikely given that it was outdoors or it had to do with safety. I don't know but it was frustrating lol.

It would t surprise me if it was the covid thing. Or at least that was being used as an excuse to poop on the watching of the parade. It is being used as a scapegoat for a lot of things that companies or events don't want to do

I was passing and I saw you :) the truth is that he is a little worried about you, I hope you are well, that covid is already history in your home.
A hug and happy birthday, well I don't know when it is, but I send you positive energy.

COVID bamboozled and banished. My head is clear once more. I'm alive!!! :0D

Yeah, very true indeed.