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RE: Bolivia Part 7 - Riding down the Death Road by bike Stop 1-5 (Fotos + Video)

in Worldmappin3 months ago

Yeah - it was the first time I had to split a post because it was getting too long 😅 - Oh 30 years ago and you still are in pain?! - Yeah... falling is not a great option. We had so many great adventures in Bolivia! Finally, after 7 years I found the time to write about it. - It was so cool, I feel like reliving it again 😎. - You too have a nice evening Jackie ❤️

Well, I had to get up my game @littlebee4. 😎 So glad you liked it! i was looking forward to your reaction 😂😘


And you did “up your game” 🤩 You are so welcome. Love reading your posts. They are awesome!
Hahaha it does work well if needed. Too many interesting things to tell and show, sometimes it needs to be split.
Yeah, crazy right… I was in the middle of a large group of cyclists 🚴🏻‍♂️ competing in the front. The middle fell and half of everybody over each other. On the TT circuit in Assen NL. My left side was sliding over the pavement and skin was off. The shoulder causes me still lain. When I want to do something above my shoulders like painting walls or hanging something up. In the winter… it acts up too. 😖 It happens, especially with road races.
One time was funny though. We had a race through the countryside. Literally over fields and rocky roads, through forests and into the mountains. Cross country race. The forest roads were soooo small. I miss judged a corner and some trees. It was me almost going down a side of the mountain or…. I jumped at the tree and cuddled it my bike hanging on my feet. Arms around the tree 🌳 hahaha 🤣 It must have looked funny, luckily nobody saw it hahaha

I am so glad I am here right now and can read your stories from your adventures in Bolivia. Keep them coming 🤩
It is awesome that through writing about it, we relive those adventures.
Have a beautiful Saturday! Thank you Liz 🤗😘


 3 months ago  

Thanks @littlebee4🐝🐝 . Happy to entertain ❤️❤️

Wow, that sounds like a very tough experience at a young age. Sure, you will never forget that one. But glad it didn´t make you scared of adventures 😎😎 - Our guide told us as well to maybe lose some layers below but keep the jacket and pants on as the gravel can be a great skin remover...
Wow the other race sounded like you got lucky... but imagining it I had to laugh out loud hahaha - So funny! Great story! I will give my best to keep them coming Jackie. So much more to tell... and then Costa Rica, Indonesia, Thailand, Spain, Cuba, Mexico, and Italy ... a lot of unwritten Posts waiting ... I just want to make them good, so I need the time and space to really beam myself back in time... otherwise it's not the same and not worth sharing - at least not for me 😅☀️ I want to do it 150%.

I am sure you are the same. So many more stories to tell and so much more to come. ❤️😎
You too have a beautiful Saturday! 😘👍

Maybe too young. I stopped early and didn’t continue with it.
Luckily it didn’t. Thanks! Still loving adventures.

Gravel is the worse… 🫣

It was funny for me too the write now about it, I laughed while writing… 🤣😂🤣😂

The same here, I visited so many places and haven’t really shown yet. It will be fun to read yours and post mine 🤓
We just want them to be 150% both being perfectionist.

Thank you Liz, enjoy yours 😘

 3 months ago  

Did you stop because of the accident?! aww that´s sad. - But good thing you still love the adventures.

haha good, so we shared a good laugh 😜

Great! So, there is there is much more to come from you! I just saw that even in the all-time best-curated leaderboard you are ahead of me at place 44! I am only at 68! ... so a long way to go and get you 😅 - I would say next goal after winter challenge is get on top of that leaderboard haha. We are working on the weekly/monthly/yealy top curated... there its easier to go ahead haha

Have a nice start of the week

No, I moved out of my parents house and work combined with school didn’t give me lot of free time. So I stopped.

Hahaha really… must have a look there.
We should both aim for a higher place 🤣😂🤣

Would be great but that’s a lot to catch up on… let’s try it together. 😎
Cool that you are working on a weekly, monthly and yearly one. Would be cool to see. Will look out for it.

Thank you so much, enjoy yours! 🤗😘

 3 months ago  

I understand. I was the one missing most classes in our school 😅 - I didn´t agree with learning so much stuff that I wouldn´t need after in life anyway so I focused on the ones I liked and somehow my degrees were still good enough also in the other ones... so they couldn´t do anything about it. I preferred to work and enjoy my free time outside the classroom most of the time. 😀

Yes, we both should. I don´t like the current top 10 there 😅😎 - Let´s change that together, step by step 😎😎❤️

Have a great day @littlebee4

Hahaha I might have missed some here and there too. 😇
As long as the grades were good, no they couldn’t do anything.

Ok, deal 😎 Let’s go for it. 😋 step by step.
Thank you Liz, have a great day too.

I didn't know you are a cyclist too..


Ik stopte met de wedstrijden en het fietsen net voordat ik over ging naar de “Dames” en zou trainen onder Leontien van Moorsel dit was begin 90s. Ik ben toen op mezelf gaan wonen en het reizen door de Benelux ging niet meer samen met school en werk.Yep @friendlymoose 😎 many many moons ago. 30+ years hahaha

Wow, nog professioneel ook.
Fiets je nu helemaal niet meer dan?
Anders kan je eens komen kijken in de cycling community 😉

Heb niet meer op de fiets gezeten sinds ik een jaar of 20 was. Misschien wel omdat het zo intens was toen ik erg jong was.
Als ik nog gefietst had was ik zeker in jouw community komen kijken en gepost. Heb het hier en daar voorbij zien komen op hive. Misschien vind ik nog eens wat fotos als ik alle verhuis dozen 📦 eens uitpak en post dat gedeelte van mijn leven. Kan niet beloven wanneer… 😊