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RE: The Old and New in Cambridge UK - The Old

in Worldmappin3 years ago

That's so interesting!! Do you think it's a good or bad thing now Edith Piaf is associated with Paris for you? And do you have anyone in mind relating to Cambridge?

I took a look online, Cambridge University does weekend courses, and the venue looks really nice! Not sure if you will get a certificate of attendance.

And there's also online lectures which are free of charge. I think everyone on Hive should attend this one!!!

My nephew highly recommend the Fitzwilliam Museum but unfortunately we couldn't get any tickets on the days we were there. It looked so beautiful inside. They do talks and stuff, and if you ever visit I'd recommend to pre book entry.

Last and not the least, the Museum of Zoology seems really good, again, I couldn't get tickets in due to time limits.


I could say neither good, nor bad, it's just something that has been in my mind for some time, but after visiting Paris, I think Edith Piaf is associated to a certain period of time in my mind. Obviously life is very different in Paris now, that's why I did not think of her at all while there.

Cambridge however is a different matter. I associate the city with the English language itself. I mean it's like Cambridge would be the mother of the English language, because of the C1 Advanced. I could upset a few people, but English for me is not the US but England :P I hope it makes sense.

You could create a cool challenge out of this. Pick a big city and ask people to write about what the city means to them, what memories they have about it, with photos and stuff. It would be funny. Maybe we could find some sponsors to have some rewards.

I have a bunch of stuff like this in my head, cities associated with famous people for various reasons, or famous people associated with cities(?), could speak about it for hours :)

Thanks for the links and recommendations, I'm going to check them out fr sure!

Think about my proposal :)