Ay up, me'duck!
Wow!! One of the best travel posts I've read for a long long time!! Love the virtual tour especially the two pubs, not that I drink much but I really love these quaint pubs that are so representative of England and its history. Nottingham was always synonymous with Robin Hood for me, whom I'm told was a fictional character (?), which meant there's basically not a lot in the city, but I'm a total convert now. Definitely have to make my way up there sometime.
Also my respect to you not only for writing a great piece about your home city, many think travel post is about when they go away, and totally forget that their home town is travel to other people reading the post... But more importantly that you didn't break this awesome post down to little chunks. Most people would have made this into 3 or 4 posts (which is probably what I would have done myself 😅) or even up up to 8 or 10 posts to milk the maximum from the reward pool.
So thank you for respecting Hive and sharing a great tour around Nottingham!!!
Haha! Ay up me duck! Love it.
Thank you, it means a lot that you enjoyed the post so much. It took a while to get this post how I wanted it but I’m happy with the end result. Anyway, I had a great time going around notts taking photos for this and I could have gone on forever, it’s probably one of most enjoyable posts I’ve written. It’s a shame I couldn’t get inside some venues due to covid but I had a few old photos from previous visits.
Robin Hood isn’t real?! Next you’ll be telling me there’s no such thing as the Easter bunny 😉😂. In all honestly there are some crumbs of truth so you never know. Nonetheless it’s a great story.
Thanks again for your feedback and if you ever come by Nottingham give me a shout 👍
What? Robin Hood is for real? 😱
Will definitely hook you up when I'm there!
I’ve never doubted it 😉
You just let me know and when you drop by 🙂