Adventure! It starts at 5:30 - the city is already alive - coffee, tea, food is being prepared. I felt surprisingly alive and awake!
The Jeep had no doors or windows. I sat in the back and while driving I looked directly at the road. That was really fun:
First we stopped on the river. Many Mockingjay birds sang:
So sorry I can't upload my videos here.
We had chosen a short tour of 3 hours.
There were also 9 hours, but we had heard that animals were rarely seen.
Tea and coffee plantations everywhere.
We stopped for some refreshment.
I'm not a dog lover, but these were friendly:
This man noticed that I wanted to take a photo of the car, stopped and got out of the car so I could do it better! 👍:))
Free day because it's raining? Not in India! Umbrella on the head and go on!
It seems like a hard job pruning tea bushes all day long with these large scissors that have a bag mounted on them:
Very beautiful landscape! Real paradise:
Thanks to this lovely woman for the photo:
Thanks everyone! <3
If you're able to wrangle 3speak you can use that to upload video (though I have nothing clearer than that as I haven't actually investigated that option myself, just seen other people using it).
Looks like you're having a grand old time :D
Yes, great time! Thanks, I don't even know what is 3speak :D
Video sharing site, can't remember if it's built on hive or just attached.
About videos: you could upload to YouTube and share in your blog. All you need to do is put the YouTube url in your text.
Danke Otto, Peter hat mir auch gesagt auf YouTube zu posten, aber ich habe das noch nie gemacht. Bin mit dem was ich habe schon überfordert (hive, insta u. fb).
Auf YT müsstest dich erstmal anmelden. Danach ist es einfach. Hochladen rennt von selbst. Kommt drauf an wie lange das Video ist. Einen Titel und Beschreibung kannst dazuschreiben - brauchst ja keinen Roman schreiben. Das Video kannst nachher überall teilen. Eben auch hier. Ich hänge z.B. ein passendes Video am Ende meiner Hive Posts an.
Ok., Danke Otto!
These landscape views are very beautiful , like a slice of paradise...
It is really hard to pick tea bushes all day ...
Thanks for sharing that beautiful views 😀
@sagarkothari88 vote 20%
Hey @mysteriousroad! Error: You have reached the maximum votes with 20% in last 24 hours.!
50% would be good too! :D
Thank you!
Yes, I hope to travel to India again!