first spring in my life with my family

in Worldmappin11 months ago

No me lo van a creer pero por primera vez en mi vida, CONOCÍ un verdadero mantial😱.

Siempre quería conocer uno y aunque pensaba que los Ríos claro que iba eran manantial, la verdad no era tan cristalino comparado a lo que vi ese día.


Les cuento cómo empezó todo. Era una tarde soleada, entre aire fresco acariciando los árboles y las montañas en esa jungla poco habitada, yo iba junto con mi familia y un grupo de amigos en un bus amplio, la verdad iba disfrutando cada detalle que nos regalaba la naturaleza, ese clima tan envolvente, la fauna tan interesante y la flora, excepcional, los ríos y cascadas que se podían admirar desde la ventana, cada detalle añadía más expectativas hacia el lugar a donde íbamos.


Entre tanto disfrutar, y el bus rodar por horas y por minutos, ocurrió algo inesperado para todos, algo que a mí me sacó del disfruta. Saben que entre tanto rodar y rodar el bus, al fin logramos llegar al pueblo a dónde nos dirigíamos.
Por cierto no les he comentado hacia dónde íbamos!!



Específicamente nuestro destino no era para el manantial era para una posada en donde pasaríamos la noche allí.
Les cuento que ya cuando estábamos supuestamente cerca pareció extraño que aún no llegábamos, cuando en eso el chofer se detiene con el bus y le pregunta a un lugareño de la zona, que en dónde quedaba la posada a donde íbamos. Cuando en eso le responde el lugareño, que ya hace rato la había dejado atrás.



En ese momento, todos ya estamos con ganas de salir, de bajarnos del bus, descansar del largo viaje, con hambre y a pesar de que en parte se esta disfrutando del paisaje ya el cuerpo pide descansar de un viaje largo. Allí comenzó la travesía, tener que agarrar retorno otra vez y rodar por un rato más. Ese momento fue bastante tenso, otras personas estaban disgustadas, y cada quién estaba con una actitud diferente. Yo de mi parte trate de tranquilizarme y tener paz porque sé que nada hago estresándome.

Cuando después de un rato más de ruedo, llegamos al dichoso lugar, que olvidé su nombre, y fue el momento más emocionante para todos, lo que nadie se esperaba es que dentro de esas posadas existía un manantial
Cristalino de regalo para terminar de alegrar mí día.

Definitivamente ese fue un regalo maravilloso que nadie se esperaba para disfrutarlo.

Sin pensar mucho corrí a cambiarme de ropa para poder lanzarme a ese manantial. Junto con mi hermosa familia y el equipo de amigos entramos para darnos un baño allí.

Al estar dentro del agua veo que los peces están a mi alrededor, pensé: queeee? Me van a morder 😩 con tono de miedo y angustia, pero no eso nunca sucedió jajaja.


Estaba tan emocionada que decía: Waoo esto es hermoso, y lo pensé tanto que llegué a la conclusión de que nunca había conocido un manantial, por eso me sentía tan feliz.
Definitivamente que disfrutar junto con amigos y familias, en un lugar de disfrute, es tan maravilloso y gratificante. Yo volvería a ir a ese lugar y repetir ese viaje que tanto me gustó.






You won't believe it but for the first time in my life, I MET a real spring😱. I always wanted to see one and although I thought that the Rivers I was going to were springs, the truth was that they were not so crystal clear compared to what I saw that day. I'll tell you how it all started. It was a sunny afternoon, with fresh air caressing the trees and mountains in that sparsely inhabited jungle, I was traveling with my family and a group of friends in a spacious bus, the truth was I was enjoying every detail that nature, that climate, gave us. so enveloping, the fauna so interesting and the flora, exceptional, the rivers and waterfalls that could be admired from the window, every detail added more expectations towards the place where we were going. While enjoying, and the bus driving for hours and minutes, something unexpected happened for everyone, something that took me out of enjoyment. They know that while the bus was rolling and rolling, we finally managed to reach the town where we were going. By the way, I haven't told you where we were going!!

While enjoying, and the bus driving for hours and minutes, something unexpected happened for everyone, something that took me out of enjoyment. They know that while the bus was rolling and rolling, we finally managed to reach the town where we were going. By the way, I haven't told you where we were going!! Specifically, our destination was not for the spring, it was for an inn where we would spend the night there. I tell you that when we were supposedly close it seemed strange that we had not arrived yet, when the driver stopped with the bus and asked a local in the area where the inn was where we were going. When the local man answers that, he had left her behind a while ago. At that moment, we are all already eager to go out, to get off the bus, to rest from the long trip, hungry and even though we are partly enjoying the landscape, our body is already asking to rest from a long trip. There the journey began, having to catch the return again and ride for a while longer. That moment was quite tense, other people were upset, and everyone had a different attitude. For my part, I tried to calm down and have peace because I know that I do nothing by stressing out. When, after a while of wandering around, we arrived at the happy place, which I forgot its name, and it was the most exciting moment for everyone, what no one expected was that inside those inns there was a spring. Gift crystalline to finish brightening my day

That was definitely a wonderful gift that no one expected to enjoy. Without thinking much I ran to change my clothes so I could jump into that spring. Together with my beautiful family and team of friends we went in to take a bath there. Being in the water I see that the fish are around me, I thought: what? They are going to bite me 😩 with a tone of fear and anguish, but that never happened hahaha. I was so excited that I said: Wow, this is beautiful, and I thought about it so much that I came to the conclusion that I had never known a spring, that's why I felt so happy. Definitely enjoying together with friends and families, in a place of enjoyment, is so wonderful and rewarding. I would go to that place again and repeat that trip that I liked so much.



The place is very relaxing, it is really perfect for family gathering.☺️

Yes🥰 thank you

Que hermoso lugar y tus fotos están muy bonitas. Saludos

Muchas gracias 🥰🥰