A walk through the Historic Center of Burgos

in Worldmappin4 years ago

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Historic houses next to the cathedralHistoric houses next to the cathedral

There is a popular saying, which states, specifically, that all roads lead to Rome and in the case of Spain, these roads, of course, lead to Santiago de Compostela.

Traditional architectureTraditional architecture

But whether one hangs up the habit of rosemary or pilgrimage, it will not take long to realize that, whatever the direction of your path, you will always end up in that authentic heart of Castile, which is the city of Burgos.

Crossing of travelers and pilgrimsCrossing of travelers and pilgrims

Burgos is also one of those thousand places in Spain that the writer Juan Eslava Galán recommends seeing at least once in your life.

A lovely avenueA lovely avenue

Recommendation, to which in fact I join, and I hope to be able to convince you, through these lines and these images, of its veracity.

Traditional portalsTraditional portals

Historians say that the history of this emblematic city began, approximately, in the year 884, when Count Diego Porcelos built a small fortification on the hill called San Miguel

Shops with traditional productsShops with traditional products

Barely a century and a half later, Burgos grew enough to become the capital of Castile, when the count Fernán González also became independent from the kingdom of León, initiating on his own a fight without quarter against the Muslim invader, whose exploits , in that early 10th century when the caudillo Almanzor carried out his terrible raids from the Caliphate of Cordoba, that treasure of Castilian poetry and epic, which is the Romancero, is full.

House Rules: get angry very little. Know how to forgive. Scream only for joy. Kissing 1000 times a day. To laugh out loud. Hugging very tight. Smile every day. Cry only with emotion. Be happy and love yourself a lot.House Rules: get angry very little. Know how to forgive. Scream only for joy. Kissing 1000 times a day. To laugh out loud. Hugging very tight. Smile every day. Cry only with emotion. Be happy and love yourself a lot.

Nor would it be an exaggeration to affirm that what would be the future city of Burgos, began to be truly created in the year 1075, when the Episcopal See was transferred to it and one of the most fascinating works of the immense Spanish historical, artistic and cultural heritage began. : the cathedral of Burgos.

Walk and restorationWalk and restoration

It is necessary to pay attention to this detail, because it was from there, where these same streets that I show you today, began to rise up around them and they continue to be these same streets, the ones that continue to overflow with pilgrims, who travel them happily, attracted not only because of the beauty of a cathedral whose magnificent pinnacles serve as a guide and orientation, but also because of the numerous catering establishments and inns, where they find relief and rest from the hardships of the road.


It is also true that time does not pass in vain, but it is no less true to recognize that in the case of a city like Burgos, it still seems to have stopped, maintaining a balance of solidarity with those beautiful medieval constructions and adding to them the attractiveness of other more modern, that well looked at, complement its already original beauty.

All the streets lead to the cathedralAll the streets lead to the cathedral

For this reason, all these streets, which bear names such as Laín Calvo, de la Paloma, San Lorenzo or de la Flora - the latter, as a reminder of the mythological goddess of Spring - will always act in the mind of the traveler, of the pilgrim or simply a tourist, as an ideal stimulant to get all the flavor that a city like Burgos, with ancient traditions, can offer.

The joy of livingThe joy of living

Streets, which also make up neighborhoods that over the centuries continue to maintain their old traditions and where it is common to find the unbridled joy of the peñas or brotherhoods, heirs of those other, medieval, where the traveler always has the opportunity to be invited to a glass of good wine and join in the musical festivity of the groups of comparsas that enliven and give color to a city, which continues to celebrate, after centuries of living history, the joy of living.

Influx of peopleInflux of people

Of the many gates that gave access to the city, the most outstanding, due to its importance and monumentality, is the Puerta de Santa María, on the banks of the Arlanzón River, where the traveler can contemplate a fascinating selection of Castilian heroes and kings, including the Cid Campeador and the counts Porcelos and Fernán González who will make you feel that once they have crossed their arch, their steps lead them to walk through history.

Traditional buildings along the rampartsTraditional buildings along the ramparts

In short, a walk through the Historic Center of Burgos will make you feel innumerable sensations, which I have no doubt will leave a pleasant taste in your mouth even in the most demanding palates.

Coming and going of travelersComing and going of travelers

Because Burgos, apart from being a living stronghold of History and Tradition, is also a cultural bastion capable of satisfying the particular needs of each one, whatever they may be, including, of course, a monumental restoration battery, where to refine the richest and varied of Castilian cuisine, with the flavors of yesteryear.

Architectural beautyArchitectural beauty

NOTICE: Both the text and the accompanying photographs and illustrated movie are my exclusive intellectual property and therefore are subject to my Copyright.

The joy of the brotherhoodsThe joy of the brotherhoods The colossal Saint Mary’s Door (Puerta de Santa María)The colossal Saint Mary's Door (Puerta de Santa María) Color and contrastColor and contrast Always above the rooftops, the pinnacles of the cathedralAlways above the rooftops, the pinnacles of the cathedral

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Had the privilege to be there 2 times. ❤️ It was not enough.
So, I'm curious about the other 999 places to visit in Spain according to Juan Eslava Galán.
Is one life enough for that? 😃

Ha ha ha ... I would say no, that one life is not enough. In fact, if you have been to Burgos twice, you will know that Burgos is a lot of Burgos and that it is impossible to describe it in a single post. Later I will dedicate another to the cathedral and to some other relevant site within Burgos capital. As a lover of my country, I assure you that not even I, who have traveled a lot, have yet come to know those thousand places that Eslava Galán talks about, although I know many of those he cites and others that although he does not mention, they well deserve the sorrow. A warm greeting and thank you very much for your comment.

Oh, I'm also a "lover of your country", as I think anyone who has the opportunity to "touch it" becomes.
Not to mention those who have touched the mysticism of the Camino and then want to return there again and again.
But you're right, there are so many unmentioned and unpopular places worth visiting. And not one, but two lives are not enough for that.
Cheers 🤗

Spain and the Camino, I would say that deep down they are the same thing, because the Camino, its routes, its places, its significance is much older than people imagine, since those 'pilgrimages were already taking place at the end of the world 'millennia before the Apostle's remains were supposedly found. A path that runs through ancient places where past civilizations had possibly also felt that 'mystique' of which you speak. We are an old country, very old, but multicultural. Due to the pandemic, I have not been allowed to travel for more than a year and you cannot imagine how much I miss it. I especially like to get lost in those forgotten villages, far from the tourist routes, which are really the salt and cinnamon of this country. It is always nice to see that people enjoy our culture. As for me, my dear friend, you are always welcome.

Love the photography, comprehensive overview of the city, nice video to give a feeling of the region, well done!

@tipu curate

Grateful for such a nice comment. Thank you very much and best regards

It looks live a lovely place to walk, the houses looks really cute 

It is a great city, with many cultural attractions, which still retains much of its old medieval appeal and a great diversity of attractions, whatever the particular interests of the travelers who visit it. Thank you very much for your comment and a warm greeting.

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Guao, quedé maravillada no solo con las imágenes sino también con tu descripción de Burgos. Has sabido promocionarlo muy bien. Creo que todos los que leamos esta publicación vamos a querer conocerlo. A mí, en particular, me impresiona la arquitectura, pero más me atrae la "camaradería" que se siente en las calles. Los sitios de encuentro al aire libre siempre me han parecido una muestra de cordialidad, apertura, de los lugareños con los turistas. Sin mencionar ese texto con "las normas de la casa". Creo que se deberían cumplir todas, aunque no sabría cómo besar 1000 veces al día. jajaja. Te abrazo fuerte fuerte ;)

Burgos es un inmenso conjunto cultural donde, como digo, cada viajero puede ver cumplidamente satisfechas todas sus exigencias. Es imposible describir la belleza, la riqueza y la diversidad de Burgos en un único post, por eso me he decidido a poner un poco de relieve esa parte humana, que no por ello menos cultural e intensa, como es la rica vida social que hay en sus calles, sobre todo en éstas del centro histórico, cuyo faro no podía ser otro que esa inmensa joya artística que es su catedral y que es otro universo del que trataré en un futuro post. Ese tipo de normas de la casa son muy comunes en los lugares de restauración castellanos, sin excluirlos en otros lugares peninsulares, e invitan a mirar la vida con optimismo, sobre todo porque cuentan con la ayuda de la gran variedad de vinos y viandas, que consiguen, desde luego, que ésta se sienta deliciosa, siquiera sea durante los minutos que se dedican a dejarse llevar por los sentidos. Yo diría que se trata, en su conjunto, del 'espíritu español', que muchas veces no es comprendido fuera de nuestras fronteras, pero que siempre atrae, porque de alguna manera, sobre todo durante periodos de dificultades, llevamos en los genes el Carpe Diem de los romanos y quizás por ello nos guste disfrutar de los momentos de la vida como si fueran los últimos. Un fuerte abrazo

What a beautiful city! You have captured the feeling of the place wonderfully! Thank you

Thank you very much for your kind comment. Burgos is a city full of sensations, which is worth getting to know. An affectionate greeting

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