I wrote about it being sad that one sexuality is promoted over another.
Nothing else.
But you seem to want to control how everyone thinks and it must be the same as you.
Now back to more BS you are referring to give you a !BST
Which anti gay lobbies are you referring to?
When and where did I say I do not like a rainbow flag?
Here is my dog Roscoe with a RAMA shirt and jeans.
RAMA is a gay friendly bar here in Guatemala.
Gay pride events happen in RAMA all the time.
The bartender holding Roscoe is gay.
I have been to many drag shows but this is not about me.
You talk BS as fact and when asked for evidence your Ad hominem attack begins.
I still stand by not promoting one sexuality over another but then again I guess you support genital mutilation both chemically and physically of children.
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Oke, so your dog dressed up makes that the problems in de world goes away? Some news articles from the Dutch news https://www.ad.nl/hengelo/jonge-homos-in-elkaar-geslagen-waarom-vraag-ik-me-dan-af~a7df8fa5/ and this one https://www.ad.nl/binnenland/man-18-uitgescholden-voor-kankerhomo-en-zwaar-mishandeld-in-amsterdam~a8e1dad7/ gay man who got beaten up because they are gay! This 14 year old girl was asked what gender she is! After telling the guy that it's none of his business she got beaten up https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/nl/2021/07/27/14-jarig-meisje-zwaar-mishandeld-in-amstelveen-14-jarige-verdac/ and this is funny article about churches still think that they can "heal" a gay person https://www.rtlnieuws.nl/nieuws/politiek/artikel/5234768/wouter-onderging-homogenezingstherapie-op-zn-15de-het-ergste-was I hope you cash translate these. It's the tip of the iceberg here in Europe!
How does promoting LGBTQ+++ stop these attacks?
It's not promotion. It's education so you know what's going on!
I wrote a long response but best we just agree to disagree.
Leave at that.
So you agree that people get beaten up just because they are who they are? Is that what you are saying? If not, what do you do about it? Or you just let it happen?
Do we really need to continue this thread?

We appear to disagree on everything.
These events lead to people getting beaten up and I understand the anger.
Sexualizing children's dress and having them twerk in the streets at Pride events should be criminal.
Anyone who supports this is just fucking sick and it should be criminal.
It is likely that these type of unpunished criminal pedo grooming activities are the catalyst for these assaults.
Tell me again how nobody’s pushing any ‘sexual agenda’. If this little boy were caught ‘twerking’ in front of a Catholic priest — we’d be calling for an arrest.
But let him ‘Twerk’ as part of a ‘Pride’ event, that same behavior supposed to be celebrated and encouraged?
I could continue by showing nearly naked drag queens reading to children.
Houston Public Library allowed a convicted child sex offender read to children during their Drag Queen Story Hour.
This is not just morally wrong it is criminal.
You support these events and I do not.
You support events that groom children to be molested and I do not.
Yes we really need this to go further because you are ignoring my question about the assault of gay person! But probably you are ok with that! You pointing out one twerking child and than blame it on all of the gay community is so wrong! And if you really care about children being abused than i have a big challenge for you! Please read this and then come back to me! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Church_sexual_abuse_cases I dear you to count all of those cases and than come to me and say it's a gay problem!
We disagree.