Wow! I've always wanted to see a castle. You are so fortunate. This castle looks so much like the castle that was used in the movie Jack and the Beanstalk starring Nicholas Hoult and Ewan McGregor. I wouldn't be surprised if this is really the one.
I sure would like to visit this and plan to once 2 things happen at the same time: One - The pandemic is over and international travel is open to everyone again; and, Two - Hive flies to the moon that way I'll have the funds to travel with. Lol. Wishful thinking but still the prospects don't quite seem impossible. It really could happen!
Great post and thanks for taking me on this tour. Really love it.
The good thing is there are signs of the second point, and I'm sure the first one will happen some time, just don't know when. So don't give up hope yet, you never know what will happen!!!
So glad you enjoyed the virtual trip in the meanwhile