A few weeks ago I had the privilege of visiting the Barossa Valley in South Australia which, for me, is like going home as I was born and raised in as a small town in the region.
It's close to where I live, is stunningly beautiful in any season and is full of friendly people and businesses that value locally produced foods and products and their easy-going way of life. There's many great places to eat, things to do and oh yeah, it's also one of the worlds most renowned wine regions.
I go there a lot, but still use the word privileged because that's how it feels to have this incredible location right in my back yard, and the ability to go there whenever I like.
I'm not a wine person; I mean, I drink it now and then, but the finer points of the beverage are rather lost on me mostly. I'm certainly not a wine snob, nor do I wish to be; I'll leave that to my sister. Having said that, I appreciate what goes into crafting wine and certainly respect the traditions and history behind some of the Barossa Vineyards and wine-makers.
Barossa was settled around 1840 drawing its name from the Barossa Range as named by Colonel William Light (named for the Battle of Barrosa in which the British defeated the French in 1811. Colonel had himself fought in the battle.) You may note the different spelling; a clerical error misspelled the name on registration of the mountain range back in 1837 and it was decided not to change it...The region used the same spelling.

I visited one of the best wineries in the region, St Hugo, in which someone I know works. He runs the restaurant at the cellar door complex and I was lucky to spend a couple hours with him talking about the wines, history, process and, of course, his food and kitchen garden; I toured the latter, tasted some of the excellent produce which is picked in the morning and on the plate at lunch time, and generally had access all areas, which was very cool.
A little tangent
When I researched the winery prior to arriving I realised that they produce an exclusive wine in conjunction with Australian Formula One driver Daniel Ricciardo who drives for Mclaren Racing in the Formula One World Championship. So...as a very keen Formula One fan, (been watching it for forty three years), it was a very cool thing and no matter what it tasted like I was keen to own a bottle...I bought three.
Here's a short video about the wine with Daniel Ricciardo himself doing the talking.
Whilst doing the wine tasting, in the very cool VIP tasting room, we spoke about the history of the vineyards which date back to founder and vigneron, Johann Gramp, of Gramp & Sons winery, founded in 1847. His grandson, legendary winemaker Hugo Gramp, is honoured each year. As St Hugo say on their website: "We show deep respect for the grapes grown on our sites by turning them into wines with structure, power and elegance." All in Hugo's name.

This is the VIP wine tasting room which is where we did the wine tasting as guests of my friend. It was very cool...although they didn't crack a bottle of Daniel Ricciardo's wine.
As I said above, I'm not a wine person however as a Formula One fan I couldn't resist getting a bottle of this wine which will probably sit gathering dust for some time. In fact, that's probably not a bad thing as I've been told it will reach it's full...umm...I don't know the word, it's full legitness(?) in about six to ten years. That's ok by me, I'll probably never drink it myself anyway.

I ended up with three bottles as I thought it might make a decent gift for someone down the track considering it will eventually sell out completely and be rather exclusive. It wasn't cheap but I guess, as far as wines go, it wasn't that expensive either, at $65AUD a bottle. My friend got me his forty percent off everything deal, except the limited edition DR3, but that's ok, I was happy to pay full price. I actually didn't buy anything else anyway.
The bottles come boxed up nicely and are printed with the signature of Daniel Ricciardo on bottle and box. Each is also numbered individually as you'd expect with a limited edition. They look really cool and I like the connection to motor racing they have which is the only reason I bought them in the first place.

For me, the best part of the day was the tour of the kitchen garden which takes three people working full time to maintain. They work on sustainable methods of growing and are organic as well. It's a very impressive garden full of some amazing fresh produce.
It's really great how they work the menu in the restaurant around what's available also, what's in season. They have to buy produce in as well, however the percentage of purchased produce is very low as most comes from the garden. Also, if they buy something they cannot produce themselves they buy locally from responsibly-farmed produce and generally process it themselves. (They want sausages, they buy the whole animal and make them on-site for instance. Nothing goes to waste.)

As I wandered with the chef we spoke about some of their methods, what's planted with what and how they fertilise and keep pests away, and I came to the understanding that he is completely connected to the foods he produces, and is passionate about cooking with foods grown in the grounds around the restaurant. Of course, he doesn't do much cooking these days as he has a team, but he has a deep connection to the land (lives locally) and to delivering food that can be traced from the table all the way back to the source. It's very cool and, as a vegetable gardener myself, I enjoyed that part of the afternoon the most.
Overall I had a great visit and spending time with my friend was great too. He sometimes does one-on-one cooking classes in a small area off the kitchen garden and I'm considering having a go at it. $250/per person is a bit steep, but maybe he'll throw me that forty percent discount again?
A few weeks ago I wrote a post you can see here about this particular day but hadn't mentioned much about St Hugo's figuring I'd do a post just on the DR3 wine at some later date. On that post someone I know well made a comment, which he has done before, about how much he likes the Barossa wines. There it is below.

We swapped a few comments and I said I'd send him one because he couldn't get here to get his own. Boomy lives in Scotland you see, and whilst it would be cool to show him around my back yard it's not possible at this stage although in the future maybe...Come on Hive and BTC.
Being the class act he is, Boomy declined because he knows it will cost a lot to send but...I don't care. The offer was made and it stands. I told him so. I'm wearing him down though, his resistance is futile.
Anyway, this post is to further entice the chap and influence his decision in respect of accepting a bottle of DR3 from me. Of course, he'll have to give me his address and risk me dropping around unannounced for a visit in which I'll eat him out of house and home, steal any Lego and Scotch whiskey I can find and generally outstay my welcome then leave him to do the cleaning up...but otherwise it's all good.
Seriously though @meesterboom, send your address my bro, your DR3 awaits.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind
All images are my and are not for your use
It's dangerous being stumbling distance from Mclaren Vale. I clearly remember the start of several weddings.
Haha, yeah the start. Hazard of the job huh?
McLaren Vale is legit too, very similar as Barossa Valley but yet deferent at the same time. Both worth a visit.
Truly mate you are the King of Kings and a Titan to boot. How can I refuse. The wine looks stunning and I would be honoured to accept! What a wait that will be till full legitness - I am more than willing to wait though and save it for a really special occasion.
And I will take the risk on the address, funnily enough, we have lego and whisky by the bucketload and you would be more than welcome to it all!!
My daughter might not be so pleased with that statement on the lego front :OD
*Edit, when I told the missus she was so excited I am now worried that she is in danger of wanting to run away from Scotland and marry you!
It's a deal, I'll send the wine and impose upon your hospitality and eat you out of house and home at some later date!
You'll have to deal with your daughter's wailing when she finds out I ran off with her Lego...And your own when you realise your whiskey bottles are all empty.
I'll behave, fear not.
Mate, Mrs. Boom could never be without you so worry not. I just hope you folks enjoy the wine someday and think of the old G-dog fondly. (Don't make it weird though) 😁
It would be an honour to be eaten and dranken out of house and home. Not sure dranken is a word but it seemed to fit!
I shall fil the whisky bottles back up with cold tea and put them back out on display and it will be like nothing has changed :OD
No weirdness, promise...maybe...
(If this reply appears a thousand times it is because Hive is being Hivey)
Dranken is indeed a word. Now.
This is a good plan indeed...As long as it's not already done and the whiskey I steal is indeed, tea.
I shall say nothing as to the contents of the bottles. Nothing. It is strange that guests don't get really drunk in my house though... Hahah, as if. When I was younger tho, one of my mates would steal his dads makt whisky and replace it with tea because his dad wasn't a drinker and only had the stuff for guests. I thought that was a cruel thing to do! Imagine going somewhere and them serving you up the good stuff and its some foul tea whisky blend!
You remember what happened to William Wallace? I'm just saying...In case you decide to employ this particularly evil form of skulduggery. Although, I know you would not.
Absolutely, tis sacrilege.
Ah, skullduggery, I love that word!
Dammit. I was hoping you were MIA I was gonna send my address instead 😄🤣🍷
Heh heh, you could have said you would pass it on personally! :OD
Just hide the Scotch first.Better do it @meesterboom, when he's like this he just won't give up.
Forget the wine, I want to go here just to take photos. Lol, thank you, you reminded me that I have some sort of fancy edition wine stashed somewhere. It's connected with the Kentucky Derby, I wonder what's with the racing-wine connection?
Haha, Boomy will come around and put himself at risk of a G-dog visit...But first I'll send the wine.
St Hugo is the official wine partner of the Australian F1 Grand Prix and the Daniel Riccardo connection is because he's an Aussie. There's plans to have him at the winery in the future and I hope to get an invite.
I think horse racing and Wine have had a close connection for a while, at least here. It might be worth digging that bottle up...could be worth something.
Only a violin? ONLY A VIOLIN?! Does he realise just HOW MUCH work goes into making a violin never mind playing it?!
[comical outrage]
I also kind of facepalmed while laughing about why you bought three bottles of that particular wine XD
That kitchen garden sounds epic. And qualified chef? Those expensive cooking classes may well be worth it, especially if they're going to do similar discussions like what you had regarding sourcing and growing as well as cooking :)
@meesterboom boomy just give him a receiving address if you haven't already, how else are you going to do a comical wine review XP
One for me, two for gifts. (I do that sort of thing.)
I'm probably going to do one of those cooking sessions, not to learn how to cook, more for the social aspect and enjoyment I guess. It's a great location for it and I reckon it'd be a great few hours!
I have his personal address and he'll get mine on the package when it arrives, there's no stress there; mutual respect, you see. He knows I'm doing this post as I told him and he, straight away, gave me the address. He's pretty keen to get the wine and I'll do a post on the send and have no doubt he'll do some sort of review or some such post.
Aww that's sweet :)
I would have laughed just as hard about the reason if you'd only bought one XP
Boomy's alcohol reviews are currently the only ones I read/pay attention to for sheer comedic value x_x
Boomy, you're on notice son, make that review a good one. 🤣
HAhaha, It might be a while before I open it. Perhaps an unboxing review. Although, on saying that, the missus who is a huge wine lover and like me her favourite are barossas, almost shat an egg when I told her with excitement!
You better keep it under lock and key mate, seems like Mrs. Boom might have a little drink whilst you're at work and...none for you!
That would be murder territory!!!
Hahah, maybe I should start doing comedy wine reviews. Not that one though, that's a keeper!
I can imagine it now. The smoking jacket and the top hat. It would be ace!
That would make them even better XD
There is nothing a Top Hat can't improve! :OD
Looks like a really fun place! I'm not much of a wine person, either. I enjoy some wines, but when asked to describe them, I resort to grade school descriptions: "Tasty." "It was good." "A little sweet." "It was like someone shit in my mouth." Etc.
(I wouldn't actually know what it'd be like to taste someone shitting in my mouth; I am grateful for this).
Now mead! There's a drink fit for a viking. There's a meadery near me that I was actually at over the weekend. I ought to post about it the next time I go.
My go-to description is zesty on the back palate with notes of woody grapiness and a crisp finish. After I deliver that line whomever asked me tends to loose interest in talking to me about wine...Or anything else sometimes. I'm ok with it.
Now mead is a whole different thing; that fermented honey water is like nectar of the gods raining down from Valhalla! I'd like to see your meadery post please. That's a humble request.
I actually do have his address... and it's yours for the other bottle! Or, heck, just because. I don't actually drink wine.
Haha! Yeah, just post it in the comments...He's been doxed recently so what the hell, he won't mind if it happens again.
Aren't we a fine bunch of non-wine drinkers...Well, we can't include Boomy as he actually does partake of the grape juice. I drink it so rarely that I basically say I don't drink it. It's funny, people give it to me all the time, gifts from work and clients etc. I thank them and re-gift it later on...I always put a post-it note on each bottle with the name of who gave it to me so I don't hand it back to the person who gifted it to me. I have quite the collection actually, but it's lost on me. Still, having winey-gifts on hand comes in useful.
I have Boomy's address and will be visiting him, unannounced of course, to empty his pantry and fridge, drink his whiskey, use all the hot water and internet download limit and then leave. But shh, don't tell him.
It may be a while. We seem to be shifting straight from global pandemic to world war. The raid may be delayed.
You take the high road and I'll take the low road and I'll plunder Boomy before you! I'll ransack his larder and vandalize his peat moss stores, in the bonny, bonny suburbs of Glasgow!
Haha, I'll meet you in Glasgow then. Boomy's house. He'll never know what hit him.
That made me laugh, just dump it in the comments, lol. Takes me back t other good old doxxing days. Wait, that was only last month!
Ah yeah, the good old days of being being doxxed. Those heady days from only last month. Good times indeed.
I almost did a Doxxy Lady post. I managed to hold back tho, lol
I'm sure this will entice Boomy - but you might have to sweeten the pot with a guarantee of a tour and private tasting one day 😂
Boomy knows he'll get the royal treatment if he gets down here. I will look after the lad and his family, show them around and teach him some useful Australianisms that are sure to
get him bashedtalking like a local in no time. If he makes it, I'll take him for lunch at St Hugo's where we will have a rollicking good time and get a tour as well.Then he's sure to show up as soon as he can! But he just might avoid the local talk if he sees this 🤣 I won't tell, though!
That's a cool looking bottle. The marketing alone would win me over lol. It's cool that it relates to something tou love - Formula One. The tour and tasting room at the winery look really cool as well.
It was a pretty cool day and I felt privileged to have the tour and to spend time with the chef. I had a great time.
Good to hear 👍
There is always a great reason to purchase some wine, didn't know about the Ricciardo produce but it seems a good reason to get some bottles.
Having your friend explain to you all about the winery might have been a great time.
I'll crack the top one of these days and see what it tastes like but for now...It can sit and wait. I'm happy just to have it in my little collection.
While I am not a wine snob like your sister (shhhhhhhhhhh I promise I won't tell her) I love wine tasting and the history behind the wine makers. Our area is called the wine route. The farms are magnificent and the tales those generational wine makers tell are quite something. Often hilarious. This place, especially time with the chef, is really special!
Lol, yeah she's a pint sized little thing, but packs a punch. I'd not like my little sister to have to give me a smackdown. 😁
South Africa is very much like Australia in many ways, and so much different in others. In respect of wineries and vineyards though, we're very similar. You're right about the history and stories of then to now found at such places. I like history and so it grabs my attention.
I've heard if the wine route and someday would like to take a drive along it and pay some visits. I'd be happy to have a few legit people along as well. 😉
Between @andrastia and myself I'm sure you'll get the tour of a lifetime. You can sample artisan beers. I'll stick with the wine. Oh and coffee. Plenty of coffee
Bloody hell! Us three in the same place at the same time? Look out baristas, we're comin' at ya! I hope you've got enough coffee to go around! 🤣
Is say this would be a rather epic adventure. Holding thumbs it happens. (We say, fingers crossed, but I wanted to exercise my Saffer knowledge in readiness for deployment in Safferland.)
After writing a long response I then realized that this could make an interesting new weekendengagement. So I spent 10 minutes backspacing and am saving it for a post: Who would you invite and who would you get to assist you (from hive) to host international hive visitors and how would you fulfill your tour guide responsibilities!
Oh, and does that mean only Americans don't say bloody hell? 🤣🤣
Oh yeah, that would make a great topic. Hmm, In might have to put something together. And yeah, I don't think Americans say bloody hell much, just the ones who have been exposed to greatness. Australians and Saffers I mean. 🤪
Lol often us small peeps tend to be tenacious, I think I'd like your sister.
Yes @galenkp and @buckaroobaby I reckon the three of us would be a scream. I'll also hold thumbs for it to happen one day. The wine route here is pretty special.
Milk tart, coffee, koeksusters, cappucino, babotie, merlot, braai, beer, malva, latte .... oh and maybe hiking the Otter and definitely whale watching after a farmer's market, followed by a chardonay with fresh snoek, then the closest game reserve, sundowners with my goats cheeses on crackers and ending with another cappucino and amarula. Did I miss anything? Wouldn't want @galenkp to feel done in
That's a freaking great activity list @buckaroobaby
Biltong needs to be on there and a lekker 4x4 track that he can play in, hmmm BigDog might get a bit jealous ... @galenkp G-Dog what you reckon, legit? I think so.
How could I forget biltong! And lekker pap en wors! Just don't give him marmite! He'll head straight home for his own Aussie version
Oh is it? He prefers Vegemite?
I think epic is going to be an insufficient way to describe this event!
You're talking my language here.
Like little tenacious midgets.
This is what I am talking about. It is the plants that matter. Their grandparents started with those vines, so today they can have some great business and wealth. Everyone should make sure there will be enough fruits, perennials and useful plants for future generations. If you have land of course! This window is getting tighter and tighter. And lately, the weather challenges will be on the rise as well.
Vines are usually the best for production when they get that serious rooting (about 100+ years). Ancestors didn't just think about how they will benefit from this but how will their family benefit from this. I bet that Shiraz was lit.
The family no longer own the winery, it's owned by Pernod Ricard so no wealth goes to the original family, but they honour and respect the heritage still, as stated in my post.
Thanks for your comment.
Ouu I missed that, sorry. Damn Pernod Ricard is gouging them like Godzilla. Well here is the problem then. When the family goes rather for money than heritage and legacy. What I learned from those takeovers, especially with the wine yards (Ex Sommelier and wine seller here :) the quality of wine goes down and there are two main reasons. The production usually goes up because big companies like PR have a big selling grid and impact and the "soul" is lost. Winemakers are very proud people and they leave their hearts in the bottle when a company willč always be a company. There is one and only goal - profit. Sometimes they keep the previous oenologist in the house and that makes it a bit better but still. When there are expectations from above the mistakes and shortcuts happen. Probably this is a reason why I am always more into small boutique wineries :/
I love your post and I loved seeing the vip wine room is absolutely beautiful and I love how it is structured.
I hope that friend, that person leaves and receives that wine.
It was a pretty cool place to visit for sure. And yes, @meesterboom will receive (and enjoy) the wine I'm sure.
Thanks for your comment.
Great write up! 65$ is worth it for a wine that you do plan to lay down, and forget about for some time. Considering you might not drink it, def worth it as a cool memorabilia. I would say your buddy damn well better give you that 40% because I am buying a bottle from my go to online wine shop, but it is unavailable at the moment. Ill keep my eye out at the local wine shops, and keep checking wine.com. When I see it, im buying it! CHEERS!
Hey, thanks for your comment and reading my post in the first place. It's cool to have some DR3 in my small collection and I'll even (maybe) drink it someday. I hope you manage to get one of your own...And drink it. 😊
Hey no problem, this stuff is so interesting to me. Ill drink it soon, but if not St.Hugo, I got a few options of wines from Coonawarra to choose from. :)
Ah yes, the Coonawarra options - Another good wine region in the State I live in - Well worth a sip now and then. :)
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very good wine
Even if you're not a wine drinker, you've come to a great place, I have a similar place in my commune, a winery with tradition and reputation that is well known in Europe, but I've seen that they also deliver to Mexico.
The winery manager is well versed in the secrets of producing quality wine, he owns about 100 hectares of vines of different varieties.
The winery is also visited by many tourists who have the opportunity to participate in wine tastings for a fee, of course.
I like wineries as, here at least, the have good history, interesting information and usually stunning views and good places to eat. It seems like you have the same there. 😊