Sunsets, sunrises and other pleasures in Salamanca. (360° video )[Eng/Esp]

in Worldmappin7 months ago (edited)

English Version 🇬🇧

Just a week ago, @duvinca gave us a glimpse of his getaway to the enchanting city of Salamanca. His account immediately transported me back to memories of our own brief stay in that wonderful place with my family.

Let me share some of those memories with you in this post!

Versión en Español 🇪🇸

Hace apenas una semana, @duvinca nos regaló un vistazo de su escapada a la encantadora ciudad de Salamanca. Su relato me transportó de inmediato a los recuerdos de nuestra propia y breve estancia en ese maravilloso lugar junto a mi familia.

¡Déjame compartirte algunos de esos recuerdos en este post!

April was beginning and with it the beginning of spring, so it seemed an ideal and propitious date to undertake a trip, a project, after more than 3 years without travelling and after a very restrictive pandemic...
It was time to fly!

Our journey was in sections and one of our stops to spend the night and rest from a long journey and road was the beautiful city of Salamanca.

Empezaba el mes de abril y con él comenzaba la primavera, así que nos pareció una fecha ideal y propicia para emprender un viaje, un proyecto, después de más de 3 años sin viajar y después de una pandemia muy restrictiva...
¡Era el tiempo de volar!

Nuestro viaje era por tramos y una de nuestras paradas para pernoctar y descansar de un largo viaje y camino era la hermosa ciudad de Salamanca.

It took us less than 24 hours to fall in love with this city of friendly people, with the most delicious churros and chocolate in a cup I have ever tasted, with its ochre-coloured and sandy streets and architecture.

Bastaron menos de 24 horas para enamorarnos de esta ciudad de gente amable, de los churros y chocolate en taza más ricos que he probado hasta el día de hoy, de sus calles y arquitectura colores ocres y arena.

Also called the city of wind, a name that goes very well, it welcomed us with icy breezes but with a sunny day and dreamy blue skies, plus I mentioned that its delicious chocolate not only cheers the palate, it also warms you up to the deepest recesses of the soul, right, right? just in case I tell you again. 😂

Of course we enjoyed this typical dish or snack, sitting there, enjoying the view of its beautiful Plaza Mayor.

También llamada ciudad del viento, nombre que va muy bien, nos recibió con brisas gélidas pero con un día soleado y cielos azules de ensueño, además te mencione que su delicioso chocolate no solo alegra el paladar, también te calienta hasta el recoveco más profundo del alma, ¿Si?, ¿no? por las dudas te lo digo de nuevo. 😂

Por supuesto que disfrutamos de este típico plato o merienda, allí sentados, disfrutando del panorama de su hermosa Plaza Mayor de ensueños.

Salamanca is one of the cities with one of the oldest universities, home to students of all nationalities, many old and new buildings are converted and refurbished as student residences. And although the city is very old, it contrasts perfectly with the extremely bright, active and vibrant presence of youth and student fun. As early as 8 a.m. when we were about to have breakfast, groups of young people were leaving parties, bars, nightclubs and discos

Salamanca es una de las ciudades con una de las universidades más antiguas, alberga estudiantes de todas las nacionalidades, muchos edificios antiguos y nuevos son acondicionados y reacondicionados como residencias estudiantiles. Y aunque la ciudad es antiquísima contrasta perfectamente con la sumamente flamante, activa y vibrante presencia de la juventud y la diversión estudiantil. Apenas a las 8 de la mañana hora en que nosotros nos disponíamos a desayunar, salían grupos de jóvenes de las fiestas, bares, locales nocturnos y discotecas 💃🕺

Thank you for joining me on this brief and intense tour of less than 24 hours through the streets of Salamanca. If you enjoyed it, please leave me your comments and impressions.

And for supporting my content... Always... Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Gracias por acompañarme en este breve e intenso recorrido de menos de 24 horas por las calles de Salamanca, si te gusto déjame tus comentarios e impresiones.

Y por apoyar mi contenido... Siempre... ¡Gracias, gracias, gracias!

**🇬🇧 Photos and text are entirely my property and my authorship.

🇪🇸 Las fotos y los textos son enteramente de mi propiedad y de mi autoría.

Translated with (free version).


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WOW!!! Amazing post and amazing place!!! This post deserves a great profit. To thank you for this excellent work I'm going to curate some of your posts and comments

What a pleasure it is for me that you like my content.

Thank you very much for your time and your appreciation. 🤗🤗🫶

It is a beautiful city, I really like seeing the atmosphere of the city which feels very comfortable

It is just as you describe it.

Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment. 🤗

Ohhh the nice Salamanca! Mira que es bonita la ciudad y también tus fotos! 😍

España es hermosa. 🤗😍

Pues sí, hermosa es.

Wow! I've never been in Salamanca, unfortunately.
It seems a very elegant and old city, with a charm that seems almost decadent, but besides the monuments and buildings I love the pictures with other people, passers-by, it brings color and a strange, nice melancholy as well.
Who knows who they are, who knows where they are going... 😁
Plaza Mayor is probably my favorite place.
Thank you for uploading the video, the sound helped me to feel like part of the scene! And I suddenly noticed that I miss Spain :)

I hope you will be able to visit her soon.
Don't be fooled, although it looks like a medieval walled city, it has a young, vibrant, party atmosphere.
Thanks for visiting here! 🤗🫶

I'm delighted with your images of beautiful Italy. 🫶

It's even nicer if you can find both things, history and youthful atmosphere, even though I’m starting to feel not so young anymore 😁

Gracias por apreciar mis imágenes :)

Yay! 🤗
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